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wilson steer

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Posts posted by wilson steer

  1. Just watched this exclusive 'testimony' again on the Pattaya News Channel. Something is still puzzling me here;

    The killer 'Carl Kenneth Erikkson' clearly says twice that he put the body in two bags. I conclude therefore that he dismembered the body.

    Yet there was no talk during the testimony of dismembering, although he did mention 'cleaning' up Room 501.

    Any ideas?

  2. On laptop computer XP home edition I have the freeware programs Spybot, Adaware, AVG and Kaprisky virus and Doctor etc.

    Just recently, none of these virus, trojan horse programmes will fully work. They stop dead half way.

    Then, now my laptop will not shut down at all, I get the screen of death with the error noted: I quote exact:

    ashServ.exe-application Error

    The instruction at 0x7c910e03 referenced memory at "0x00000000" The memory could not be "written"

    Also, my machine crashes (freezes up) often now, never has it done this for two years. and displays a blue screen full of writing, that appears for one second then restarts, cuts me off (from internet) then after (RE) start-up I get a microsoft report:

    Your machine has recovered from a serious error blah blah blah.

    Help needed. I am developing a bad headache. 2.4 clock speed/256 RAM/Advent

    Wilson Steer.

  3. I am happy to say he is 'better' for now, taking strong drugs and just sleeping and eating. The nearest psychiatric hospital is Koen khaen and; if you can count to ten they let you go. It's all about money vs. Mental health.

    But, mental health is a big problem in Thailand; so many people will go without treatment, either for depression, anxiety, paranoia, OCD's etc. the list is endless, but when it comes down to a man/woman who is likely to kill or wound someone else; I am surprised that there is not a 'section' law.

    I feel that heavily sedating drugs/injections are not a long term solution to dangerously schizophrenic cases.


  4. My plan is this: to cal JAL one more time the day before the flight and ask if any problems are showing up on their computer: then I think I'm O.K.

    They even have my home phone number, so if they had a problem they would call me, and I have seat numbers because I am a 'Milage Bank' member with JAL.

    Feel O.K. really, now I know JAL and Jalways are interconnected.

    Thanks for comments/advice


  5. Every time you have a craving for a cigarette, gargle with neat gin. It works.

    Nicotine is a poisonous alkaloid yet addictive in 80% of people. The rest are just smoking from habit or boredom. The liver processes nicotine, yet in some people the 'high' of smoking is less important.

    Physical side effects of quitting are unpleasant, but gin does work.

    The main problem is keeping away from smokers for the first two-three weeks.

    Since I quit smoking, I feel great. I used to cough up mountains of brown phlegm every morning and my tongue was so deep in fur/shagpile carpet it used to choke me.

    I still miss the ritual of smoking, and I would begin again if I was doomed with a disease; but Health v Smoking is the big factor.

  6. In these cases I wonder if it is honesty or ignorance. When I was younger, and not any poorer than I am now, I would have swiped the cash.

    Now I would return it (carefully) don't just hand 3,000 quid in at the police station. Yet to this taxi driver if he really knew that this was 200,000 baht would he do it?

    The reward was disgusting. I would give £500 minimum about 35,000 baht; because I fear, I might not even have bothered asking at the police station, and just put it down as lost.

    I can't remember ever carrying more than a thousand quid in cash in any country except for short durations between bank and somewhere else, quickly.

  7. At Thai immigration they stamp and scan passports, surely overstayers will 'flag-up' after 30 days or two months or three months, or aren't they (immigration)bothered?

    I know of three or four falangs who are overstay right now, over 1 year, good luck to them, but surely it's just laziness not to do the Poi-Pet visa run.

    I know there is a maximum overstay fine of 20,000 baht (is that still right?) but I would not overstay for fear of blackening my name on the computers.

    I suppose if you have come here to 'stay' either criminal or terminally ill, which so many people seem to be these days, the 'gamble' is worth it.

    Overstay is still a mystery to me. It is certainly 99% laziness/apathy.

  8. Thanks for latest advice all: I will explain further;

    The ticket is JAL but operated by some airline called jalways, or something like that and it is a codeshare.

    For some reason, there was a mistake and the JAL ticket was issued in full to me when I made full payment, but because the agent realises now it is codeshare there is a problem.

    I have even booked my seat number with JAL and they say O.K. I guess I am 90% O.K.

    I really need a travel agents viewpoint or perhaps not T.I.T.after all...

    My plan is this: call JAL the day before and then travel if they say O.K.

    What do you reckon?

  9. Are there 'good' UPS or 'cheap and nasty' UPS I see in Carrefour that they vary in price from 1300-2900.

    Will they prevent damage to computers from all surges? What about lightning strikes?

    Do power surges affect transformers 19 volt I think for laptop? My transformer runs very hot...is that normal?

    I heard that lightning is bad for phone line connections. Do you all unplug during a storm?

    So many questions; so little time...

  10. At G.M.T. 1400

    U.S. $ 39.518

    YEN 108.28

    In a very early post a quote of Baht 50 to the US $ was suggested.

    Is this entirely based on Dollar strength against Euro/GBP/CHF/YEN

    If so: that suggests that the Dollar will strengthen 25% (in what time span?)

    I do agree that the US $ is undervalued, but by 25% ?

    If the British Pound is high now at 1.8740 (it was up to 1.95 not long ago) would the 'clever money' be on buying US $ now?

    Surely the Baht will slavishly follow the YEN, so Baht buying is unwise, would it be better to offload GBP/CHF now and bank US$ and take the ever increasing US$ interest rate rises?

    Interested and puzzled, but I am heavy in GBP/CHF not Euro/Baht

    Wilson Steer

  11. Hobgoblin (Earnie or Bert) I don't remember (Sesame Street) that well.

    Why is the Swede a 'poor Swede' He killed the woman with his bare hands, rather like the opening scenes in 'Wild at Heart' and then dumped the body; out of cowardice.

    Surely, he should (have) been man enough to report the matter to the police.

    I could see from the 'interview' that he was not telling the whole truth. I have seen confessions of serial killers/killers and when they relate the true story it is obvious.

    Earlier posts, suggest disgust at this news item on T.V. I disagree, it is interesting and honest.

    Murder is foul, but an insight into the reasons why men/women murder fellow human beings is absoulutely essential.

    Censorship of unpleasant, factual events can often be described as 'sensationalist and melodramatic' but at the end of the day, there will be very few people who are not genuinely 'moved' by this footage.

    I wonder 'what went wrong'; it is ironic that she was described by the killer as a fortune teller. There were parts of the interview when I could see clearly he was being truthful, then seconds later he was confabulating the true event(s).

    I know little about this man (killer) but it is clear that he has psycholgical problems. He opened the interview, stating that he walked a particular route every day, even describing in detail the banalities. He emphasized the importance of inanimate objects constantly. I suspect this man has severe mental problems.

    It is a case so complicated, so facinating... I wish ther were more facts.

    Wilson Steer.

  12. Still a few things puzzling me: Why nobody has identified the victim, and how exactly did he persuade the sonthaew driver to assist him with a body in a bag and how did he get someone to help him dump it over the wall?

    It seems strange that in Pattaya some other girl didn't recognise this heavily tattooed lady.

    And he is out on bail, on the steets of Pattaya!

  13. Everyone: Thanks for all the advice.

    I will post the results of my new machine, when it is assembled.

    At the moment I have my pencil and paper and am planning carefully;

    One quick modem question, I intend to go broadband at some stage will the type of modem I select matter?

    Wilson Steer.

  14. My old windows 98 desktop died this morning, the hard disc just makes a scraping and distressing noise and it won't start up.

    I have backed up most stuff except some photos, I suppose they might be recovered from my hard disc by an expert, but it is just Ko Chang stuff from three years ago.

    The advice needed is this: I want a new tower pc only, I already have keyboard, mouse and flat screen monitor.

    Here are my specs: (tentative) put me right if you know better: Windows XP home edition. Clock speed 2.8 is that O.K. enough? I don't play games. RAM I was thinking 512, or is 256 enough?

    Memory I suppose 60 will do, is that enough?

    I need an internal modem, what is best to ask for?

    Definite CD and write. I don't need a DVD do I?

    What about cards, graphics, wireless etc. I know nothing about those.

    I intend to go to the store with my specs in about a week, any advice gratefully received.

    Wilson Steer.

  15. The originator of this topic (number 1) is a bit peeved because Thai immigration 'Shouted' at him and 'tossed' back his passport. Big deal.

    I can name scores of countries where immigration officials are very nasty indeed. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia a few years ago was murder, it was normal there to be taken aside and strip searched, the only reason being that Saudi men wanted to see you squirm and see your 'tackle'.

    Some African countries are pretty bad. I was actually beaten with sticks at an Upper Volta air-strip. (B.F. now)

    The U.K. immigration can be total berks too. I once waited for ten hours whilst my then Japanese girlfriend was totally humiliated and bullied by Heathrow immigration. They reduced her to tears by women who looked like that woman with the spiked boot in a Bond movie.

    So far, apart from being unfriendly and rude, Thai immigration is hassle free, (if your documents are in order.)

    Wilson Steer.

  16. Still not got my can opener, tried HOME PRO'S next to Carrefour, had everything but a can opener. Some of the fridges/fridge freezers in there are fantastic!

    I got a mash potato masher in TOPS, Sai Song/PattayaKlang but it is a funny squat shape, like a semi circle pastry thing, works though...expensive 280 baht.

    Wilson Steer.

  17. Yes, the carrier JAL says it is a confirmed booking, and I have the ticket saying O.K. and everything, but this is Thailand, and just because the agent has made some stupid mistake regarding codeshare and profits for his/her pocket, the are GO-HO'ING me with telling me to return the ticket, cancel it and start again.

    No way, it's their mistake, I have paid my cash so I intend to travel on this ticket.

    I just think that 'agents' here in the LOS have more power, in the U.K. if a ticket is issued and paid for in full, that is story over, finish...right?

    BUT TOT....??!!

    Wilson Steer.

  18. I have my airline ticket, in my hand, paid up, tax and all JAL Japanese airlines, the 'agent' contacted me today and said there had been a mistake, and that I can't have the ticket.

    I called JAL in Bangkok, not really much help, they just said my flight was confirmed O.K.

    Can the 'agent' stop the ticket. It is the 'agents' mistake that I have the ticket fully paid up in my hands.

    If you have a ticket, who has the power to cancel it?

    Wilson Steer.

  19. I am still on dial-up, but am happy now due to the following tips:

    1. Line Quality: Listen to your line, if it has noise, hang up and try again, turn on your modem computer speaker to listen to the dial tone. I am on TT&T and each time I pick up the receiver/connect I get a different quality connection. Right now I am on CSLOXINFO at 52, really fast, perfect in fact, better than U.K. all because I listened to the line connection.

    2. Unplug all two way connectors to phones etc. They cause problems.

    3. Very important: close all running programmes, even anti virus, they will interfere with dial up connection.

    4. If you get a bad connection, hang up and wait a few minutes, don't just reconnect.

    Wilson Steer. (Only person in Thailand with a 80% good dial up connection).

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