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Posts posted by WyrldTraveler

  1. On 6/20/2019 at 12:29 AM, rumbo1 said:

    Would this also mean anyone arriving visa exempt or tv and planning a 1900 baht 30 day extension now have the added expense of having to pay for a change of return flight details ?

    While it would require a short-term commitment of funds, one could buy a VERY EXPENSIVE one way FULLY-REFUNDABLE ticket to show proof of onward travel and then cancel after arrival for FULL REFUND.  Your flight does not need to be round-trip, but you must show proof of onward travel.  One can always state that the later round-trip departure was for convenience; it was cheaper to pay for a 90-day stay than a 30-day stay, etc.

  2. On 6/19/2019 at 4:02 AM, nickmondo said:

    So is it possible for me to go to Immigration early February next year to renew the visa 4 months early?  therefore changing my annual renewal date?

    Anybody actually done this sort of thing (rather than just giving opinion) 

    Anything is possible.  If one reads the forum  (and pays attention) one will likely notice that

    things  that worked last month, last year or five years ago may no longer work. Everything is changing in Thai immigration. Because of this, the best people to ask are the officials who actually have the authority to make the decision: the officers at Thai immigration.

    Government officials are there to provide a service to the public. If you treat them with respect and compassion for the miserable situation in which they are forced to work, you may discover that you can actually get service.

    A good rule of thumb to follow is that officials are more likely to do what is easy. On the other hand, you may have caught them on a day when they were reminded that the agency earns fees for providing services and they are more inclined to do something which will cost you money. It is impossible to know which situation you will get on any given day.

    If it was predictable, it would not be exciting. If you prefer boring, don't rock the boat. If you want to live in interesting life, go out there and do things, try things, and see what happens.

    Otherwise, you are wasting everyone's time.

  3. Superiority is judged by the receiver, not the one offering information.  If personal experience is superior in the eyes of the reader, so be it.  If reading a book by some degreed intellectual (I am one also) is better, so be it.  If watching a video by some random blogger is better, so be it.


    Everyone is ultimately responsible for their experience.  If you do not like what I offer here (for free) here on TV, kindly petition the management for a 150%  refund.  They may double it.  To maintain appearances, if nothing else.  Such is Thailand.


    If one wants to play mental masturbation, any thread is fair game.  I won't waste my time.  Cuenca is a nice town.  It's not for everyone.  Some people enjoy NYC, but not me.  To each their own.  I serve only to sharpen your focus; I have no agenda other than to provide honest service to clients.


    No matter where you are, you will die someday.  You may go quickly, or you may take ages.  Some say that it is a personal choice, while others are not so forgiving.  Your reality is, well, yours.


    Own it if you will.  Or blame others for your fate. 





  4. Internet voyeurism flourishes.


    I had a very gay colleague in University in the 90's from Mexico.  Discrimination is likely BS.  Otherwise, it would be going backwards.


    As for medical costs, don't expect the Cleveland Clinic for 36 USD per month.


    If you can't afford to travel in the third world full time, you can't afford to relocate.  Your income is too small, or your priorities are simply wrong.  Anyone who puts Netflix before healthcare deserves what they get.


    As for costs, you have to go there yourself.  I am amazed at the BS about needing $3K/mo. to have a comfortable Ecuadorean lifestyle when I pay $200/mo for an overpriced one bedroom apartment all-included.  I can't spend $3K/mo in this village without illegal drug use (which I don't do anyways) but even then it would be difficult. 


    If your sex life at this age is all-encompassing, maybe you should look at your priorities?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Most immigration offices would do the extension with a 3 day overstay. You will pay a overstay fine of 500 baht per day.


    If you are proactive, simply going to Immigration and informing them of what you are doing can ease the process.  Some officers 'punish' overstays by making them wait until the end of the day before they process the paperwork.  By being friendly and cooperative, you might get timely service and get out of there before lunch.


    My experience shows that this can work.  It was explained to me that the fine was "required by law"; the officer was apologetic in his presentation. 


    Conversely, being a self-righteous, demanding jerk will guarantee that your case will be considered for the harshest treatment permitted under existing regulations.  Your life; your call.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Did I miss something in a previous post?

    You mention 'From My Manuscript'

    What manuscript? What is your manuscript? Have you mentioned your manuscript before?

    I'm writing a book.  As I posted previously, I am not here soliciting business.  Books are commercial activities (if one intends to sell them, of course.)  It is not yet published.


    As for homophobia in Latin America, it is ill-advised to only research on the Internet.  "Boots On The Ground", live, in-person research is best as the information goes through only your perceptual filters and no one else's.  It has never been easier or cheaper to travel and explore.  Otherwise, you are engaged in mental masturbation.  If that's all you want, have fun with that. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I want to ask you if any of those applications involved the need for a police report from THAILAND? If so, can you share some details about that process for any nations that you did that for. If you don't know, Thailand is not an apostille treaty nation but nations that require documents from Thailand still need them formally officialized. 

    From my manuscript:


    To obtain the Police Certificate, you should apply in person at the Special Branch of the Royal Thai Police  You should bring:

    • Certified copies of your passport, marriage, divorce and name change certificates and military record (if applicable)

    • Two recent passport-size photographs (2.5 cm × 5 cm in height) per applicant

    • Cash to pay fees.  You may be required to make a deposit into a local bank account instead of paying in cash.

    • Two sets of original fingerprints (must be taken by: the local police, the Royal Thai Embassy or the Consulate in your country of residence and must bear the official seal and be signed (wet-ink signature) by the person taking the fingerprints.  Printed and stamped signatures are not acceptable in nearly all cases.

    • Anything else they can show that you need (such as original passport, local identity card, etc.) as thee things change over time and without notice.

    Legalization is done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Legalization Division of Consular Affairs Department.  Be prepared for a bureaucratic run-around as they are not in control of the systems put into place and are working to perform their tasks and provide services to the public under difficult conditions.  Expect having to wait up to a week for the documents to be legalized.  DO NOT LOSE YOUR RECEIPT!


    Before you leave Thailand, it is advisable to present the documents to the local Consulate of the destination country for certification.  Once certified by a representative of the destination country, the document is acceptable as a legal document everywhere in that country.  Be advised that you may be required by the destination country to have the translation certified and legalized as well, incurring additional costs in funds and time.


    Patience is advised.  Smile often and sincerely.  It really does help.


    If you desire more in-depth information or personal services, you may contact me via PM.  I am not here to solicit business, but there are limits to how much I will give away for free.




    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    US citizens area allowed to have 2 original passports?  Do you mean to have two USA passports?  I like the idea but I doubt that is true.  Or do you mean they can have passports from two countries?

    In the event that travel is required and passport is not available (i.e. ticket to Singapore for meeting and India is still processing your business visa and have your passport until aforementioned visa is issued), a second passport can be issued at the discretion of the official granting the request.  You will have to pay for it, of course, but you can have more than one active passport in the system.


    This issue arises when traveling around Israel, where other Arab states will refuse entry if you have a stamp from Israel, as another example.


    In the case of the OP, who allegedly has no friends, he could have retained a lawyer to act on his behalf in the event of a crisis such as this one. 



  9. 2 hours ago, Don Mega said:

    The person you qouted, is the OP.

    On Page Four, some forum members may not recall the statements of the OP, so I quoted them as a reference.  This individual is obviously a seasoned traveler, so this is looking increasingly like an elaborate prank for his own amusement if he does not intend to do anything about his alleged issue, such as inquiring of Immigration if a report has been filed and, if so, the ramifications of such a report.

    • Like 1
  10. Having advised people professionally on relocating to Latin America in particular, I can contribute the following:

    • Cosmopolitan areas are generally tolerant of homosexuality (Panama has a running joke in some circles that you have to be at least bisexual to be President) but people have a public persona and a private persona; one keeps one's bedroom practices discreet, whether you are banging the secretary at lunch (don't do it on the desk in the office) and you don't publish it on Facebook.
    • Law enforcement will prosecute violent crimes, regardless of gender orientation.
    • Foreigners are permitted to be weird, but not to flaunt the law.


    I have held permanent residency in Panama, Ecuador and Paraguay.  One should not decide to immigrate to another country based solely on what they read on the Internet (where everything is of course true) or from rah-rah publishing houses like International Living.  One should go and spend significant amounts of time there before committing, like dating before marriage.


    In other news:

    Panama has announced a new program for USA passport holders which is cheap and does not require large investments, but is not a residency program.  One can stay one year and renew every year for a total of five years as a sort of glorified tourist.  It does not grant you an identity card, but you can get a driving license.  The required documents are the same for residency (police clearance, marriage certificate if married, blood test to show you don't have AIDS, etc.) and is reported to cost $100USD/year. As this is by Presidential decree, this is still a developing story.




    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, WorldWunder said:

    Due to my job I keep/kept a pretty low profile. This included making any real friendships as I moved around almost monthly. Price of my Service. And I was recruited specifically because I was an orphan so double whammy. But my idiocy to not have proper backups here like I have in Singapore, UK and elsewhere was shortsighted. I assumed $300 or so was enough to get out of any jam plus I don't pay airfare due to a ridiculous amount of airline miles so I thought all would be good. But I've only gotten one actual answer to if I would be denied an extension due to the either official or unofficial alert to immigration.

    The OP is asking forum members about an Immigration decision.  Only officers of Immigration can answer these questions as they are the only ones qualified to do so.  Possibly a good psychic or fortune teller could, but those are increasingly rare.   As no forum members have identified themselves as officers of Thai immigration, it should be glaringly obvious that no one is answering as no one is qualified to answer the question, with the one exception of the poster who thought they had an answer. (People sometimes make honest mistakes, I believe we can all accept that and move on.)  We can guess, we can postulate, we can relay stories of past experiences, but nobody appears to be an actively employed member of the Thai immigration authority.


    It appears obvious to many forum participants that obtaining the funds and paying the obligation appears to many as the easiest way to resolve the alleged 'report' which may cause difficulties. OP appears to be unwilling to explore these avenues. 


    OP has not expressed any willingness to communicate directly with those authorities which can provide definitive guidance.


    OP might not have any 'friends', but that term is relative.  Expats are a fairly easygoing bunch who are often willing to help people out when they are in a bind, because we are comparatively few in number and strangers in a strange land.  Maybe making a 'friend' for a week or so is too threatening.  We don't know.  I don't do diagnoses of paranoia as I am not a licensed medical professional at this time and do not play one in the media, either.


    If OP is truly a member of the " 'shadow arts' special projects club" of the US defense establishment, he may be able to reach out to JUSMAGTHAI or the Defense Attache at the US embassy, but it sounds like that was long ago.


    Either OP can go talk to Immigration or he can resolve the payment issue and obtain proof to show that the alleged report is without merit if any issue is brought up, neither of which appear to be acceptable to the OP.  We have a threat which may not be credible and a re-entry dispute which may never materialize.  At this point this is beginning to look like an exercise in wasting time to me.

    • Like 1
  12. I did not realize that NetSpend was a card issuer.  My apologies. 


    Five minutes of research shows that NetSpend allows DirectDeposit, which has an account with ABA routing number and Account number, which is what you need to set up any interbank transfer. 


    Set up a DirectDeposit automatic payment to the card at $500/month or whatever and you should have a funded card which can be used to make Moneygram transfers with no problem. 


    US law provides the same legal backing to voice authorizations, scanned written and faxed authorizations.  As a long time customer of the credit union, they can make exceptions to the 'rules' due to special circumstances.  They may not be able to FedEx or express the card as a third-party may be generating the card, so no surprise there.  But they can authorize a new transaction over the phone/fax/etc on the managerial level.  They can certainly verify that you are in Thailand from your transaction history.


    There is also the possibility of contacting NetSpend about a one-time funding by bank transfer if the Direct Deposit route fails.


    Immigration can be very helpful if you are patient, polite and are proactive about your situation and sincerely ask them for their wise counsel prior to becoming an illegal and having to pay a fine.  "Is it possible to get a one-time extension while this is resolved?"   Most farang are rude, self-important jerks and we see their stories here on ThaiVisa regularly.  Don't be that farang.


  13. This is rapidly deteriorating into a "pay attention to me" scenario as OP does not appear to be thinking rationally anymore.


    Money issue- Transferwise (or bank transfer) to friend who gives you the cash from their Thai (or US) ATM card. .  Alternatively,  Walmart Moneycard and Green Dot both allow top-offs by domestic (US) bank transfer, so this sounds fishy.  OP does not provide card issuer for prepaid card, so no one else can refute their story, making OP look more and more like a Drama-seeker than an honest (with themselves, anyway) seeker of solutions, however unpleasant.


    Pay hotel bill.


    • Like 2
  14. Understanding legal concepts and government is alot like studying Black Magic. 


    Don't confuse Residential Address with where you sleep.  You don't register with the authorities every time you go on holiday.  The government wants an address from where they can reasonably start to track you down if they need to find you (if you are an accused criminal, or next-of-kin to a deceased lottery winner, etc.)  Nothing worth getting too excited.

  15. Depending on your birth country, your nationality is determined by that nation's laws.  You would benefit from study should you decide to research the concepts below:


    • Jus soli

    • Jus sanguine

    All modern nations are organized as corporations.  As such, they have internal laws which are not required to be harmonized with other corporations unless some external framework or agreement (a 'treaty') is created and enforced by involved parties. 


    How these legal approaches are applied in the countries will impact your citizenship status.  In your case, you will have to look at how Thailand, Suriname and the Netherlands apply these principles.  (Also important is to look at how the Dutch Kingdom approaches your status if you are not a corporate citizen, but a royal subject outside the corporation, or a Free man born upon the Land under so-called Natural law.  Or all of the above.)  The more you know, the weirder it gets.  Your school teachers have no idea what they are teaching, but simply parrot what they were told as it seems to work for everyone else.


    Thai law may require you to register and report for the draft (conscription, military service, national service) but you may be able to do this from outside Thailand via a consulate.  You may be able to obtain exemption by entering a monastic order (Buddhism is not at odds with Christianity if one approaches it as a training institution instead of a religious institution).  Once you realize that most of the components of our shared reality are fake (or imaginary) constructs, your options expand and clarity is easier to find.  This tends to irritate people who do not actively pursue spiritual study, but there is nothing I can do about that.  Seek and ye shall find, it is written.


    As a training institution, monastic orders enforce discipline and subjugation of self under a greater whole, just like military institutions.  I enjoyed the military lifestyle, but did not particularly like most of the people whom I served under, nor those with whom I served.  I tend to pick better neighbors when left to my own devices.


    The secret is to avoid fear.  Don't be scared.  Be prepared.


    The other secret is to realize that puberty is a very bizarre time psychologically.  The brain is changing while the body is changing and we are expected to act as if nothing is happening by Society.  If our brain hormones were fluctuating in the same manner in our 30s as they do in our teen years, we would be diagnosed as clinically insane.  Anything that happens in this period in your life is really not worth worrying about.  Focus on getting through it without making any huge mistakes, like getting in trouble with the law (or getting anyone pregnant) and you should make a fine member of the human race.



  16. Adam, I am a decorated soldier with combat experience.  I enjoyed the Army, disliked combat and despised some of the morons with whom  I served . 


    Earlier, a posting, to which you responded:


    On 11/29/2018 at 5:18 PM, unblocktheplanet said:
    Hi Adam! My info on this subject is very up-to-date. And I'm really glad you're thinking about the draft well in advance.
       #1 Unless you or your parents have already informed Thai authorities, there is no requirement for you to tell them about your Dutch nationality. So DON’T tell them! If you entered Thailand as Thai, you’re Thai not Dutch.
       #2 The Thai military draft runs off birth dates on Thai ID cards; there’s a quota system for each area depending on personnel needs. IF Thai officials    already know about your Dutch nationality, DON’T get that Thai ID card. I believe you’ll fall through the cracks.
       #3 DON’T follow the OP’s advice to do ROTC in school—why train to be a slave…worse, a killer slave? ROTC will leave you permanently in the military reserves, ready for call tp active duty at any time. ROTC only gets you out of pulling that ticket.
       #4 IF you reach 18 & are called to the draft, deferrals are readily available for education until age 25. You MUST legally show up. However, there is no legal requirement for you to draw lots. Pulling a ticket gives you a two-thirds chance of NOT being drafted. If you DON’t pull a chit, they’ll just send you home with no legal penalty—as of today, no telling what will be the situation in five years. For now, you can be a conscientious objector by not drawing lots.
       #5 AFTER you turn 18, there are lots of choices &, as one OP mentioned, you can leave Thailand until you’re past draft age.
    #6 Perhaps, as many of us hope, conscription slavery will have been abolished in Thailand. If we’re really lucky, the military itself will have been judged useless & trashed, as well.
       #7 Meanwhile, don’t stress over this. Just guide yourself by planning with the draft in mind.
    The lesson is that military violence in history has never proven a permanent solution to conflict over social issues. Peace works. Violence does  not.
    Good luck, Adam!

    My god! You spent much time in this. By far the most useful reaction. Thank you for who ever you are.

    I moved to Thailand because there were some problems in the Netherlands with the authorities.
    Yeah. I should think in advance, other my future is blown to hell. Now learning Thai about 6 month. I failed the Thai Subjects at school. Now I am for 1 month in summer school. Although my mom is Thai, in the Netherlands living for 13 years we never talked Thai. We spoke Dutch with eachother.

    So having a hard time getting good on a Thai School as a foreigner + being stressed about Military. I just want a normal life. That includes
    -Going to school
    -Going to college
    -Marry me a beatiful honey
    -Having Kids
    -Take for my family
    -Die peacefully

    1. Too late, already told.
    2. Recently got Thai ID
    3. Was thinking about that. People say when you are a Military Refugee from grade 10 to 12. You won't be conscripted.
    4. Umm yeah...
    5. No, I like Thailand. But I'd like to avoid Military.
    6. That ain't no happening since the past elections this week...if you know what I mean.
    7. Son of God! Hallelujah!

    A few points which will infuriate many TV posters:


    • Much can change in 5 years.  Focus on becoming a better Man than you think you can become.  See what happens.
    • If Thailand recognizes foreign military service for dual-nationals, you can serve as a hippie in the Dutch Army and defend the Tulip festival.
    • Get an education.  Fluent English speakers might be forced to serve as English Teachers (maybe as officers, such a difficult mission!)
    • If you are angry at age 18, the military might be a great outlet for your violent urges.  See what happens.
    • Quit paying attention to politics.  They are slightly higher level distractions than the soap operas and daily news propaganda.
    • Ignore your language progress for another year.  It takes a long time to learn a language (2 years for babies who have no other options!)  It will come. I use 5 languages.
    • You can always enter a monastery for a while to avoid service.  Christian or otherwise.


    Pay attention to today.  A tuk-tuk driver can ruin everything if you aren't paying attention.



  17. Loss of passport must be reported to Royal Thai Police at the nearest police station, so you can document being without documents.  Bring ALL of your supporting identification documents, including flight itineraries, library cards, your UK ID/driving license, etc. to prove who you are.  Cops feel better if they can point to a mountain of supporting evidence to back up such a claim. 


    That, in turn, can be used to generate more papers from the Immigration folks, including the record of your visa, which is on file somewhere, one would hope.


    One should also report the loss (preferably with the Thai police report paperwork) to the local UK Consul to expedite a new passport.  Most bureaucracies treat lost passports as if you can't find it before you head off on your holidays in a few months, unless they are informed that you're not playing games here.


    When the new passport arrives, you can get a replacement visa issued in new passport. 



    • Thanks 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, connda said:

    I don't understand why that money can't be transferred between the receiving account for the SSA payment and a normal BKK Bank ATM account via Bualuang online banking. 

    The banks are required to comply with Anti-Money Laundering rules as established by the Bank's compliance department.  One lawyer asleep at the wheel and you get goofy policies.


    It is possible that personally appearing for the funds makes Management feel better so, if you are a Bad Apple, they can produce a warm body for Interpol when you come for your illicitly-garnered pension funds.  Or something.  I skipped school when we studied Mind Reading 101.

    • Like 1
  19. 29 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    I have an account at Bangkok Bank.  Is there an advantage or disadvantage to filling out the SSA 1199 Form to have the funds deposited directly to the Bankgkok Bank here in Thailand?  For someone who is currently having their Social Security deposited to the New York branch of Bangkok Bank is there a delay or a fee when it is transferred to Thailand?  Do you just use the ABA routing and transit number and the account number of the savings account here in Thailand and BKK New York automatically credits that account? 

    If you want to be certain that Immigration accepts your deposit, you may wish to use the SWIFT deposit instructions for <US agency here> to deposit your funds directly.


    Your account should have a flag set to accept international incoming wire transfers in the amount of <whatever your pension is> so they know that it is an expected transfer.  Otherwise, it will be rejected by the robots as a potential criminal act.  This is spelled out in the Basel III accords.


    While anything else may be technically correct (since it's all electronic and basically free for the banking system anyhow), Immigration is not part of the Banking Cabal and doesn't care how it works; only if it appears to meet the most strict interpretation of the 'rules' as they currently have them.



  20. 16 hours ago, stevew407 said:

    Currently in Buenos Aires and trying to get to the USA.  The whole world controversies on Visa's including our great leader Trump is or does just give me or us something to do or talk about.  I am in the middle of a mess as I feel in love with a beautiful Thai woman.  I would like to take her to the USA on ANY TYPE VISA and there is a lot of history..........but not sure why I am even posting or writing this as I really like the KISS theory or the Visas for Dummies books..........  but obviously there is a lot of time, money and employment going on - who would of thunk it?  Obviously not this 66 year old idiot.   Had a nice expereince at the Uruguay Embassy here but not sure of the results as it is all in Spansih and the Cruise Line just like so many do not want to get involved in Visas then we have all these companies and people making a living off of these crazy to interpret requirements that are subject to subjectivety of the individual and the attitudes or life expereinces on that particular day and moment.........go figure.........why can't we all just get along?   Had a very nice evening last night sharing culture and food and drink with others and then wake up today trying to figure where I can go and how and why is it so <deleted> difficult?  Check out the Facebook Page and the Youtube videos or not, it is a little like the old Peyton Place or Dallas or ..........just getting a bit too old and tired at times........... Steve Wilner and Tarn Lano - but nicknames and Thailand are another story for another day.......

    A good place to begin might be an education visa.  Once in country, ICE can be more subjective if they realize that she's not going to be taking jobs away from the illegals.

    • Like 1
  21. VA will transfer your pension to any bank which is subscribed to the transfer regime.  Any US Veterans Service Organization with members in LOS will be able to point you to a bank which accepts these transfers, if the ACS desk in Manila cannot help you.  I know people receiving these transfers (free) for over ten years, but cannot recommend any specific bank in Thailand as I don't know which ones participate.  Those banks accepting Social Security are a good place to start.


    Pensions are deposited monthly, meeting the Thai requirement.

  22. 14 hours ago, yogavnture said:

     i will try to do my part. if every one did just one tiny thing.  lets say not use plastic bags or straws so much. we could at least do a dent and the spirit gods will smile upon us at our death

    Why do a tiny thing when you could do a big thing?

  23. I got caught with this when I tried to make a border run to get the last week of follow-up care and was denied boarding by airline due to only having 178 days of validity on passport remaining (rule is 180 days).  I only had a 6 day overstay, but they added on two days of penalty since I had to travel up to the border and it was already too late to leave that day.


    Going to Immigration Office (airport or other) and explaining situation (accepting responsibility, etc. like you did here) along with supporting documentation (receipt from Consulate for passport, letter from Hospital explaining treatment) and paying the fine will likely be okay. 


    When this happened to me, I was told to go to Mae Sai (sp?) border crossing after paying the fine to reset the visa waiver period while waiting for new passport.  I had to sit in the office all day, but once they realized that I was polite and doing the right thing, they were very polite and helpful in the Chiang Mai Immigration Office. 


    Bring a book.

    • Like 1
  24. You may be able to request a non-biometric 'temporary passport' at your consulate.  These are often available for travelers who have lost their documents to allow them to return home, etc. This is at the discretion of the consular officer.


    A better option is to contact your local Immigration office directly and explain your situation and see if they can waive the rules until your new document is ready.  They can be very helpful when you can show that you are trying to follow the rules and have exhausted the options available to you.

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