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Posts posted by Rob3016

  1. I did a quick search on the internet, I found the following information:


    You will need to provide an International Driving Permit if your own driver's licence is not printed fully in English. In most those with a driver's licence issued from the USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand do not require an IDP to be able to rent a car in the UK. However, keep in mind that some car rental companies may require one if you are planning to drive across the channel, crossing by either Le Shuttle or a ferry. Make sure to call and confirm this with your car rental provider.  


    A United States citizen who normally resides in the United States and is visiting or temporarily residing in the United Kingdom may drive by virtue of his/her valid American license for a period of one year from the date of his/her last entry visa.


    Again, found on the Internet, so take with a grain of salt..... you do not need to an IDP if you drive in the UK for visits up to 30 days. For visits longer than 30 days you need to have an International Drivers Permit under the 1949 Convention.  I do not know whether Thailand issues an International Drivers Permit under the 1949 Convention.  


    Other posters have provided you where to obtain an International Drivers Permit which is Chonburi Department of Land Transport.  If I were you I would go and get an International Drivers Permit and be better safe than sorry.


    I would not take any answer here as definitive and instead go to the UK Immigration website and search for the authoritative answer.

  2. I am looking for a solution to having roaches in my home in Nong Hoi in Chiang Mai.  Interestingly, my next door neighbor reports no problems, but I regularly see roaches in my home. I just placed roach traps, but it's too early to tell whether these will help. I have read to sprinkle in the home diatomaceous earth, yet I have no idea where to find this in Chiang Mai.  I have also read that spreading borax or boric acid with sugar are good remedies, yet again where do I find borax or Boric acid in Chiang Mai or online? I am interested in peoples suggestions for effective methods to get rid of cockroaches. Thank you.




  3. My girlfriend's father is ill and needs help to care for the family's cows and the rice fields. We believe we need help for about 30 to 45 days until he regains his health. Whenever I speak with my girlfriend she seems to imply its impossible to find an abled-body man to perform this work. I believe she simply has no idea how to search and find someone to hire. When I suggest to her to speak to the local groceries stores to network and put the word out, or to contact the headman in the village, or to contact some local government offices  I am met with every man in the village is working and no one is available. I would appreciate any help how people find local labor in the villages outside Ubon Ratchathani. Village Na Di is about 40 km from Ubon Ratchathani.


    The job entails cutting grass everyday to feed 14 cows, feed the cows, take the cows to graze, clean the cow poo from the barn, and tend to the rice fields. I the local rate for this type of work 350 baht/day?


    Thank you for your assistance.

  4. yes, there was a flaw in my application for the 90 day non-o immigrant visa from my home country because I did need to provide proof of insurance which was a major irritant. My goal was to get the 1 year extension asap as I wanted to travel outside of Thailand and meet some friends in other countries. If I was in no particular hurry, I would just get a tourist visa, change it to a 90 day visa extension and then change it to a 1 year visa extension. Also, I already have the 800K in the bank for a significant amount of time.

  5. Unless you are in a rush to go to Thailand, I would suggest you do as I am and apply for 90 day non-o immigrant retirement visa in your home country, and then change this to a 1 year retirement visa extension in thailand.


    Otherwise, you will need to change the tourist visa to a 90 day non-0 immigrant visa in thailand and then change the 90 day visa to a 1 year extension.

  6. With much sadness my girlfriend's daughter wants to get her nose changed to look more caucasian. While we disagree with her decision, ultimately it is her body and we cannot do much to change her mind. That said, we would like to find a quality clinic or doctor to do the surgery so it is done correctly. Ideally we would like to find a doctor with ethics who might dissuade her from this entirely unnecessary procedure.  If you have any recommendations for a clinic or and/or doctor, we would very much appreciate learning the name, address, phone number, and/or Line ID.  We are located in Chaing Mai. Thank you, Robert

  7. Hello,

    My girlfriend's family has begun raising cows, yet they have not cleaned and disposed of the cow manure for several months.  I am looking for a company that will provide several men to load the manure onto a truck and haul away the manure. Their home is in the Na year or Na Ya district of Ubon Ratchathani.


    Thanks for any leads to help dispose of the cow manure.




  8. Hello

    My wife's family began raising cows and now need a cow barn and a hay shed. I know that proper design is important for ventilation, amongst other things or the cows may get sick.


    The family is planning to have about 12 to 15 cows and calves. I am wondering is there a standard, inexpensive design for a cow shed and hay shed that some one can point me to that is in Thai or Issan so they can read it. 


    Does any know an approximate cost to construct a cow and hay bar? And do you know quality builders to consult the buildings.


    I know her father and brother say they can build.  I know they can build a structure, yet the structure would simply be pieced together, rather than well thought out. If I provide the money, I would like it build properly.


    They live in Village Na Di, Na Ya District outside Ubon Ratchathani. 




  9. Are there any hospitals in Ubon Ratchathani that will have available for reservation/purchase Moderna (3400 baht for 2 doses) or Pfizer vaccine? There have been private hospitals selling vaccine in Chaing Mai, I am curious whether there are any hospitals with a similar program in Ubon Ratchathani?


    Thank you.


  10. I am looking for a referral for a building contractor/electrician.
    My girlfriend’s family live about 30 km for Ubon Ratchathani in Baan Na Du, Village Na Di, Amphoe Nayia. 

    They need good contractor to make a part of the home water proof and maybe to relocate their main electrical circuit service. I don’t really think the service needs to be relocated, yet when it rains heavy water gets into the main electrical box and trips the circuit breakers. It may be best to relocate main box to interior of home, and not exterior wall.  I need good contractor to assess problem and remedy situation.

    I am looking for a contractor who does quality work who can remedy their building problems.

    Do you know anyone who will travel to their Village and can fix the problem.
  11. My wife's family in Ubon Ratchathani presently have 9 beef cows (and every year more with calfs). Her father would like to construct a simple shed for the cows which he will build.  He would like to put a sheet metal roof on the structure.  I would think the shed/barn should be large enough for at least 12-15 cows to plan for the future.


    I am wondering how many square meters of sheet metal to purchase to house 15-16 cows and how much would one estimate for the cost per square meter for the sheet metal.




  12. My girlfriend will buy the cow from her brother or father, the cow will be raised by her father to take care.  There appears to be plenty of grass around.  The father already owns and takes care of around five cows.


    I want to learn what is a fair price to provide to her brother or father for a young cow to call her own.  Whether the nearly acquired cow will be able to get pregnant or not well I can't predict the future. I simply want to get a general idea what is a fair price for a sale between family members to purchase a young cow. My gut says 5,000 baht seems too low.  I would think somewhere between B10,000 to B20,000, yet I have no clue.  I am a city guy. 


    The sale is between family members.  I am simply going to provide my girlfriend some money and say this is for your cow.  She may use it to buy a cow, or she may buy a phone.  I couldn't care less. I will notate it in my records that I gave her this gift for a cow and should she say in the future she wants money for a cow, I'll say last year I already gave you money for a cow.  I don't need an exact number, I just want to know a reasonable price so everyone including me can safe face.

  13. Hello,

    What type of cows to buy that family can raise and then sell for money.  I think we would want to buy first a female cow so that the cow would have babies.


    How much would it cost typically  to purchase a young female cow for breeding in Isan?


    Thank you for educating me about cows, and how much is s fair price for a young female cow.




  14. Thank you for the suggestions.

    This has been very helpful. Thank you.

    For the poster who suggested the boy really is my girlfriend's son. He is not.  I have met the entire family.

    I have suggested to my girlfriend to talk to to her nephew with compassion to understand what's going on from his point of view, and also to explain to him that he is going through a naturally transition from boyhood and manhood which all the chemical changes that go along with that.

    I suggested that possibly the grandfather can teach him mauy thai.  They live in a village so its difficult too go to "gym".

    I think the idea of having him checked for mental illness may be down the line.

    For now, I have suggested to my girlfriend, his aunt, compassion, education and boundaries.


    Thank you everyone,


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