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Posts posted by Khaksi

  1. 4 hours ago, simon43 said:

    When you say 'normal', did you see the actual figures of your test results?  'Normal' might mean that the doctor considered the levels to be normal for a man of your age.  But that could be at the lower range of 'normal',

    mine is 610.0 ng/mL  it shows that normal range for guys 20-49 is 249 - 836 ng/dL range not sure how accurate is this.

    25 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    OP, you want to look for an answer to your question from board member Sheryl, who's also the moderator for the health and medicine forum, and our resident expert on doctor referrals. She can give you specific advice for doctors in BKK who specialize in the issue you have.

    Thanks a lot i will send private message to her.



  2. 7 hours ago, simon43 said:

    The fact that the doctor tested your testosterone levels, and then (presumably) didn't prescribe you extra T. suggests that he found your T levels to be within the normal range.  The reason for ED problems could be mental (emotional) or physical (I had ED problems from my early 20's after falling off a horse which compressed my lower spine and presumably compressed the nerves to my dick - chiropractic massage helped to untrap the nerve).  Perhaps it is your lifestyle (bad diet etc)


    So the suggestion to visit an ED specialist is a good first move...

    thanks for meritoric post. My lifestyle is good, i keep good diet and im in a good shape because of sports which im doing. T levels were in normal range like you said. 


    So i got to find good ED specialist. Would appreciate if anyone have any contact, found few on the google but maybe someone has some recomendations.

  3. 16 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    ED issues could also arise and manifest itself owing to deep rooted emotional and psychological as well as biological unwellness, not suggesting that the Op has them but they should be taken into account,

    Thai male would rather die than admit to a doctor that they can't get it up, so i would be skeptical as for the experience of a local MD to help..

    Im aware of that thats why im lookin for help here, maybe someone has some good contacts and went through similar problems. I just need some guidance where to go because last meeting with doctor in hospital was total waste of money and time when he predescribed me cialis.

  4. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    Bangkok Hospital anti age doctor you need, they will exam your hormons, and give you suggestions what you need to do, either there is a physical or a mental problem. 



    So you would suggest to get a help from place like this ? 




    1 hour ago, dennis123 said:

    I'm no expert in this field but are you on anti-depressants or other medication?


    No im not. 



  5. Hi, Ive seen similar topics but not active recently. I have problem with ED and im looking for a good doctor who will help me to diagnose root of the problem and find solution to it. Next 2 weeks i plan to go to Phuket and then go back to Bangkok so if any of you know doctor from one of these citites i would appriecate that a lot. Ive been to one in Phuket but all what he did was test for testosterone ( which was good ) and describing me cialis - it helped but after a month i had same problem again. Im 31 years old, i don't drink, don't smoke i do some sports - that's why im worried even more. 


    Below i paste doctor who i found in bangkok and probably will try his help but maybe someone of you could recommend good one who helped you with such a problem, thank you a lot for your help.


    Specialty: Urology (Genito-Urinary)
    Language Spoken: English, Thai
    Medical School:
    - M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 1996
    Board Certifications:
    - Diploma of The Thai Board of Urology, 2002

    - Sexual Medicine and Neurourology, University of California, USA, 2007
    Special Clinical Interests:
    - Erectile Dysfunction
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