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Posts posted by HighPriority

  1. Owl, your long post is sensational!

    It’s surely worthy of more than 6 reposts though…? 🤣🤣


    I showed some of your pics to Mrs HP and her sister Pakhapai and they say the fish you pic’d were “boy and girl” fish, Pla Nin.
    I however assume you didn’t get a pic of the fish you didn’t know ?

    As to your statue, I zoomed in and to me it looks like Rama 5 the butterfly guy…


    the sisters agree, which may mean not too much… 😎


    Did you actually miss the rain last night ?

    It didn’t pour but was a steady drizzle from about 7pm until dawn, at least here anyway. Brother says it was a good drop to get the rice to germinate. 

  2. Mrs HP’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2019, a matter of days after she had arrived in Australia. 
    A week after arriving she returned to Thailand and nursed him for 3-4 weeks until his death… and then returning to Australia. 

    Suddenly a global pandemic appeared and it’s now 5 years later ! 😳


    Today was time to go and say goodbye to dad at the little village temple. 
    Of course trying to be on my best behavior meant that I didn’t take any before/during pics 🙄


    Mrs HP having a yak yak with monk after the ceremony. 
    Eating what the monks didn’t 


    Then a look around the grounds


    My wife says these old tree trunks are sacred because they come from water ?


    • Like 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Well actually young fella, it on theirs as they tell me. But no mind, its conveneince rather than a necsssity, when I go to the USA next moth Ill just grab a a few thousand cash to fatten up my Asian accounte and save the fees

    Seems like a reasonably smart move for you 👍🏼

  4. 9 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


    Our new leccy three wheeler got something of a puncture last week. The tyre simply came off the rim. Bought an inner-tube the week before, but the man told Mrs Owl it wasn't needed; and put everything back as it was.


    Still non the wiser why it came off.  Making me think going to Udon on it is not such a good thing.


    No pics as I was in the farm when the tyre fix man came. 160 baht fee.

    I’d only expect a tyre to come off the rim if under inflated Owl ?

    I have spotted a couple of ev motorcycles, today, I’m not so sharp on picking out the cars though. 
    How is your 3 wheeler going otherwise ?

    • Like 1
  5. I know many of you guys have got/have had dud brother in laws, geez I’m lucky, mines pretty bloody good.

    I got sent off to the farm this arvo to help my “brother” Green.

    I had bought a second hand tractor and trailer in 2018 for the family farm (about B30000 from memory) today I finally got to see it in action.

    Most of the farm had been sown for rice in the past week but about 6 paddy’s still to be done was today’s job.

    I had no idea how important the timing of the plowing was regarding rain, I now understand…

    • Like 1
  6. Later, we saw Kun Somchai have problems at the intersection of the Nong Khai Rd and 2267 Rd…

    Hot on the scene were 2 of Thailands finest police to help him pour 5lt of petrol into his ute under the watchful eye of an emergency services crew, community policing at its best. 
    The kids are 17 and both of them and Mrs HP went into goggle eyed hysterics when I described the scene and named Somchai… “How you know about Somchai… “ 

    “Farang know all I said…” 🤣

    More laughter… 🤔

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Yagoda said:

    Ive given up on Wise since they started their shenanigans about the times involved in transfers and its comforting to see others are pissed too. 


    Their rationale is that my accounts arent verified, even though I have been drawing from them for years. 8 days from a major bank to Thailand? Nope.



    So you refuse to verify your account and it’s their fault…?

    Ummm, ok 👍🏼

    • Confused 3
  8. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    I've worked 1st tier customer service in the past - getting angry at the rep for the corporate policies and customer service talking points is stupid and rude.  It's not the person on the other end of the phone's fault. 


    If you want to spew shade at someone, get the address (email or snail mail) of the corporate head of Consumer Affairs and write to them.  Swearing and threatening the guy or gal on the help-desk is, again - stupid and rude.


    Really, there are ways to handle your complain and the way you handled it is not effective. 

    Just friendly advice.  Stay calm, work with the person on the customer service desk, if you are not happy (and wish to cuss at someone) ask to be put in contact with a supervisor.  Easy.

    Btw - the customer service rep you spoke with showed you the kind of restraint you yourself should practice.  Corporate policy and technical affairs are NOT their fault.  Be civil.  :thumbsup:

    Particularly when you have no plan b 🤣

  9. Geez, that sounds like a hell of a concussion Xylo, best to chase it up. 
    Congrats on your new digs too. 

    I had a chat with the manager of the Aussie Bar on Bangla, nice outgoing type, he seems fairly happy with Bangla for this time of year. 
    I’m in Phon Phisai at the moment but he offered to replay the Carlton v Port AFL game when I get back. 
    Can’t complain about that 👍🏼

  10. 24 minutes ago, jayboy said:


    Even the goofy language of these conspiracy theorists remains unchanged.These are the people that swore by the useless horse medicine Ivermection.


    Having said that there are some real questions about the Covid time,notably the whole question of lockdown's efficacy.

    The lockdown efficacy was purely to slow the transmission and reduce the total volume of people in the hospital system and it worked unequivocally. 

    I can understand questioning of the flow on effects of children and schools and general social issues. 


  11. Hey @xylophone how are you getting along ?

    I hope you’re a bit more comfortable and mobile now ?

    Ive been away for 5 years, some things the same, some different, Patong never stays still does it. 
    The weed shops are to be seen to be believed, they outnumber 7-11 by 50 to 1 😳

    Some rain would be welcome though…


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