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Posts posted by Sporf

  1. 2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    It's debatable if Budweiser qualifies as beer.

    Had to be a US brand for the intent of the occasion. Anything else would have missed the mark.


    I have no frame of reference, but I'll agree on the basis that I have no idea how people can drink such piss regularly... Took me about an hour to choke it down. ...that's what she said.


    I drink nothing but water otherwise...


  2. 1 minute ago, Nickymaster said:

    Unless your bike is something VERY special, you better just sell it here and buy another one in your home country. You will fall in love again..

    I wouldn't be sending it back to my "home" (I know I could find one there) country for multiple reasons (USA has become a communist sh!thole and I don't want to go back).


    It's not love. It's just a good fit. future destinations being unlikely to have one...


    I know importing to TH is a pain due to backwards, counter-productive protectionist policies, but I never see anyone discuss exporting from TH.


    I don't care if it costs me a few bucks.

  3. 14 minutes ago, madmen said:

    If you got a good deal as you say then offloading shouldn't be a problem.

    Don't get emotional it's just nuts n bolts

    It's not that, they're just not common bikes (BMW F800R) and it suits me better than I expected. If I get rid of it, I may not find another.


    Secondly, I know they don't exist in several of the "target" countries I'm considering going to next. I'd really like to take it with me...


    I just wanted to know what the process is for Thailand exportation, I certainly don't expect to find useful information about any of my would-be target countries on the TV forum (especially with a hateful feminazi moderator sneaking about doing her dirty deeds)...

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/26/2019 at 9:26 AM, Snow Leopard said:

    1 Million US$ of dead money for 12 months and then 500K US$ of dead money for 9 years. What a joke. 


    1 Million US$ invested correctly should long term make you +7% = 70K US$ per year. Not touching your capital. 


    You can live in many places better than Thailand on 70K US$ per year. 

    Yup. I'm here on the 5-year PE visa. It was alright at the time. I did it mainly because I wanted to give Thailand a try, was coming and going from BKK quite a bit at the time, and the included car service actually made it not a bad deal, and the endless changes, hassles, and misinformation about getting a visa any other way was just not something I wanted to bother with. 90 day reporting is an absolute non-issue.


    I'm not allowed to do the retirement visa since I retired at 38. So, that's not an option. Seeing how many people have trouble getting renewal/extension I don't think I'd do it anyway.


    Sticking money in a bank to rot is not my bag. Banks are where money goes to die. If the 20-year PE visa is a viable "can burn the money and not care" option by the time this 5-year is up... Well, maybe I'll have had my fill of Thailand by then? It's their country and they can make all the rules they want, but I can simply go somewhere else, too...


    Part of the problem, at least for US citizens, is the corrupt bank account reporting requirements imposed by the home country, not Thailand. The Thai government doesn't consider this issue. You may consider it oxymoronic to accept burning money over letting it "rot" in a bank account, but any foreign bank account is a major threat to life and freedom for US citizens. The Communists that have taken over the US will look for any excuse to accuse a citizen of a process crime, money laundering for sex traffickers, drug dealers, terrorists, etc... Any excuse will do, no evidence needed. Even a typo on the stack of forms you're forced to fill out can land you in prison, all assets seized and liquidated... They're desperate to keep their sinking ship afloat. It's just not worth it. Either you can afford to burn the cash for the 5 or 20 year PE visa (the only two that are worth considering), or don't do it... I'm sure there are people willing to say "I've been doing it with no problem!" I'll let them learn the hard way when their number is up...


    I'm interested to see if these 10-year retirement visa rumblings are real, and if the final form is even worth thinking about... But, it likely won't affect or interest me if it still has an age limit since I'm 41 as I write this... If it's silly, it won't simply be a non-viable non-option, but a sign that other options should be considered.

    • Confused 2
  5. Did some look on this myself... PhyaThai Hospital in Si Racha was recommended, but I just got thrown out for existing while farang...


    That was the first Pattaya-area Hospital I tried because it was recommended... I'll look up a few others nearby and see what their check up deals are.


    I used Bangkok Christian Hospital for a check up last year, and they were tops. I just don't like BKK... Hoping for a nearby option.

  6. I went for an evening roll two days ago. Na Jomtien up to where I'm forced over to second road, went past this place, saw the sign as I was passing, wondered what it was all about since I didn't get a good look. I saw NO people about 10pm Fri night in high season...


    I find it interesting that businesses are trying to push past the stigma that you say isn't a stigma, and anyone who has a problem with that stigma, well, it's their loss, not the loss of the businesses dealing with the stigma that isn't a stigma, then the identity politics for insulting anyone who dares not accept what you're forcing down their throats, no pun intended...


    Will definitely give this place a miss. I'm sure there are other bakeries in Thailand. I'm doing Keto anyway, so... Perhaps I'm an evil, cis, white, male carbohydrateophobe, living in terror of sucrose molecules... It doesn't really matter, since you've made it clear that "my kind" isn't welcome. But, my money being spent elsewhere and getting exactly what I want elsehwere, and not having my skin made to crawl ins order to spend it elsewhere is somehow my "loss." Not the businesses trying to make money surrounded by stuff that drives customers away...


    I'm reminded of Russians pushing baby-filled strollers down walking street "It's totally a family destination, ping pong show!"


    If you have to lie to promote the place...


    If there's no stigma, then why is there a stigma? Why would one need to overcome or reduce a stigma that isn't there? Oh, right, because there is.

    • Like 1
  7. I recently picked up an F800R that sat in storage for quite a while. Front tire was dry rotted.


    I handled the oil change finally... Not to my liking, but it'll do for now...


    But, muh tires! After going to all the obvious places and being turned away for brand prejudice alone, even though I could clearly see they had tires that would fit... Herp derp...


    So, I'm rolling northbound on Sukhumvit, feeling bummed that I'd run out of obvious places to try, when I stop at the light at North Pattaya Road and a German fellow riding a 750x with knobby tires stops next to me, and mentions that my bike was made in his home town. We shout to each other over traffic noise and helmet deafness about cool bike stuff, and I inquire where he got his tires. He says he'll show me.


    This guy: iMoto Pattaya. Go north on Sukhumvit. Watch the East side of the road. No, a little further. Ok, you're there. I was blocked from posting the link to google maps... Screen Capture attached.


    It's a small shop, but has every option under the Sun. And cheaper than I expected.


    I can now be a hooligan without fear of my tires flying apart mid-hooli.


    If you're having trouble finding rubber, go here, this guy will probably have it.


  8. On 1/21/2019 at 7:56 PM, KittenKong said:

    Keep that bit of paper. Next time you do your 90-day report you will not need to fill in the form. Just present your passport with the bit of paper and they will scan it and print out the completed form for you.


    This applies even if you leave the country in between. You should never need to fill in the form again as long as your details stay the same.


  9. In case someone else needs this... Would like to edit the OP and put it there, but not allowed...




    It's not what I want, but it's a direct replacement for the BMW part number. Has a handy 17mm wrench access on the top.


    Hit them up on their line ID well after normal work hours. Helpful and quick response. Sent out COD, next day courier for 70 baht extra (free shipping if spending 2000+ baht).


    They sell some interesting oil options, too, but I've already got some. Will research and try a few if their offerings next time.


    I'll slap this on there until I can get something better.


  10. On 1/18/2019 at 8:46 PM, champers said:

    TM30 not required if extending your visa for retirement .... unless you have changed address.

    I'm actually stepping out of the country for a bit. I'm told I have to self-report upon entry. I agree, it doesn't really make sense, it's the same place I'm at now. And maybe jomtien office won't care since every office seems to make their own rules. But, I'd rather go and be told there was no need, than not do it and find out the hard way that I should have. It's easy enough to go down there and they're always helpful, so why not?


    PE visa, not retirement visa. I'm not old enough to be retired even though I am... Derp.

  11. I finally managed to stay put long enough that I needed to perform a 90 day report.


    Like everything else I've done here, I over prepared and worried about it.


    Jomtien soi 5 was PACKED, as always, but I was in and out in under 2 minutes.


    It took longer to find a place to park than anything else.


    The place may be full, but everything is in motion.


    Didn't care about the color copies of my passport pages, visa, stamp etc...


    Copies of my residence report paper, TM6, etc., unwanted.


    All they wanted was to see the form filled out, and my passport.


    Typed a few things.


    All done with another piece of paper stuffed in the back of my passport cover.


    Smiles. Kop koon krabp!


    I see so many complaints about the bureaucracy, but these people are, by far, the most efficient, helpful, and polite bureaucrats I've ever had to deal with.


    The typo they made in the Green Book at the Bureau of Land Transport. Fixed on the spot.


    When I got my Thai drivers' license. When I reported my residence when I moved in. I didn't have everything perfect, but they helped me fill in a few blanks with a smile.


    I'm not a fan of either, but I'll take "save face" over snowflake every time.


    Maybe I'll try the online bit next time...


    Next up, TM30. Maybe they won't care, again. I'll be over-prepared, again.

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