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Posts posted by Thrip

  1. Is anybody and everybody that is sick at the moment instantly diagnosed as having Covid 19? Seems bizarre that I don't know anyone with it. Seems more bizarre that a small number of people are working most days dealing with the public as cashiers etc while the rest of us are told to sit at home. They never get sick while the news tells me Covid 19 is rampaging. Why do I always see the same people being made to work when no-one else is? My eyes do not see what the news is telling me. Too much <deleted> surrounding this virus.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I am glad I am not locked down where I live. I enjoy the sea and people are well=spaced and everyone is wearing masks and basically not interacting with each other. They all look sad and frustrated but they all look healthy otherwise. No jackboots giving out fines and forcing people indoors to go crazy watching news reports and governments fighting. The sun is giving people hope and businesses are slowly returning to life. Apparently nature caused this so seeking refuge in nature to help retain a semblance of humanity makes sense to me. Keep your distance, wash your hands, use your own transport where possible and you will have a better chance of coming out of this saner and healthier than the poor people being forced to stay indoors. Anyone that can work online, good luck to you. I lost my job and it doesn't look like coming back soon. So if anyone has a problem with me walking in the hills or along the beach by myself, go f@@k yourself.

  3. 23 minutes ago, jastheace said:

    irony wasted. land of thieves and not one with an IQ higher than their shoe size. 555

    No irony involved in your comment. You are just an idiot. Tell the next Aussie you meet about the land of thieves and the shoe size intelligence. I am sure they will enjoy your quick wit and "irony" as you call it. Be sure to check your pockets after you wake up too.

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