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Everything posted by Nsp64

  1. So we've all accepted this as a foregone conclusion then. He will get away with it and life in thailand will carry on. It's not Thai-bashing but a realisatioon of a broken system that we decided to embrace..... sad really. Sad for the brow beaton people and their pathetic system.
  2. How's the case against the family for harbouring a fugitive coming along??? No, thought not!
  3. If Thammanat can bribe, threaten and worm his way into power he will make make it his lifes work to see the current mob imprisoned or forced into exile. He should just about manage this before the inevitable coup to unseat him comes around. Got rid of them all at once. Best thing might be him winning because he will cause enough damge in the short term.
  4. This article looks like it was written by a 5year old. Lots of over the top gushing praise. Really quite pathetic really.
  5. Jeez.....another hub. Dilusional, self absorbed people.
  6. At thats exactly why rich, high end tourists won't come here. Thai people have lower standards of what they require when they travel so dont notice a bit of filth here and there. Or a few mangy dogs, broken paths, hanging cables, street hookers, blah blah blah.....you get the idea.
  7. I read a very short article about these guys a while ago and thought just how kind and generous they were. But will they get any recognition from the thai authorities for their efforts? Probably not. Still have to pay double prices and forced to do 90 dsy reports. Sad that the thai government can't say thank you to a foreigner.
  8. Oh well, it justifies a bigger budget for the military. "You see, we could have been attacked so we need more weapons" All seems a bit staged.
  9. Record for the most embarrassingly pathetic PR stunts in the world. Closely followed by military coups.
  10. So now Thailand will be claiming to be the hub of sporting achievement.
  11. However he stated the comment it shows how out of touch he is and even considers Thailand has so much relevance on the global stage that the world world even entertain Thai language as a second method of communication. It's the "Thailand is the centre of the universe" mentality.
  12. Standard political rhetoric. But thailand, who has no real experience on the international stage will take this at face value and trumpet it as America loves us so much more than anyone else.
  13. Oh please give it a rest with all this hub nonsense. The world is laughing at you with your silly grandiose statements. Why not just be good at something? Why does it always have to be a hub?
  14. Now other countries are recognising Thailand as a hub of something. When will they realise that other countries are just patting them on the back the same way you would do a kid who ate all his veggies. Strange people, always looking for validation.
  15. And how, exactly, will Prayut be able to promote a thai restaurant in America. Does he have an international audience just waiting for his wise words and advice.
  16. Because we all know Australia doesnt have double pricing, taxi scams and corrupt police. From the moment you arrive in Thailand they are trying to steal from you. Australia offers a certain amount of protection and safety.
  17. Please, stop it. You're becoming more ridiculous by the day. Isnthis an example of what they consider Thainess? A stinky fruit? Go beg some more vaccines and medicine.......thats how the world see's them.
  18. They harp on about how clear they were to never be colonised but can't feed themselves without the foreign dollar. Meanwhile, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia are all up and running nicely. Well done Thailand
  19. Dpm Prawit urges the athletes to comply with WADA regarding doping. Surely this shouldn't need mentioing. " please don't get caught guys"
  20. Oh please.......grow up. Yes its wrong to take a creature from its natural enviroment. But throwing around threats and being all theatrical is pathetic. Dont try to educate, just threaten.
  21. And here comes the story about Thailand being the hub of alien visitations and it should be recognised as as an intergalactic heritage site.
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