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Posts posted by moreem

  1. On 1/16/2019 at 3:45 AM, ukrules said:

    I drink many liters of Nestle every day, have been for about 5 years now, before that I drank Minere.


    No problems with either.


    These two are purified and then have minerals added back into them.


    There is nothing wrong with them. If I can't get these then I go with the Singha but that's a rare day.


    I will add that I've never had heartburn at all.


    nestle its not mineral water


    minere is pure water from source, no mineral added, I wonder what make you think so wrongly ?



  2. 20 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

    I must be an exceptionally heavy user then? ... I don't even play games or heavy video editing 


    My w10 computers now  have 12-16gb of ram and they have no trouble using all or most of it to keep everything running smoothly....

    ( all have M2, msata or sata ssds ) 


    Ill post a pic so you will know I'm not making "random statements without qualification" as I have no reason to post lies about ram usage of all things ????





    You definitively have a problem and it's as funny to think that anybody needs 16go as when the idiots who have nothing important on their computer think that they need antivirus and firewall....




  3. 19 hours ago, tfc said:

    Personally I liked casual day but another perspective from a friend later when I was in university made me consider that for some, specifically in my school which had a broader spectrum of children from different economic backgrounds, it became a stress for some kids/teens who felt the extra pressure/bullying because they weren't from families that could provide them with the "cool" clothes.  With the school uniform they never had to deal with that extra pressurizing factor. 


    This is the main reason why this decision is stupid.

    Only people who know nothing can think that it's okay to let kids dress as they like/can.

    And people working/managing international schools were supposed to be smart, let me laugh !

    By the way, I come from a stupid country where people believe in freedom (no uniform at schools) and where idiots (most people in my country) think that not wearing a uniform  is a human right !






    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Or you are just simply wrong and unable to confirm your suspicious without implying the majority of the population are liars because they don't agree with you and / or they can't accept they've made the biggest mistake of their life.... 


    Either you and a small minority are right, or the majority are right... Or, more realistically, we are all just different and want different things and your views on parents with kids are as equally misguided as some parents views who suggest those without kids are missing out... 





    Scared to lose moma ? so you just preferred to accept when she said that she wanted kids from a guy who is wealthy enough to pay for her whole life ?

    Sad for many "men" in this world.






  5. 35 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, choose a life , someone elses , give someone else a life .

    We are genetically programmed to want kids , to keep the species alive (thats why you get horny)

    But unlike animals we are supposed to have a brain and know how stupid it is to follow any woman wishes...



  6. 22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    That said, if people really don't want kids, that's entirely their choice - we're all different and what drives us differs. 


    It would be interesting to hear from anyone who has had kids but wishes they didn't... 


    If most people were not liars you would hear it more often.

    But people who accept that they made the biggest mistake of their life are few...




  7. On 1/13/2019 at 8:20 PM, villagefarang said:

    In my opinion, you could turn that around and say it is unfair for a woman who wants to have children to marry a man who doesn’t, just to trick him or force to have kids and to pay for them the rest of his life. 

    but this is exactly what happens most of the time. I feel so pity for these week "men" who accept all these women BS !



  8. On 1/13/2019 at 4:21 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Op: given the thought going into your post, you’re the type of person who’d make a great parent... 


    Don’t over think it - life is to be enjoyed, my Wife and I still do what we want to do (for the most part) and our life is complimented by our son, not controlled by it. He’s a good boy (5 years old), we travel a lot, do a lot...  the only limitation now is school holidays & early dinners! 


    Being a parent takes effort, but to be honest, any aspect of an enjoyable & successful life takes effort. Enjoying the riches of a beautiful child is a complete game changer, the goal post shift, priorities change, from my point of view it’s incredible! 


    Enjoy the ride... 


    You just have to give up on your BM but the rest of your life is enjoyable, spend for a useless little monkey that will only bring problems !



    • Confused 1
  9. 3 hours ago, murraynz said:

    i think this is up to the individual couple to decide.....but think about the difference in culture..

    there will always be dissagreements on how to bring up the child...

    no ! usually it's women who decide and idiot guys just follow because they fear losing THE woman of their dream hahahaha



  10. 2 hours ago, Cereal said:

    I'm 58 and never had kids. I went for a vasectomy when I was 18. The doctor threw me out lol saying I'd change my mind. I didn't. I went back at 30 and got clipped. I have never regretted. Not for a microsecond. 


    Just reading your post it's clear that you don't want kids. Don't have them. They destroy freedom and give nothing but headaches, hassles, and crap in your life. They're also expensive. 


    I cannot understand why anyone would want kids. I simply don't get it.


    Be free brother. 


    Choose life, not a life sentence.

    I love you for telling the truth ❤️



  11. 28 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    SO many issues about kids. First i didnt want kids, but had them with a woman.

    I grew into father hood and enjoyed it. Then my f****ing ex ended it by divorcing. 

    Then you have trouble all the way afterwards and now i dont even see them anymore since longtime, even though they are grown ups now, thanks to indoctrination by my ex. They start ignoring me, so i gave up. They have brains and its wrong programmed?!

    SO i had kids with a wrong woman and with me a lot of men more.

    And sometimes you even have the wrong kids, you cant tell until its proven to you and leave you in pain.

    Its a fact of life. Is it also a fact of life that a normal marriage doesn t exist anymore?

    After all people change every time and marriage today isnt a solid thing anymore. 

    I sometimes envy the people who can.


    finally somebody smart ! thank you !


  12. On 1/11/2019 at 12:02 PM, 2008bangkok said:

    Like you are right now.

    Jeez, somebody got outta bed the wrong side this morning.


    1. You are doing the same as what you speak, you are saying your preference is to have no bloatware on phone. others may find the apps useful and use them. Its personal preference.

    2. You can disable alot of apps and if its still that bothersome you can root the phone, remove the unwanted apps and either leave rooted or unroot.

    3. You can use a launcher like Nova and then your interface will look the same on any device you choose.


    First thing i do is to root, put system wide ad blocker and remove the crap i don't want but that's not to say everybody else is doing it wrong and slate them on TV.


    Lighten the load man, its Friday ????




    How stupid it is to buy a brand new phone to have to tweak it just because someone was not bright  enough to directly buy a phone without all the crap already installed ! Who is wrong here ? the idiot who cannot even think that he could have bought he perfect phone at first if using his brain ?


    it's ridiculous to tell to people to root a phone when they cannot even use a standard phone properly.


    and most of the people do not need all the crap bloatwares installed on most phones, they are just too stupid to think about it before buying them.






  13. On 1/11/2019 at 9:47 PM, moreem said:

    By the way, what are the cheapest prices that you have found for


    - liquid and bar soap

    - shampoo

    - shaving cream

    - clothes detergent

    - home detergent

    - toothpaste


    I want to buy a ton for charity and I am wondering if there is cheaper than Makro ? Where ?


    Thank you ❤️




    any more reply ?



  14. By the way, what are the cheapest prices that you have found for


    - liquid and bar soap

    - shampoo

    - shaving cream

    - clothes detergent

    - home detergent

    - toothpaste


    I want to buy a ton for charity and I am wondering if there is cheaper than Makro ? Where ?


    Thank you <3



  15. On 1/10/2019 at 11:42 AM, geriatrickid said:

    Too bad you don't put as much effort into knowing what the actual ingredients are in the chemical concoction you are using.  @ 40 baht, I doubt you are getting anything considered "safe" in markets where such things count. Many of the fragrances used in the cheap perfumes and scents available in Asia are derived from very dangerous chemicals.


    are you sure that there is any safe shampoo or detergent that you don't do yourself with natural products ?!



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