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  1. Quite simply, thais are not ready for mass tourism. Everything we do offends them but still they beg us to come. Quality tourists will come when there are quality locals to welcome them , not a bunch of moaning juveniles
  2. Like children who have learned a new word, same was for hubs a while ago. Soft power grows organically and not created to be soft power from the outset.
  3. Thats a good observation. They are to scared to talk about anything meaningful
  4. He has to pay lip service to his hosts to achieve his goal of building alliances. Problem is the thais will run around thinking they are so important and the world respects and envies them. Bit like telling the kids, well done you're so clever , when they get an F in school.
  5. Culture, culture, culture . A very over-used word in Thailand. Often used because they are too scared or unable to express a personal view so generalise by saying "thai culture"
  6. Because they cant get any money out of thai guys, whereas Chinese !!!!! Lets go to the police!
  7. Like him or loathe him, he has been working hard since he took the job. Nothing wrong with a few days off.
  8. Proudly never been colonised, always independent by cleverly keeping the farang at bay. Now begging for foreigners to come and save their economy, education and welfare. Nothing wrong with colonisation if its advantageous. Most 1st world countries were someones colony once.
  9. Why, didn't your mother tell you?
  10. Therefore denying a working person of a decent job so you can carry on with your "fun"
  11. I think you're being a bit harsh. Despicable man Premchai is, but at least he did his time
  12. Very well written with clear examples and a logical point.
  13. Well said. You hit the nail on the head
  14. Hold on a moment ! Felicia got into an accident and bumped her head, now the Thai health care system is going to milk it for all it's worth..........there, fixed it !!
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