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Trip Hop

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  1. Whilst you may like to portray that you know what you're talking about, your ignorance is profound!
  2. As someone else has stated, he has that "I'm Billy Big Balls" look about him and his attitude has got him in trouble. No doubt he has kicked off in the cells thinking the consulate is going to rescue him and that he can get away with it in exactly the same way he can in the UK. In doing so he has alienated not only the police but the rest of the detainees and has suffered the consequences. I've been banged up here once for DUI and whilst the cells aren't great they're nothing like he describes. Whilst there might not have been an endless supply, he would have had enough water to sustain himself and if he didn't have the common sense to preserve it, that is even more evident of his immaturity. There are also farang charities that come around the cells to check on farang detainees, offering a bottle of water and a few slices of bread or similar to make sure that you're getting some food. Even whilst in the cells, once I had engaged with the locals and they had seen that I was just a normal guy and I had no attitude or air of superiority to myself, I found them compassionate and friendly, offering to share their drinks and chocolate with me. Obviously the guy has found out the hard way that regardless of where you are from and who you think you are, it makes no difference here. The £5k story for flights is also BS too unless they didn't fly economy. Like a spoilt child he's now doing his best to do a character assassination attempt on the country whilst expecting others to pay for his mistakes.
  3. And if you've got your years in, you're perfectly entitled to.
  4. Fair point about the real fraudsters but if you are paying your taxes in the UK why shouldn't you be entitled to NHS treatment and pension increases? With the upcoming changes to non-dom status, this will get even more complicated.
  5. Utapao is officially Rayong despite it being promoted as Pattaya airport. Although Utapao would make sense with the expansion of the airport and the proposed Eastern Aviation City.
  6. I wouldn't quite say that. For it to continue to work I had to set the date back on my trusty Psion II that was full with programs that I used for work. 😁
  7. Be real will you? It would be a similar situation if it was smoking, alcohol or yaba. What everyone should really be concerned with here is how a 12 year old has had access to vapes and why no one stopped it?
  8. He's also been connected to fatty since a young age too, through his mother. Although he appears to be rather irrelevant these days?
  9. It’s not just Bangkok and the north either. A couple of weeks ago I was in Bang Saray on a sunny day, looking north towards Pattaya about 20Km away and it was fully encompassed in it.
  10. Which one do you reckon, Sandra or Tracey? 🤣
  11. You can’t beat a bit of Satellite City! An amusing take on some aspects of valley life. 🤣
  12. Appearing at Pattaya Provincial Court should be enough. Especially when he surrenders on the morning and they put him in the big holding cell with the locals, some wearing forged leg irons. That and then being marched into the courtroom in file and seeing the big chair is a rather sobering thought. I can smile at it now but sh*t myself at the time!
  13. If you’re a Thai, you get a ticket and I think 30 days to pay. If you’re a farang they impound the bike at roadside until you can show that the ticket has been paid and you’re allowed on your way. Generally in Pattaya they’ll fine you 500B for each offence although the official rate is lower. It’s not worth arguing though unless you want to waste a few hours of your time in the station.
  14. Nope, when in town I often frequent one of the bars right by that checkpoint late afternoon as it’s good entertainment value watching the BIB go about their business. Was there only a few days ago and seen them stop a female local who was conservatively dressed and even wearing a helmet. Admittedly I’d say 90% of stops are farangs but I regularly see them stopping their own.
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