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Trip Hop

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Posts posted by Trip Hop

  1. 19 hours ago, darrendsd said:

    The main reason is that a lot of people have no idea if they are eligible or not


    My friend has been told because she is not a farmer she is not - that is total rubbish


    Have a good look who is eligible according to the Govt announcement - can you work out which professions are eligible? Because I can't and Thais can't either

    I said this in a reply to a previous post last week after the G/F's attempt to apply after she had closed the restaurant.  However I was ridiculed by some eejit on here who reckoned that it was that easy that over 20 million had already applied?  Well to that sarcastic clown, here is the reality of it all!  As the G/F said then, it's all a 'strawberry' PR exercise by Prayut to keep the Hi-So working/middle class happy and not the people that really need it.  She suggested that the money should go to the thesaban for them to decide and distribute it, although I'm not that confident that would work without issues either?  

  2. 11 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    If the figures were huge then social media would have been screaming the truth. Maybe now, the extreme measures are meant to maintain the status quo. I can only imagine that the millions of Chinese kept mostly to their own groups, as we know they do. I can't think of any other explanation to explain the low numbers otherwise.

    Maybe not if you take into consideration the stigma that is now showing to be apparent with the locals regarding this virus?  Add to that, that it is entirely possible that medical staff have been told to keep cases hush (or fear possible retribution), as I was told by a good source last night, then it might be possible?  Personally I know of a local who was taken to the hospital and 4 days later his family are still not allowed to visit?  Pretty strange considering the family would normally be expected to do the majority of day to day caring (except medication etc) for their relative whilst in a government hospital?


    Also, as another TV member (who appears to be very knowledgeable and rational in the medical field) posted on another thread, the datasets being released are not as comprehensive (i.e. some important classifications are missing) when comparing to the rest of the world, therefore it is possible that a true comparative picture is not being painted?


    I'm not saying that I'm right and I truly hope that I am wrong.  However when you take into account the reported number of cases against  measures now being taken with regards to the field hospitals and curfews etc, it does lend itself to the fact that there appears to be some 'smoke and mirrors' going on?

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, kevin612 said:

    Feel happy for the poors to get some relieved funds to eat and I hope the government truly provides them funds for the next 3 months.

    It's a good idea in principle but just speaking with the G/F, she said that it's not that easy.  She decided to apply even though she don't really need it and said that it's a right pain.  She said her son who's 16 and a really smart kid tried several times over the last few days and when he did manage to get through, the amount of questions/boxes to tick were a right nightmare.  In the end she's given up and opened the restaurant back up as a takeaway.  She was really angry with Prayut, saying that if she's had this trouble with a smart kid doing it for her, what chance have the really poor who really need it, when they have no real concept of email, internet and all the questions that are being asked?  As I haven't seen it myself I can't really comment accurately but it would be interesting to see if any others are of the same opinion?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

    Yes, would not make much of a blip - yet.




    We are now heading to the "Lockdown" part of it. I do think the warm weather does play a role in reducing R0,  but all that does is to slow it down, not to stop it. Does flatten the curve, though.

    Thanks for a very informative and constructive series of posts using reliable sources of information.

  5. 2 hours ago, fusion58 said:

    Citation needed.

    I'm not sure exactly whether the OP is implying that you are more likely to catch it by touching something that has already had the virus transmitted to it but this is exactly what has been implied in the UK from day one and is why to date, they have not really put much emphasis on face masks unless treating someone already infected. The WHO states the following in their report dated 29th March, titled "Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for IPC precaution recommendations":


    "Therefore, transmission of the COVID-19 virus can occur by direct contact with infected people and indirect contact with surfaces in the immediate environment or with objects used on the infected person"


    Which if you read the report yourself, confirms that it is highly possible to catch it from surfaces that have been contaminated by respiratory droplets from an infected person.

  6. 3 hours ago, Mises said:

    I have an honours degree in Mechanical Engineering.  So what?  I use my degree productively rather than teach.

    And I do, I run my own company.  Far better monetary rewards than teaching, although I'm not sure about the personal ones? I do enjoy mentoring the juniors though.  Anyway, who said that I teach for a living, I just stated that it qualifies myself to teach at that level?  You do seem to have a terrible habit of reading posts, then misconstruing their content in your desire for an argument or to belittle someone?  Oh and before you try to twist where I earlier stated 'my employers', I'll clarify that as the major contractors that engage the services of myself and my company on a consultancy basis?

  7. 1 hour ago, Mises said:

    Really?  You understand mathematics do you?

    What is the average age of these 10 people: 85, 86, 88, 87, 82, 81, 80, 89. 91, 16. ?  It is 78.5

    The vast majority in Italy who died were over 80, so let's be generous and say only 6 out of 10 and two teens.

    What is the average age of these 10 people: 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 13, 16, 61, 200  ? Again it is 78.5

    Ah but if you refer back to the OP's post, you will see that he just said a couple of 200 year olds and the not the range you have used above?  If he had stated the range that you have, I would have agreed with him?  Shame your grasp of common English isn't as good as your alleged Maths?


    BTW I have 2 engineering degrees (mechanical and civil), both with a mathematics course content of above 90%.  Apart from a degree in Mathematics itself, they are both some of the very few degrees that actually allow you to teach Mathematics to Advanced Level in the UK without any further training except gaining QTS or a PGCE.  Therefore I think that your average Joe, my ex tutors and my employers would tend to agree that I understand mathematics very well?  Would you like some lessons in calculus, integration, statistics and the like?

    • Haha 1
  8. Here in the UK I have a couple of P2 disposable masks which I bought for jobs around the home but now use for trips to the supermarket. You can’t wash them as they will deteriorate and possibly fall apart with new ones being like trying to buy hen’s teeth in all the normal suppliers now. Therefore I came up with this solution?


    Take a small pump spray bottle such as used for mosquito repellent, rinse it out well and fill with isopropyl alcohol, min 70%. Then when you finish wearing your mask, simply just mist the inside and outside before placing back in a sandwich bag to keep clean ready for next time. I was listening to a phone in yesterday with one of the resident doctors on BBC Radio 2 and some guy called in who was using a similar procedure only using hand sanitiser.  The doc said it was a great idea only that by using hand sanitiser, the oils in the product to condition the skin would eventually clog up the mask. Therefore I suppose just isopropyl would be better. 

    • Like 1
  9. I looked at Foodpanda a few weeks ago for the G/F’s restaurant before all this kicked off, after the son said it was becoming popular. They take 35% and the contract stipulates that the price you advertise with them must be the same as your in-house menu although I don’t know if they mean your delivery menu if you have one? Payment is monthly as you state. 

    Looked at Grab then about a week ago when I could see what was coming. They wanted somewhere in the region of 40% but payments were next day.


    Spoke to the G/F about possibly getting her own bike and she said as it wouldn’t be worth it as no-one will have any money now and therefore everyone will be at home eating Mama noodles and egg if they can buy any? I think she’s right because she’s decided to use this quiet time to just shut up shop and have a rest?

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 3/25/2020 at 12:27 PM, ben2talk said:

    And I was told today that the emergency measure to be taken tomorrow is.... a curfew!

    That's really going to stop it once it hits the factories...

    It’s already there according to a contact that I have in the Thesaban, who has said that there are 3 confirmed cases between Rong Po market and Takhiantia.  One of them apparently works for a certain Japanese giant that  not only makes aircon and other household electricals but also used to make rather successful rally cars. 

  11. 4 hours ago, saengd said:

    U-Tapao runway is concrete, swampy is blacktop, concrete doesn't have the same problems, as the article says.

    A concrete pavement will actually have worse problems if the sub-grade below isn't up to the job, especially if it is done in a series of smaller slabs i.e. a JRCP pavement design?  Just google 'pavement pumping in concrete pavements' and all will be revealed?  DrTuner's reference of Highway 7 is typical evidence of this.  They could replace it with a CRCP concrete pavement design but this would entail closing each of the runways in turn for at least a month each in order to allow the complete ripping up of the old, remedials to the sub-grade, construction of the new CRCP pavement and sufficient time for the concrete to suitably cure before loading it with any aircraft?  Mind you, this is Thailand??? There's nothing wrong with asphalt providing the sub-grade and pavement design is up to spec for the conditions.  London Heathrow is asphalt and in my time I've also overseen the resurfacing of 2 MOD airfields back in the UK with asphalt.  Done a bit on the taxiways and aprons too at London Gatwick but they are concrete.

  12. By Portland cement, I presume they mean reinforced concrete of which Portland cement is one of the components, as on its own it would be about as much use as a chocolate teapot? It would do their credibility no end of good if their spokesperson actually came across as if he knew just the slightest bit about what he was talking about? It still wouldn’t solve the problem though unless they sort the problems out in the subgrade below and could end up being far more troublesome in the long term? Just look around you at where some of their concrete roads have collapsed? At least with asphalt, it is designed to be flexible and if any depressions or cracks occur, they can be remediated quickly in a couple of hours?

  13. Thanks for your input Don and normally I would have done things exactly as you have suggested, although I have never bothered booking the hotels in just the GF's name.  However with the promotion of 'informant line' and the fact that I know there to be some tension with one of her neighbours, I am just wondering as to whether it is better to just play it safe in case the neighbour does try to cause any problems?

    • Like 2
  14. Hi all, I’ll be arriving in LOS within the next 2 weeks for my month long Xmas stay. For my first week I will be staying at the GF’s restaurant about 15km outside central Pattaya before spending the next 2 weeks visiting friends whilst staying in hotels. I will then return to the GF’s for the remainder of my stay. 


    My question is with all the recent fuss over the TM30 and people being arrested for silly things like 5 day overstays etc, what is the best way to deal with the TM30 for the time spent at hers in order to avoid any unnecessary hassle? I appreciate that there is an app or something but I don’t think that she is confident enough to download it and register for a password herself prior to my arrival? I also believe that I couldn’t do it for her from the UK due to the Thai system recognising my IP address?


    Any help and suggestions would be most welcome and many thanks in anticipation. 

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