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Posts posted by kozi

  1. What a load of old crap.

    So far over the years while holidaying and living in Thailand, I have survived all the terrible warning disasters predicted by Western Governments to hit Thailand, including:

    YK2, (planes falling out of the sky, etc etc etc), earthquakes, the likelyhood of long haul flight planes being blown up by terrorists, sars, bird flu and now being blown to bits by bombs.

    My friends and family in England find it hard to believe that I am still alive and kicking in this land of extreme danger.

    Is there some sort of conspiracy going on to destroy Thailand`s tourist industry.

    In Britain during the Christmas period on line buying increased by 1000%, people were afraid to go out shopping because of street crime. Now there is a place to avoid visiting.

    Ignore all the warnings. Thailand is one of the safest places to be on the planet and the Thais love tourists, who are well cared for here.

  2. The prescribed monthly income for those here on a pension non - imm visa is 65000 baht per month. The average estimated by the survey is 60000 baht per month, appears just under the amount preferred by Thai Immigration. Quoted; farangs are changing Thai culture, girls marrying not for love, but for financial support, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    Sounds like more reasons put forward by Thai officials, for why farangs are not good for Thailand.

    I am married to a Thai and many of my friends have Thai wife’s all living in Thailand.

    Our wife’s are fully participant in the community, mostly eat Thai food, observe and respect all the religious activities and festivals. Being married to a farang has made no difference to their attitudes towards the community, plus many farangs resident here believe: as in Rome do what the Romans do and are loyal to Thai culture, including having great repect for their Thai spouse`s family/parents and are fully supportive.

    Farangs who are here legally and who qualify to stay under the requirements of Immigration, are mostly good law abiding residents who pose no threat to Thai culture.

  3. I am English in my 50s living in Thailand on a non -immigrant visa as a pensioner.

    Able to live on my pension income and also keep a minimum of 800000 baht in the bank at all times, plus have enough surplus that will hopefully secure me when the visa stake increases (and it will).

    Of course costs will rise over the years, so I am currently paying voluntary NI contirbutions in the UK which will give me a state pension when I am in my mid 60s on top of my company pension that I am already gettng. This should cover my living inflationary costs in the long term.

    Far from rich, but have planned my life in Thailand wisely.

    My advice is, if you are not in a reasonable secure position financially and have to use your visa stake to support yourself/family in Thailand: STAY IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

    Idiots and dross that come here thinking the goal posts will never be moved are in for a rough game.


  4. On reading the views it appears that the imposed immigration visa ACTS are having the desired affect and clearing out lots of the dross.

    These scum are not community minded people and do not create any benefits for Thailand whatsoever, including the illegal business controllers, bars, pimps etc.

    They can try dregging off to Thailand`s neighbouring countries, but will discover that they don`t want them either.

    Hopefully this new ACT will make the legitimate Farang long stay residents, (Retired, marrieds, students, skilled workers) presents more valued in Thailand and pave the way for decent Farang communities, especially in Chiang Mai.

    My advice is, if anyone is considering residing long term in Thailand, survey first prior to coming over or even better, stay here for a short time to see if Thailand is for you.

    Ensure that you can comply with all the imposed immigration requirements and consider what your financial situation may be in the long term future. Can`t live up to the immigration requirements, you`re history, it`s that simple.

    Dont think about living here if you have serious health problems, no NHS here and medical care can be expensive.

    Thailand is by no means a multi racial society, a Farang is viewed as a glorified tourist, by the authoroties and the Thai general public, whether married to a Thai, supporting her 2 mothers, 15 children and 20 uncles, makes no difference.

    Laws and policies are becoming more servere for foreigners, mostly because Thailand is facing pressure from the West to stiffen up it`s relaxed immigration polices as anti terrorist measures.

    Before coming to Thailand, study the facts about living here.

    No point in griping afterwards when it all goes arse about face.

    For those honest long term residents on non-immigrant visas, who can fulfil Thai immigration and abide Thailand’s laws, will succeed here, receive courteous help from the immigration department and win the respect of the Thai people and their Farang peers.

  5. On reading the views in this forum it appears that the imposed immigration visa ACTS are having the desired affect and clearing out lots of the dross.

    They can try dregging off to Thailand’s neighbouring countries, but will discover they don’t want them either.

    My advice is, if anyone is considering residing long term in Thailand, survey first prior to coming over or even better, stay here for a short time to see if Thailand is for you.

    Ensure that you can comply with all the imposed immigration requirements and consider what your financial situation may be in the long-term future. Can’t live up to the immigration requirements, you’re history, it’s that simple.

    Don’t think about living here if you have serious health problems, no NHS here and medical care can be expensive.

    Thailand is by no means a multi racial society, a Farang is viewed as a glorified tourist by the authorities and the Thai general public, whether married to a Thai, supporting her 14 children, 2 mothers and 6 uncles makes no differrence.

    Laws and policies are becoming more severe for foreigners, mostly because Thailand is facing pressure from the West to stiffen up it’s relaxed immigration polices as anti terrorist measures.

    Before coming to Thailand, study the facts about living here.

    No point in griping afterwards when it all goes arse about face.

    For those honest long term residents on non-immigrant visas who can fulfil Thai immigration requirements and abide Thailand’s laws, will succeed here, receive courteous help from the immigration department and win the respect of the Thai people and their Farang peers living here.

  6. On reading the views in this forum it appears that the imposed immigration visa ACTS are having the desired affect and clearing out lots of the dross.

    They can try dregging off to Thailand’s neighbouring countries, but will discover they don’t want them either.

    My advice is, if anyone is considering residing long term in Thailand, survey first prior to coming over or even better, stay here for a short time to see if Thailand is for you.

    Ensure that you can comply with all the imposed immigration requirements and consider what your financial situation may be in the long-term future. Can’t live up to the immigration requirements, you’re history, it’s that simple.

    Don’t think about living here if you have serious health problems, no NHS here and medical care can be expensive.

    Thailand is by no means a multi racial society, a Farang is viewed as a glorified tourist by the authorities and the Thai general public, whether married to a Thai or not.

    Laws and policies are becoming more severe for foreigners, mostly because Thailand is facing pressure from the West to stiffen up it’s relaxed immigration polices as anti terrorist measures.

    Before coming to Thailand, study the facts about living here.

    No point in griping afterwards when it all goes arse about face.

    For those honest long term residents on non-immigrant visas who can fulfil Thai immigration requirements and abide Thailand’s laws, will succeed here, receive courteous help from the immigration department and win the respect of the Thai people and their Farang peers living here.

  7. Great news.

    This should cut down the numbers of Farang dregs, dross and undesirables who are taking advantage of the lax Thai visitor laws, scamming the system and up to all kinds of illegal activities.

    These scum are not community minded people and do not create any benefits for Thailand whatsoever, including the illegal business controllers, bars, pimps etc.

    Hopefully this new ACT will make the legitimate Farang long stay residents, (Retired, marrieds, students, skilled workers) presents more valued in Thailand and pave the way for decent Farang communities, especially in Chiang Mai.

    As for rest,

    Good Ridends

  8. Stop the visa runs. Applicants, who apply to stay on a short time basis, should have to hire the services of a government-approved agency to handle their visa applications.

    Increase the investment amount to a minimum of 1000000 baht for one-year non-immigrant applicants with proof of how the money was obtained.

    All visa applicants should be imposed to supply a letter from their home country police, confirming that there is nothing or something on file about them. If you are a Brit, police document costs £10 and can be applied for at a local British police station.

    Up here in Chiang Mai, many Farangs are not socialble, not community minded or friendly, plus a high rate of farang undesirables.

    If this tread continues the Thai government will enforce stricter rules for entry into the Kingdom.

    The sooner, the better.

  9. Chiang Mai has its fair share of Farang undesirables, who often term up with Thai counterparts. These are not in anyway community minded people nor would it be wise to associate with them.

    Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

    I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one-year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term or long term, meaning having to use an agent to apply for visas. Companies, schools etc being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants. Employers knowing or not knowing.

    From each home country a special document is available from police confirming there is nothing or something on file about applicants. I have one myself, from Scotland Yard London police. Cost £10, 40 days for issue.

  10. Could this 35-year-old guy be you, Neeranam?

    A crime and an outrage.

    This is child exploitation, human trafficking, kidnap, rape, the taking away of another human’s liberty and statutory rights.

    The penalty for this is life imprisonment or a death sentence in some countries.

    If this is not you, Neeranam, are you prepared to disclose the identity of the perpetrator of this misdemeanor and any others involved, to save this little girl from a horrible fate?


  11. Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

    I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants. Employers knowing or not knowing.

    From each home country a special document is available from police confirming there is nothing or something on file about applicants. I have one myself, from Scotland Yard London police. Cost £10, 40 days for issue.

  12. This guy is obviously a crank of the most dangerous kind. He had a sick fantasy with this child fuelled by visual images of her portrayed as what some sick minds may see as a sensual object, broadcast by the United States media that is peddling this crap as good clean competition and fun.

    This case is an absolute nightmare and heartbreak for the tragic parents of this poor innocent child, but the parents must share responsibilty for their daughter’s death because they instigated, promoted and profited from the exploration of this child.

    I continue to say, Thailand has become a haven for foreign criminals and sexual deviants.

    I would like to see the visa amount substantially increased for those acquiring one year visas, a termination of the visa runs and government agencies established for those wishing to apply to stay in the Kingdom short term maybe excluding those on holiday. Companies, schools being fined or closed down if discovered employing illegal stayers, criminals and sexual deviants. Employers knowing or not knowing.

    From each home country a special document is available from police confirming there is nothing or something on file about applicants. I have one myself, from Scotland Yard London police. Cost £10, 40 days for issue.


  13. This is a con, the same happened to one of my friends who eventually gave away to his Thai girlfriend and her family, £80,000, yes, £80,000. Money that he inherited from his Dad, the proceeds from the sale of a house in London.

    The girl came up with every excuse known in the universe to grab money, my sick father needs an operation, my 4 mothers, 20 Uncles and 15 grandmothers are all homeless and starving to death, my sister has had a motor bike accident, send 40000 baht for her hospital bills. I want an engagement ring costing 200000 baht and while you`re at it, buy one for my dear old mother as well.

    After which I gave up this friend, didn`t want to be associated anymore with the brain dead.

    Plus, it does matter that you are 51 and this tart is only 22, because she thinks you are not capable of getting a younger sort in your country, so if you want a young bit of stuff, IT¬S GOING TO COST YOU.

    Also you are placing yourself in great danger if you leave Thailand and go to Laos.

    This is Thailand and over here acquiring a wife is easier than buying a good second hand car.


    If you continue with this low life slut than you are an idiot and will deserve all thats coming to you.

    You have been warned, now the ball is in your court.


  14. He is Austrian, not Aussie...

    Yes, but after being discredited in Austria some 25 or 30 years ago, he moved to the U.S., was stripped of his medical license in one state, moved to another state, was stripped of his medical license there, too, moved to Australia, had to flee Australia because of criminal charges, moved to Thailand.

    So yes, he is an Austrian, but will be tried and incarcerated in Australia.

    to mention that Hellfried Sartori is far away from beeing a typical Austrian name, so he might be the holder of an Austrian passport but not a "real" Austrian (must mention that, but after checking my bank account, I would also do many things for 1 million baht and I am also Austrian....)

    Do many things for 1 million baht?. Yes that make`s sense. Maybe you are just continuing the ways of your fellow countrymen during the Wars.

  15. This case confirms what I have said in the past, that many Farangs living in Chiang Mai are unsociable, unfriendly, shady and certainly not communial types of people.

    Another dreg bites the dust and I have no doubts that these types and their dubious activities will cause more problems for Chiang Mai in the future.

    In order to decrease the flow of these undesirables into Thailand, I would like to see an increase in the investment stake required to obtain Non immigrant yearly visas brought up to a minimum of 1 million baht and the end of visa runs that presently let them in almost unchallenged or vetted. For those who require only short stay visas because they haven’t enough funds to apply to stay in Thailand annually should have to do so under supervision of a Government agency, which means having to use an agent for the processing of their application.

  16. I have run businesses in several different countries and sorry to have to say, time wasters are all part of the everyday stresses of trying to make a living in business.

    The way I dealt with it is to treat all clients as probables but not consider them as absolutes until they pay and sign on the dotted line.

    If you get even one definite sale out of 20 time wasters, than you have succeeded. To do this takes having faith in your product and confidence in yourself to convince the punter that you have something they want and worth buying.

    For example, you may class a customer as a time waster, but if you can convince him/her to make a purchase, than the whole perspective changes.

    Making that final sale is rarely easy as people, especially these days are chary when parting with their hard earned dosh.

    Try being tougher, confident and enjoy all the challenges of owning a business, otherwise maybe you should reconsider your career.

    I wish you most good luck and success.


  17. I am an Englishman with a Thai wife & daughter. We have resided in Chiang Mai for many years.

    Since living here I have tried several times to acquaint myself with other Farangs in the city. No go as most just do not want to know. I have seen other Englishmen in my local market, but they just turn their backs and walk away. At one time in my local area post office I attempted to make conversation with another Englishmen who gave me a verbal insult and told me go away.

    I am just an average 54 year old honest guy staying in Thailand living on a pension and do have many long standing Farang & Thai friends plus a good family life in Chiang Mai, so I am not specifically seeking to make new friends or form relationships, but do think that lifestyles can be enhanced if people can be neighbourly and socialable.

    Most of this is an observation on my part. My wife believes that the reasons why many Farangs residing in Chiang Mai are so inhospitable is that most are either:

    Sexual deviants, paedophiles, drug dealers, pimps, have no valid visas or are fugitives from their own countries. In other words, Iffy for one reason or another.

    I have lived with British & Farang communities in many countries and must say that I have never experienced, such unfriendly and inhospitable behaviour as with the Farangs of Chiang Mai.


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