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Posts posted by busgen

  1. I've heard there is a hotline for Pattaya noise pollution. Does anyone know about it? I can't find it and I think I'm going to need it at some point. I'm receiving the treatment of the wairoon every night after ten...

    Sorry for the late response.........try 1337 - Pattaya City Hall's Call center.

  2. If all you whingers only realized you were in Thailand and not your wonderful home countries then all this trivial nonsense about supermarket queues etc wouldn't bother you so much.

    What boring lives you must all lead if this is what you complain about. You are worse than the blue rinse brigade back home in blighty collecting the pensions on a wet monday morning.

    The c.unt can leave his country but the country cant leave the c.unt. Leave your ideals and expectations at the airport and you will find life isn't as bad as you think.

    Dumpster.........in this one I agree completely!!!!!

    Well, well, Rumpster....although I know nothing about the nature of your previous posts on the Forum, this acrimonious and offensive post of yours says volumes about you. You missed the point of the original post completely...and don't tell me that you didn't, as I should know; I am the original poster.

    It is a fact of life that supermarket retailing in Thailand needs some rationalisation and improvement.

    Your vitriolic and abusive attitude sums you up......and you bowl from the other end at the same time? Wow!!!!

    It's a fact that 99,9% of the foreigners, visiting a Thai supermarket, never visited a supermarket in their home country. If so, than you would have been noticed, that supermarkets in our homecountries are not different from the ones in Thailand. Compared to many supermarkets in France, Germany, Holland and Sweden, the Carrefours/Big C's, Lotuses aren't that bad. No opinion on Tops; never have been there.

    Please remember that a western supermarket in a foreign country has to work with the system and the people there.

  3. Please be aware of the fact that the (mobile) telephone numbers are about to change!!

    Obviously they are going to add an '8' after the first '0' effective from the 1st of September 2006

    09-1234567 becomes: 08-91234567

  4. BUT, luckily Pattaya's changning, day after day.

    Are we talking about Day-and-Night I or II? Or as if they are called now: Day-and-Night Hotel and Day-and-Night Appartments.

    About one year ago Day-and-Night (II) Appartments underwent major surgery; the rooms were refurbished, they made some shops, a nice restaurant and the disco disappeared. From what I've heard, it must be reasonable.

    Since the area around/between Day-and-Night I and II was upgraded it has become an additional gay area besides Pattayaland and Sunnee Plaza.

    No, I don't own the place and I don't have shares, so I won't sponsor the site with an add!! (sorry)

  5. Work permit now only granted for 3 months, before 2 times for 1 year ...why?

    According to the rules/law, I read it shouldf be possible to get it for 1 year, which is the validity of my non-immigrant-B. See attachement.10_steps_to_One_Year_Work_permit_and_visa.doc

    Anybody can comment on this?



    Basically, a wp is given for one year, but.........the first wp at a new employer is given for 3 months, because you have to show the labor department and immigration some prove that your employer is paying income tax. All the extentions are given for a year.

    So, after 3 months (before the experation date) you have to go the immigration and the labor department with the tax forms and they will extend wp and visa with 9 months up to 1 year.

  6. I thought a Non-Imm B visa (assuming that's what you had) was cancelled at the same date as a work permit, as they are linked?

    You're right: work permit and visa are kinked. As soon as your wp is cancelled, your visa will be cancelled automatically.

    The 7 days + 7 days are correct, but instead of leaving the country, you could use the 7 days to apply for a new work permit. Usually this goes pretty simple (with the proper paperwork from your new employer).

    I changed jobs some times now and I'm still in Thailand on my first non-immigrant B visa which was obtained in sep-2003.

    IF you have a new job than please don't wait until your former employer cancels the wp, you can do this yourself when you start the application of a new wp.

  7. 8-1-2006 my passport expired.

    I got a new passport on the 7-11-2005 and Sri Racha Immirgration re-stamped the complete visa story (non-immigrant :o.

    Within 6 months (on the 11-2-2006) I went to Europe on a re-entry visa and everything went without problems.

    I think that the validity of 6 months is important for the first entry, but it's not important anymore after the Thai immigration validated your passport with a visa.

  8. Most do hold them and to be honest it's not a biggie as if you change jobs your new employer will need to get their half anyway....which means you'll have to put in the same paperwork anyway....so don't sweat it.

    I've not seen mine in 6 years :o

    Officially and I mean.......officially, a TL number 11 is given once. It's a license issued on a person and not on a company. The person (teacher) should receive this original TL number 11.

    TL number 19 is issued to an employer and (officially) will be changed if you change the employer.

    In reality, and I mean.........reality, if you change jobs, the new employer will apply for a complete new set of TL number 11 and number 19. He will give the teacher copies (when asked) and keep the originals.

    Not many teachers do have their TL's.

  9. francois

    We had similar change with landlines in Belgium a few years back. :o

    Changes like that are bound to happen....probably unavoidable. :D

    So yeah give Thailand a break :D

    Indeed Francois, Holland had the same.......and if the article is true.......there will be no problem for the next 30 years.........!

    About the addresses (not that it belongs in here): very hard to change but very easy to use:

    1. if you need your address for visitors, than you need to be complete: name, housenumber, moo x, Soi Y, Village, compound or condominium A, Street name (and maybe another street name), Subdistrict, District, Zipcode and Province. Yes, to get a cramp somewhere!!

    2. For the mail man: name, housenumber 111/23, Moo x, zipcode and province. Really; this is enough. The above mentioned combination of housenumber - moo - zipcode and province is unique and the mail is sorted on it.

  10. Dear forum manager,

    if this topic has some kind of thread, I'm sorry for that. Please feel free to move the topic into the excisting thread.

    More and more I encounter (without asking) the ict.cyberclean.org page when browsing the internet.

    For a lot of websites I understand the interference of ict.cyberclean.org, but more and more decent gaysites are hit.

    Take for example www.gaythailand.com, what is wrong with this site?

    If I browse for similar female sites and look into a lot of open wounds as I call the female genitals, there is minimal interference.

  11. The whole Thai telecomunication system is a joke and a farce.

    And what about the users?

    This time I won't judge, moralize or whatever. I'll just give some examples of the use of the NET in Thailand:

    1. Appointment with 11 of my students for a night out to some restaurant. Appointment was made 2 weeks prior to the event, but on the moment itself, the 5 cars "talked" each other to their destination.

    2. I receive phonecalls from people I don't know. People just dial a number and wait for some repsonse. Obviously these callers need some attention or just want to talk to someone!! My friend spent last Sunday almost 5 hours talking to someone who phoned me. I didn't know the person and passed the phone to my friend: they had a great time together.

    3. Listen to a telephone conversation between Thais (I know, it's not appropriate) and you will hear a lot of 'replays'. It's for a lot of people not easy to communicate on the phone.

    4. Driving and ........... well the law should do someting against it. As soon as people get into their car or onto their motorbike, they start making phonecalls.

    5. At the beginning of my teaching career I asked my students to turn off their phones: 25% of them didn't come back after the first lesson. I don't ask it anymore; a phone is some kind of life line you shouldn't touch!

    6. The sales manager in my company has 2 phones and he is always in a struggle with one of them; he must be very popular.

    Just some examples of telephone use in Thailand and maybe some reasons for an overloaded network.

  12. i just got a job working in hua hin as a teacher...teaching high school lev kids low lev english. there offering me 28,000 baht as starting pay per month.....is that to low???? or should i be makeing more??

    any help would be great. thank you

    ฿ 28,000 is not bad at all. Usually the employers start at ฿ 19,000/20,000. After probation it should go up.

    If you want to do some statistics, check out ajarndotcom, compare jobs and offers.

  13. Unfortunately though the above course DOESN'T conform to the 100 plus hours class time (I'm afraid 5 days of training and some DVDs does not equate to this however much you squint at it) that is the international standard worldwide.

    The 'above' mentioned course includes 120 hours class time. The 5 days intensive class room training is enough together with the dvd, vcd's.

    It does not then include 120 hours class time I'm afraid. It contains 5 days of minimal training and then some DVDs...you then give them a job at a school...this is not training and people will run into problems like this (which is the same course as you offer):

    was invited by AUA for an interview after a recruiter saw my resume on ajarn.com. After trekking out to my interview, I was enthusiastically greeted and my credentials were reviewed. With a B.A. English, more than 10 years' teaching experience and a California teaching credential, I was an attractive prospect...at least that's what I was told. Then my interview abruptly ended. Horrors!! I had only taken a one-week TEFL class from TEFL International, and my interviewer was adamant that I needed 120 face-to-face hours of TEFL instruction. When I pointed out that yes, I didn't have 120 face-to-face TEFL instruction hours but more than 10 years of credentialed ESL teaching experience, it didn't matter. I was shown the door. I will admit that prior to my ejection, I did receive a tour of the facility by a "qualified" instructor, someone so inarticulate that every other word he uttered was "like," "y'know" or "uhhhhh."
    All together it'l take about 10 weeks to obtain your TEFL/TESOL certificate. A course such as T&T takes about 6 weeks which includes everything; even the 120 hours class room experience.


    Mate you're being a bit devious here...you give them a JOB after 5 days of training....so it's not actually even a week I'm afraid. Sending someone to a school to teach for 8 weeks or so is not classed as in class training (it even says on the website it's not training) however you try to spin it (as per the quote above I'm afraid and this is just for AUA...not even a top tier school IMO).

    To be honest, Ken, I did the T&T course and I used to train new teachers at WorldwideTEFL, so I'm able to speak of experiences.

    LoL while we're on about honesty mate you're knocking a competing course as you OWN and RUN Worldwide TEFL....please don't be naughty and fib on here. And it can't have been that a bad a course if it trained you to be able to train other teachers :o Not a lot you can really say to that is there???


    Well, I .................. oh, <deleted>......why do I take part in this kind of discussions if people start to compare an apple with an egg.

  14. Well Dumpster, it seems that you have an abo on every post in this forum. You work here? Obviously you have nothing better to do than bother people with your so called wisdom.

    I have a job here too, I have a partner here too, I pay tax here too and I contribute in the same way as all the other people.

    I am still a guest and I (and you) should behave that way. If our hosts want to get rid of us, Dumpster, they don't need much to do so, contributions or not.

    BTW; BS is that bullshit?

    busgen, it is a forum and so people post and then people reply to those posts. Get the idea?

    If you want me to say what a great post and I agree with all that you say, well i'm sorry if I don't see it your way then I will say so. If I agree, I will say so. I'm not saying I am right or wrong just posting my experiences, as you are. If you are so sensitive that you can't take anothers take on life, then I would suggest you don't post.

    How often I post should be of no concern of yours really. As you may note I have around 200 posts to my name, where as others are well into the 1000's and some more. For all you know, I may well sit at my computer all day but I dont. I have been on holiday for 12 weeks which is why I've posted more often but now i'm back to work so my posts may well be fewer. I do take time to make an effort an post regularly. I wish others would do the same as it would make the gay forum more interesting. maybe the other posters are busy or are not interested as much, each to their own. These last few days there has only been 3 of us posting. I can't help that. If somebody wanted to say something then I guess they would.

    As for being "guests" and those in charge kicking us out, well I doubt they would ever consider such a move. The economy is so intertwined with that of the west that I just cant see it happening. Then there are all the mixed marriages and the children of those marriages. These are going to increase as more westerners settle here. In time I can see the authorities relaxing the laws more in favour of "guests" but like most things here it won't be next week or next year but maybe within the next decade.

    In my believe, a forum should be a medium where people can share their experiencies. An experience is a peronal thing. An event with a certain outcome, may be differently experienced by all visitors or attendants. A political situation in a country is for some threatning for others a stabil situation. If this forum is for people to tell other people about their experiences, than you should add YOUR experience and not your JUDGEMENT on other peoples experiences.

    For the "kicking out the guests". I wasn't talking about the investors, I was talking about you and me The 'normal' people, trying to make the best out of things. Even if you have the feeling of being integrated into Thai society, there is always a way to get you out.

  15. Busgen .... if you cannot see the differences in the posts in this thread and the one you hijacked about Chonburi ... well then I am horribly sorry!

    That being said you will fit in nicely with about 1/2 the folks in this forum so no big deal :o

    Thanks JD, than at least I've integrated somewhere!! To which half fo you belong, JD?

    I maybe don't see the differences in some posts JD, but I have noticed that a lot of posters write with a split pen (same as speaking with a split tongue).

  16. We are nothing more than a guest in this country. And that's how I behave. We were basically not invited, we invited ourselves.

    Oh another "we are only guests" post. . Boy, It’s like those letters you read in the Bangkok post that start, “first let me say what a great honor it is to live in you fantastic country” and the go on to point out some inadequacy about the place. I just want to vomit when I hear that.

    Well actually I work here. I pay tax here. I have a partner here. If my partner moved to my country, people wouldn’t call him a guest. I live here and I have a life here and the only reason you and others say we are guests is because of the nationalistic BS that exists. People who are so wrapped up in protecting a piece of land in a flag of red white and blue. Only the ridicules law here calls me a guest and that law exists here and in other countries to keep those who have gained power in power. We live on planet earth, we just happen to have been born on a certain patch of it. So what if that patch is called Thailand or the U.K. Just because I don’t have a piece of bureaucratic paper saying otherwise I will never consider myself a guest because I’m contributing to this country the same as someone who was born here, if not more so.

    Well Dumpster, it seems that you have an abo on every post in this forum. You work here? Obviously you have nothing better to do than bother people with your so called wisdom.

    I have a job here too, I have a partner here too, I pay tax here too and I contribute in the same way as all the other people.

    I am still a guest and I (and you) should behave that way. If our hosts want to get rid of us, Dumpster, they don't need much to do so, contributions or not.

    BTW; BS is that bullshit?

  17. I'm absolutely stunned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In another topic: Where is gay life in Chonburi city? I obvious wrote some statements concerning gays and guys in Thailand, that were for some people a reason to call me everything: from ignorant racist to bitter farang.

    What I read in this forum......written by the same people who called me a racist and a bitter person.........has everything to do with the same point of view: Thai culture and Thai style.

    After browsing this TV forum for some days now, I only can say this: the Thai culture is a very special culture. A culture in which religion and Royal belief play an enormous important role. In order to understand the Thai culture and Thai style of life you must try to know more about the religion and the Royal influence. Unfortunately, the Thai is not "allowed" to discuss those items in public so you'll have to do it book or browse wise.

    If you have a problem with one or more Thais it is basically caused by misunderstanding. I've learned a lot and I learn every day.

    If you have a problem with Thai authorities, than it is because you weren't aware of some regulations which appear to be not-logic.

    Thai do not easyily que up; Thai wear a helmet to avoid a police fine....not for their safety; Thai men work in gay bars (being straight) for the easy money; Thai don't fear death (Budha takes care!!); Thai are very tolerant until ............; Thai are all very corrupt, but they do it in public and everybody knows; Thai always say OK and Can do!, they will deal with the consequences; I can go on and on............and please understand me..........all the above doesn't bother me anymore.

    If I hold the door for a Thai who is right behind me, if I give way (or better: don't take it), if I'm in a que with a full shopping basket and I let the person behind me go first with her tube of toothpaste and I hear a soft Khob khun Kaa/Khrub, than my day is all right.

    I don't try to improve the world on my own, I just try not to forget what my culture and my parents taught me!!

    We are nothing more than a guest in this country. And that's how I behave. We were basically not invited, we invited ourselves. Of course most of us are more than welcome and that has not only a financial reason. Sometimes (luckily not every day), I think about the minority groups in my home country. About their perspective of their new 'home' country, because that's what we are.........part of a minority group.

    I think, that some posters who called me a racist earlier, will no call me something like: underdog type of thing........well up to you!!

  18. Unfortunately though the above course DOESN'T conform to the 100 plus hours class time (I'm afraid 5 days of training and some DVDs does not equate to this however much you squint at it) that is the international standard worldwide.

    The 'above' mentioned course includes 120 hours class time. The 5 days intensive class room training is enough together with the dvd, vcd's.

    All together it'l take about 10 weeks to obtain your TEFL/TESOL certificate. A course such as T&T takes about 6 weeks which includes everything; even the 120 hours class room experience.


    To be honest, Ken, I did the T&T course and I used to train new teachers at WorldwideTEFL, so I'm able to speak of experiences.

  19. My 4x4 Vigo truck is a bit bouncy unloaded compared to a car, but settles down when carrying a few passengers. I do not intend to install any Carryboy yet. Anybody has this minor problem and manage to solve it?

    Well Nokia,

    my Toyota Vigo 4x2 is also pretty bumpy, as was my former car, Isuzu DMax.

    An aquainted car body shop owner, who drives a Vigo 4x4 himself, suggested me to mount so called gas jocks or gas shocks.

    No experience on that one, but it seems to help.

  20. My Mitsubishi pickup is due for its 100,000km service.

    Does anyone know of any service garage capable of doing this, anywhere between Chonburi and Sattahip?

    I've been to the Pattaya Mitsubishi dealership and they only deal in trucks and imports and don't seem to know what they are talking about. Sri Racha Mitsubishi are new and only have the new models…..

    I don't need a Mitsubishi dealer per se, simply someone who has the equipment to check timing, injectors etc etc……

    I usually go to a place in Pattaya on Sukhumvit Road.

    How to find it:

    driving from Banglamung/Naklua on Sukhumvit direction Sattahip just before the JET Gasstation on the left hand side there is "BP". (green sign with yellowish text)

    They also sell used cars.

    Price indication on a check of my Isuzu DMax (for 2 weeks):

    oil change, oil filter change, fuel filter change, clean the cooling system, check and clean the brakes, inspection of the drive line. Labor time about 1.5 hours. Total cost 1.345 THB

    It's a clean and organized place. A lot of Song Taew (pick up taxis) go there, so I can't be too expensive.

  21. Where to go? Pfffffff, what do you want?

    Chevy and Isuzu use basically the same technique, only the design of interior and front differs.

    According to some Thai, Isuzu and Chevy are popular, but you'll loose to much after some years.

    Toyota is far out the most popular car the LOS, but the delivery time can be very long. When you are lucky and 'your' car is in stock or somewhere around, the car can be delivered in a few days. Otherwise you might have to wait weeks or even months.

    In the case of my company who bought a Toyota Vigo J 4x2 D4D on 28-12-2005............, this car was delivered last week (7-5-2006).

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