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terje johnsen

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  1. The reasons goverment not do anything with the bruning is that they are afraid of losing voters. The party that have the prime minister was voted in by farmers and punish them is like losing power. If goverment wanted to do anything they just have to tell police to do their Job and they not do that.
  2. Many cars not move for hospital cars as they use the lights and siren Even if they are not out for rescue. Many ambulances use light and siren to get quicker past traffic Even they only go to lunch or go home that resultat in that thais stop respect them. There has to be a big change in rules to use light and sirens to gain respect again. But its No exuse for the driver of the honda he should let te ambulance go and i think he get the punishment he deserve.
  3. Its not the mods thay kill them its the speed they drive. With 30m brake marks its under no doubt that he had high speed as he still after baking had speed enough to kill him. A pickup is not built for speed as they are stiff they are built for carry load and can go on a litle terrain so when they have high speed they loose tracksion on the wheels.
  4. This will bring inflation to rise and make more problem for thais with loans. When price on food and services goes up it wont get down again. Its good for the people in the short term but real bad in the Long term.
  5. What have this to do with 8 million baht raggae band member scam? In mail list there is wrong topic.
  6. I have looked mutch crazy motorbike riding in Pattaya also and did this one use light on his as very many dont. I was driving in bkk sunday and stopped at red light. There was 3 lanes and a garbage truck windeling between the right and center lane when we wait for green light the garbage truck drive in to my car ripp off my fender and bumper and try to run away but we manage to stop him and call the police. When police come they just take photo of damage and left my incurance Company call for police again as the driver vas, on something and we went to police Office for tests they took only alcohol test that was negative but you could Look he use something. The police not find him for drive on red light not for try to flee and we had all on the dash cam. So moral here is there is one law for thai people and another for forigners.
  7. The sea not rise its bkk that sink as it buildt on clay and sand from the river and the Buildings are to heavy as they get more and bigger.
  8. unmatter how mutch money you need for month if its 65000 or 130000 for month the gangs have the money same if its 800k Vs 2000k the criminals have them they only block out the ordenary people they not get the rich people they hoping for.
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