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Expat Tom

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  1. Any country that builds its tourism industry on the three pillars of China, India and Russia deserves all of rudeness, disease, and criminality that comes with that decision. I have been in Thailand for over 15 years and taught at one of Thailand's leading universities. I love Thailand but I am completely mobile. After I sold my two condos about 5 years ago I will only be a renter here. I will be sad to leave my second home but almost daily, I add another item of two to my RFL file (Reasons For Leaving). I have an exit plan and, unfortunately, the day may come that I put that plan into action. Let's look at a few simple facts. The FIRST case of Covid 19 reported outside of China was a taxi driver in Bangkok who took two Chinese tourists from the airport to a hotel. Thailand has fallen from 106# on the World Corruption Index in 2023 to 107# in 2024 concurrent with the increase in Russians . BYW, Russia is 141st on that list. Indians are rude and obnoxious and cheap and generally HATED by the average Thai. The Thai government is worried about overstays and other visa issues while bars and clubs advertising Russian ladies operate under glowing neon lights on Walking Street. What kind of visas and work permits do these Russian ladies have....BROWN ENVELOPE VISAS? The corruption is so blatant in Thailand that it requires no research to find it. Its right in your face. I have traveled to over 70 countries and lived for longer than one year in 6 different countries. Thailand's problems are 95% due to terrible government. I will be extremely sad when I leave. I love the culture and the people. The problem is the leadership...or lack of.
  2. I abhor war. I have seen war up close and personal. If there ever was a war I would not want Thailand as an ally. They would either shoot themselves accidently in the foot becoming a liability or accidently shoot their friends in the back. This is NOT are reflection on their military. It is a reflection on their leadership.
  3. Thailand is just doing the bidding of "Big Brother" in China. Nothing unusual to see here. I have two bags. "RFL" -Reasons for Leaving and "RFS" - Reasons for Staying. I think I'll file this story in my RFL bag. In actual fact, I've been here for too many years already. Thailand is growing stale for me. I have been living in Thailand fulltime for over 10 years. In 2025 I will split my time and live elsewhere 6 months a year. I think I will appreciate Thailand a lot more if I spend less time here.
  4. Living proof that the CCP has far too much influence over a supposedly sovereign nation...Thailand. China pounds its drums and Thailand marches. An old NCO from the Vietnam war (known in Vietnam as the American War) told me upon my arrival to keep my feet lose in the sand. I owned a couple of condos here in the past but never again. I love Thailand but do NOT trust their leaders regarding their intentions of competence. I keep my feet lose in the sand here and my exit plan updated. Other than sending the Chinese Uyghurs back to China where they will be likely placed in forced labor, another prime example of idiotic leadership is building Thailand's tourism industry on the three pillars of India, China and Russia and then complaining about the results. The average Thai doesn't like people from these countries but the government could care less. Thailand is the ONLY country in the world who rolls out the red carpet for these countries.
  5. Ok. You are obviously a thin skinned Thai unable to handle any criticism. I love Thailand and have lived here for over 15 years. I have adapted to the culture and even adopted parts. I have travelled to over 70 countries and have not found heaven on earth yet. I have the resources to live where I want. Even though I chose to live in Thailand doesn't mean that Thailand is perfect. Let's make a time to get together on Beach road in front of the police station. Thai motorbike riders far out number farang riders yet for every Thai stopped they will be 10 farang stopped. Farang are stopped even if wearing helmets. Stopping farang is simple harassment and a money grab.
  6. Get serious. If they break to law (IF) then arrest and deport. If they are not breaking the law, leave them alone and be thankful for the money they spend. If you want to focus on a real problem how about all of the "Russian Girls...Aka Hookers" operating under neon lights on Walking Street or Selective biased traffic enforcement (Aka harassment) of farang on motorbikes while giving all Thai riders a free pass.
  7. Is Thailand proud of its new ranking on the World Corruption Perception Index? In 2023 Thailand was ranked as the 106th most corrupt country in the world. In 2024 Thailand slipped to 107th most corrupt country. Maybe that is why the Russians love it here. Russia us ranked 141st on the index, (transparency.org) I have lived here for over 15 years and have avoided any problems. If you are a farang in Thailand, keep your head down and your mouth shut and spend money. If you follow these simple rules the Thais will love you. If you own a motor bike, keep your registration papers, driver's license and 1000 baht in a plastic bag under your seat and you will get no tickets.
  8. Pattaya does have law enforcement of sorts. At least 3 to 4 days, on my walk on the beach side of Beach Road, I see Pattaya Police hard at work. Right in front for the Police Headquarters (Beach Road beside Central Festival) the police stop every motor bike ridden be a farang to check papers and enforce helmet laws etc. If you stand there and watch as I have many times it is easy to see that this law enforcement completely targets and discriminatory toward farang. NO ONE Thai is stopped , not even the ones with 4 people on one motorbike none with helmets. Is this the way Thai Tourism attracts people to Thailand? It seems the the Tourism Authority and the Thai Police are sending mixed messages. I politely asked a Thai police officer writing tickets, in the Thai language, why only farang were being stopped. I got no answer and left the area before I could be arrested and jacked up for a 1000 baht fine. I live here and have for years. The nonsense doesn't affect me that much . I keep a 1000 baht note paper clipped to my motorcycle papers under the seat . I have NEVER been ticketed. I have had to replace that 1000 baht note several times. However, this targeting of farang might affect the decisions that tourists make regarding their next vacation destination. Just for fun, visit "transparency.org " and see where Thailand ranks on the "World Corruption Index". I'll save you the time.....108th! Maybe that is why the Russians come here. Russia ranks 141st on the same index. The Russians feel at home in Thailand.
  9. My grandmother always told me that a fool and his money are easily parted. Who would wear a real gold neckless around Pattaya? Asked and answered....A FOOL!
  10. Visit "transparency.org" and check out where Thailand is ranked in the "world corruption index". I'll save you the effort ...Thailand is ranked 114 th most corrupt country in the world but don't take my word for it. Check it out yourself. transparenct.org I am working on my 2025 exit plan from the land of smiles. BYW, the reason the Russians feel so at home in Thailand is that Russia is ranked 141 st on the world corruption index.
  11. I think that's great! When will the authorities get to the bars on Walking Street advertising in bright neon," Russian Women"? The quick answer is NEVER! They are a protected well funded operation that most likely have "partners" in high places in Thailand including the police. These places are not hard to find. They are directly on Walking Street, have bright neon signs and Blond European ladies standing out front. I am glad to see the low life African ladies gone from under the trees. Please don't take away my lovely Thai ladies. My next wife might be waiting for me there. : )
  12. If you walk down Beach Road in Pattaya you can see an almost daily even in front of the Thai police station by Central Festival. The police are hard at work stopping every motorbike driven by a farang while stopping no bikes driven by Thai's. So, we know that the police here are good at targeted enforcement. They attack farang with official uniforms, the rule of law and ticket books. The only difference between this daily mugging by the police and the poor 80 year old bleeding from knife wounds is the knives. The mugging has the same effect. Farang are relived of their cash. Don't believe me? Take a walk on the beach and see for yourself. Many Thai people and a majority of the police see farang as "Walking ATM's" Welcome to the Land of Smiles.
  13. Because the man was going into a pot shop he had not yet used pot? Who ever wrote that piece of brilliant logic was probably smoking something. Years ago I smoked pot for fun. After I became a licensed sea captain I was subject to random drug testing. I stopped smoking with not withdrawal symptoms. Everyone is different might, therefore, react differently but in my 70+ years I have seen lots of alcohol rage and steroid rage but I have never seen pot rage. Pot usually mellows people out unless mixed with something else like speed or coke. Usually the worst effect of pot is the desired to eat every cookie and potato chip in the house and then go to the store for more. (Biscuits and crisps for those bound by tradition and who shun progress) : ) !
  14. "International Living Magazine" and "Live and Invest Overseas" both produce a yearly top 10 list of countries to live and retire in for expats. Thailand is on the list. However, Thailand is not ranked as number one and there are 9 other countries on the list as well. Many of those other 9 countries offer expats with retirement or long term stay visas DISCOUNTS on a variety of goods and services rather then charge them more. In Thailand a farang can not own a house with land without going through some quasi-legal corporate structure. Many other countries grant long term visas to those who BUY real estate and make their homes there. If you chose some of those other countries on the top 10 list of countries to live and retire in you are allowed to participate in that countries national health care program at a very very low cost. In Thailand you are on your own and have to buy expensive expat insurance. If you visit the website, "Transparency.org" and view the yearly , "World Corruption Index" and cross reference it with the "Top 10 Places to Live and Retire" you will notice that our beloved Thailand is ranked as MORE corrupt than the other 9 countries on the list. It be VERY clear, I have lived as an expat (legally) in Thailand for over 15 years. I love much about Thailand notwithstanding the morons who run the Thai government. I have traveled to over 70 countries and lived for months in 11 different countries. My advise to all expats, "We came here by airplane (at least 99% of us) and the last time I checked, airplanes fly in both directions". We are all individuals and have our own likes, dislikes, tolerance levels and resources. There is NOT one size fits all in the expat community. We all have choices. I will be very sad to leave the land of smiles but I do have an exit strategy and so should you in case the stupidity out of BBK becomes unbearable. The Thai government needs to fully appreciate the economic impact of the expats living here. They further need to realize that tourism dollars will decline if the government levies too many stupid regulations on expat residents. I have had many friends come from abroad as tourists to visit me over the years. They can just as easily come for a visit to my new country of residence. Let me sum this up by repeating that there are 9 other countries on the list of the beat places to live and retire . The Thai government needs to wake up and get competitive unless they want to be the worlds capital of Russian, Chinese and Indian tourism.
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