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Posts posted by GettingBye

  1. 5 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    There is nothing wrong with not wanting to have kids. But I do think there is something unfair in marrying a women who does want to be a mother, that is a pretty selfish act in my view. You would have been better off being single and only going out with women that have no interest in children. A potential problem is that your wife will resent you if she goes beyond child bearing age and the option is gone forever.


    Well said.


    Marrying a farang woman and choosing not to have kids is one thing since its culturally acceptable and even encouraged for women to choose a career path rather than have kids but the concept of not procreating is not easily understood for any Thai woman I have ever met. Family is everything.


    Childbirth is a gift to a Thai woman that allows her fulfillment.


    If the OP doesn’t want kids then he needs to find himself a farang. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, sirineou said:

     The question has being asked. "what came first, the Chicken or the Egg" 

    The answer is only one, "the Egg, the Chicken is simply the egg's idea of how to make another Egg."

    People who do not have children by choice, are denying their nature and are what you described above. IMO a life without children by choice, is a form of marubation.

     Having my daughter was the best thing that ever happened to me! Don't get me wrong, there were times and are still times, when I wanted to tear her head off. But the Love and fun I had and still have with her is priceless. A type of love that only someone with a child can understand. To never experience   it is IMO sad.



    Well thanks for contributing to the Worlds overpopulation Mr Holier-Than-Thou.

  3. 6 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    Disagree America is wrong as usual about everything in the world metric makes sense as in 1 litre is 1 kilo in weight too simple for American govs to understand I guess. 





    And yet they were somehow able to get a leg up on all of you that apparently get everything right...Lol


    I like metric.


    If you read a bit of history you will find Americans were working closely with the French to introduce the new metric system back when the US was just a pup. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, fruitman said:


    It stings my eyes, gives headaches, makes me dizzy...and most of it is from cars/buses/trucks in the city. The bbq's, fires, machinery, and so on also pollute a lot. 

    Especially those old buses and trucks/escavators fume a LOT and should be banned asap.


    BKK needs more tree's/parks, less people, less traffic but the Thai don't give a duck...We 'll go to a better place to live and that's far away from Thailand.


    I agree the air pollution is no fun, especially up in CR area soon. I don’t advocate dirty air, I am just saying its a burden on poorer countries. In time the older vehicles and equipment will wear out and be replaced with newer technologies. The SkyTrain/MRT system is an excellent example of Thai addressing the issue but somehow is lost on this forum.


    I am not sure how BKK is supposed to create less people? 


    I am going to bet that there are too many people at your next destination as well.


    Humans are breeding like rabbits. 

  5. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Thomas Edison -- who invented the modern light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, among other things -- lived from the mid-1800s to the 1930s.


    Louis Pasteur -- who developed things like vaccinations and pasteurizing -- lived in the last 3/4th of the 1800s.


    Charles Drew -- who developed modern methods of blood storage and paved the way for blood banks -- lived in the first half of the 1900s.


    Marie Curie -- who did pioneering research in radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize --  lived until the 1930s.


    Those are just a few from a very very long list of Western scientists and inventors with great intellects and thirst for knowledge and discovery who lived more than 50 years back. So there were plenty of heavy thinkers in the western world, and elsewhere, more than 50 years ago.


    What Thai inventors and scientists would you nominate for inclusion of a similar kind of list of people whose knowledge and inventions have changed the world?



    And here I thought we were talking about air pollution.


    I hadn’t realized I jumped to the forum about the Master Race but the timeline fits with your listed accomplishments.

    • Haha 1
  6. I think being respectful and good natured when you first get in the cab helps alot...thats the only reason I can think of that my cab rides have always been good. 


    Thats BKK cabs, I don’t think it might help in Phuket where they put farang in the hospital.

  7. You gypped him 10 baht and this is over a 100 baht fare?


    My calculator must be broken because it keeps telling me that 10 baht is 31cents.


    I give you far more credit as an intelligent farang to think you risked injury for 31 cents. Only a fools fool would do that.


    And guys on here say Thais have an ego problem about losing face...Lol

  8. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Introspection and thinking of/weighing the relation between actions and consequences is not strong suit here...


    That's why so many negative things are the way they are, and much of the populace doesn't generally give one whit about it.



    The Industrialized World was just as bad less than 50 years ago so the superior attitude seems misplaced. 


    Whats your alternative for burning crops in ar country that relies on that form of agriculture?

    • Haha 1
  9. You can't run the vehicle A/C when the engine is turned off ????


    The cloth masks do help capture particulates found in vehicle exhaust, ofcourse, not all such as CO2 but atleast that found in the diesel trucks and which is a common irritant. Fitting the cloth mask successfully on children is possible as I am sure you are well aware. Teaching a child to do it themselves may be more difficult.


    I feel your pain.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    Asking about trauma center, i meant a team on stand by that deals with traumatic injuries, incl neurosurgeons, thoracic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons.  While an emergency department is something i hope most hospitals has.


    I keep basic first aid kits in my car and at home, contains bandages distilled water, antihistamines, painkillers etc. Not much, but at least try to something, like stop bleeding.




    Not trying to be a wiseguy but the first step is getting that patient to the Trauma Specialists quickly. 


    If you live here then one suggestion would be to find a training manual for Emergency Care or Paramedic/ EMT that would provide you basic instruction on how to perform CPR, how to stabilize the patient and make an initial assessment that you can relay to a trauma department. That knowledge is several steps more advanced than the First Aid Kit you describe. 


    My experience is mostly remote wilderness/ backcountry medicine and I find it applies quite well to urban settings in most 3rd world destinations where an EMS system does not exist. (Apology for lack of PC).

    • Like 1
  11. I just witnessed another motorbike vs taxi accident last night. The missus was riding pillion and was laying unconscious on the roadway in a supine position. The husband approached her from her legs and grabbed her by the arms and raised/ dragged her into a sitting position with her head flopping around loosely. Two other motorbike riders then started manhandling her as well with zero knowledge of C-Spine injuries. All the while she remained unresponsive with eyes closed but her chest was moving so she had open airway and no penetrating fractures or external bleeding. At that point, I stepped back because the husband had become quite angry at the taxi driver and everyone else in the immediate vicinity.


    My point is the longer a trauma victim remains on location, the greater the risk someone with zero medical knowledge is likely to approach and create additional complications.


    I was later informed that Thailand does not have an EMS system with Paramedics or EMTs that respond to emergencies and the concept is not understood. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, Tug said:

    There are some sad people out there that being said the USA is a democracy not a dictatorship Donald needs to learn to work with others or step down he has no right to hold 800,000 people hostage in danger national security and act like a spoiled child when it doesent go his way

    Tug, we both know the entire history of the US has been the result of compromise, this has been true since the Articles of the Confederation, if not earlier.


    Pelosi's quip about $1 is very clear evidence that the Dems are not any less the spoiled children than Trump when it comes to working with others.

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  13. 12 minutes ago, neeray said:

    It is a Utopian thought you have that every government employee should possess a rainy day fund in order to accommodate prolonged periods without regular, incoming pay. We live in an era when many people are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out. Mortgage/rent payments, home utilities, car/fuel, school expenses, food for the family.


    Sure, they will all get their back pay eventually. Problem is, they are at the mercy of a POTUS who  declared that he would be "proud to own a shut down". Further, he has indicated that he is prepared to carry it on for months or years until he gets HIS WALL money.


    These are proud Americans who are suffering because of one man and his election promise to build a wall. They would rather be working than on "holiday".



    Oh Please.


    TSA employees are choosing not to return to work and report for duty as they are scheduled.


    All federal employees make a living wage and receive outstanding benefits not available to many in the private sector. If those federal workers were of Asian descent like many McDonalds and Wal-Mart employees or African like many airport support staff, they could not only live well on those Federal wages but send ample monies home to their relatives. 


    Government shutdowns happen. Plan for it just like construction workers who live in a boom / bust economy or fisherman or many other segments of society who do not have the protections of collective bargaining agreements. I have several buddies who work for the National Park Service and they are laughing about all this extra paid holiday.

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  14. 15 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

    Well there is certainly a historical gun death crisis so you would have no trouble in accepting that a future POTUS might circumvent congress and make gun ownership illegal .

    Once Pandoras box is opened you dont get to pick and choose what flies out , you do realise that ?


    Apples and Oranges.


    Illegal Aliens from other Countries are not gauranteed the right to enter the US and circumvent our Laws by the Constitution.


    What part of legal vs illegal immigration is so challenging for Liberals to understand? 


    Follow the Laws of the Land and start on a path to citizenship like the majority of immigrants have done. 


    How many Liberals advocating for illegal border crossings are here in LOS without proper approval of the Thai Immigration System? How many Countries outside the US allow for uncontrolled immigration which legally allows those immigrants the right to healthcare, social programs and employment? Honest question.

    • Sad 1
  15. 6 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    You can't compete for work with a Mexican on a work site? Maybe you need to work harder or improve your skills.

    Have you ever discussed with your employer as to why they prefer migrants to those who presume some sort of preferential treatment?

    Of course, I am one of the uninformed.

     As automation increases, go to night school to improve your skill set


    4 hours ago, Credo said:

    I own property in Arizona and there is a lot of construction in the area.   A housing division nearby also has a lot of people remodeling, upgrading etc.   The last time I was back, there was construction on both sides, almost identical work being done.   One was a Hispanic contractor and his crew and the other was a work crew consisting entirely of younger (under 40, for sure), white workers.   


    No comparison in the speed of the work done (and I am told the quality of both was fine).   The Mexican crew showed up each day before 9:00 (construction wasn't permitted before then).   They went immediately to work, work until the end of day (6:00 p.m.).   I never saw any breaks, including lunch, but I am sure they took them, just not at the same time.    


    The other crew showed up after 9:00.   Sat down, started checking their mobile phones.   Worked until noon, then the entire crew disappeared for an hour + and were packed and ready to leave before 6:00.   They all took a morning and afternoon break as well.   


    The Mexican crew was on to the next job 2 weeks before the other crew was done.   Needless to say, the Mexican contractor and his crew are in great demand.    




    Sad but true.

    You forgot to mention the other benefit to the illegal immigrant crew...you can pay them less and simply threaten them with calling ICE if they complain and ofcourse there is also the savings on Work Comp claims because if they file an injury then they would be out of work.


    This is well known throughout the Western States amongst Contractors. Its an excellent labor source because they work hard and are so easy to exploit.

  16. 28 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Please show where he said "most" Mexicans, you can't. just stoking the fire.


    For that matter, maybe someone can tell me how many white supremicists killed the female counter-protester in Charlottesvile? I keep hearing assertions from the Left she was killed by multiple white supremicicts who were supported by Trump but the news articles I have found report it was a lone driver who drove his vehicle into a crowd. The accusation that this proves Trump is racist is a false narrative.


    Another example of claims against Trump not being factual.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

    I agree with the Libertarian philosophy but the old guard (of which I am one - held a high state office for a while) is gone and the loons seem to have taken over the Libertarian Party, especially choosing that last nudnik that ran against Trump and Hillary.  


    I am a True Conservative.


    The State should abolish abortion.  Why? Because the reason to have a government is to protect the rights of Citizens when by themselves they cannot do it.  A baby cannot protect itself from its own mother, so, therefore, there is a reason for the state to intervene.


    Politicians should follow their oath.  If not they should be sued and ousted.  


    Follow the Constitutuion.  Period.  No cheating.




    Well, ofcourse, we all know the question of abortion is at what point is that little collection of cells defined as a human life. 


    But thats best left for a different thread.


    BTW, DeNiro's movies since Heat are terrible. 

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