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john ianson

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Posts posted by john ianson

  1. 22 hours ago, BestB said:

    I very disagree, the moment covid scare is over, both foreigners and all who ran away will flood back to Pattaya.


    People have been locked up in the their rooms for months, first they will do is come to party, play with opposite or same same sex that looks like opposite ;), get drunk and be silly.


    The only question is which businesses will still be standing and which will be gone

    And the people flooding back where are they going to get money to spend in Pattaya ?


    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Lets put this 'quid pro quo' nonsense to bed straight away with a very simple scenario.

    A guy comes up to you in the street and sticks a gun in your face and yells 'give me your money!' Now are you uncertain about what is happening because he didn't say 'Give me your money, this is a robbery?' Of course not. You know explicitly what is happening because your brain is wired for nuances. Therefore when the POTUS asks for 'a favour' with the exact words 'There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.' we are left under no illusion what is being asked for and that it is an attempt to get dirt on a political opponent on the back of a huge financial inducement.

    It is a crime in the US to ask a foreign entity to assist in any capacity in a US election.

    I'm not sure how much clearer it can get.  

    The video of Biden bragging exists for all to see !  I think Biden will withdraw from the Presidential race after all thetruth emerges aboutb this episode 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 9/25/2019 at 9:21 PM, overherebc said:

    A bit like yourself then??

    I have gone through this thread a couple of times and it takes me back to school days.

    You know the old     'went out with so and so last night and got my hand inside her bra' kind of thing.

    Jesus, don't people have anything else in thei lives???

    Or, is it just that some ( most) expats out here are still taking themselves seriouly??

    I'd bet a pound to a pinch of brown stuff  that quite a few think a clitoris is a new model from Ford.

    Well said love it ! Spot on !

  4. On 9/24/2019 at 4:42 PM, ThaiFelix said:

    I have one better than that,  It concerns the 1st timer to Thailand who suddenly realises he truly is a "hansum man" and explains he was so good last night that the girl didnt want to charge him or thought she should pay him for his services!! 


    Such attacks on my intelligence really makes me see red!!

    Agreed we have alll met one of those <deleted> ! When these bozos look in the mirror in Thailand they see a completely image to what they see in Australia ! 

  5. 23 hours ago, scavenger said:

    Environmental awareness, and as part of a global community effort to boot! I hope this also translates into concrete actions, such as refusing plastic bags, walking rather than take a motorcycle taxi, switch to a vegetarian diet, bring their reusable bottle to the coffee shop and enjoy that iced coffee without a straw, and so on. 

    And of course no i-phones no TV and no electricity or  Air con  in their bedrooms or classrooms ! Just spoilt rich brats !  I wonder how many kids had the day off to protest in the struggling villages up north ? I'll bet these rich brats go to an international school where all the lefty teachers encouraged them to support this lefty scam ! Time to closely scrutinise the credentials of all these trendy Marxist teachers employed by international schools I think ! Come on Immigration protect your people !

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, PhilippBKK said:

    This a graph for Thailand's Tourism Arrivals!

    Even if less than 38M tourists will come in 2019 it is still the second highest figure ever.

    Thailand Tourism is not in trouble at all, but we probably will not see +5% annual increases and maybe even a little reduction, who knows.

    A bit of oversupply here and there, especially for some who wanted to cash in on the Chinese Tour Group segment maybe.

    How is this 15 year period a failure and how is there doom and gloom?

    Where do you guys get your information from?

    The decline of the Western tourist? Less girlie bars? Can't drink at 3pm?

    Who cares?



    Tourist Arrivals to Thailand from 2003 till 2018

    Who supplies these figures ? Are they ever audited by a reputable independant body ?

  7. 22 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Round here motor cyclists still treat the pavement/sidewalk as for them to ride on. All the time.

    I wish they would enforce this crack down in Jomtien ! The 2 police officers on duty in the police box on 2nd Road just sit and watch motorcycles speeding up and down the footpaths in both directions and just keep sitting on their arese and do nothing !

  8. 9 hours ago, sherwood said:

    Bankok Barry, the deleted word was not that bad and believe me I am being responsible in my intention of staying in this country for as long as I can.


    Things are not that bad, yet, I have a Thai wife, daughter and a house we own, a block of farming land and life is good.


    I have a Visa, extension and do not begrudge doing the 90 day report, TM 30 requirement or anything else the powers that be require of me, as yet.


    What I do have a problem with is people representing themselves on my behalf, as an Expat, without my authority. I do not go around kicking hornets nests.


    If people want to stay here legally it is still possable and not that hard to do. Maybe I am lucky or my paper work is up to scratch, we will see but please one and all, you will not win by fighting these rules. If you come across corrupt IO's, that is just part of living in this world.


    Do not panic.





    You do NOT own any land ! Not ONE square inch of land !

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