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Posts posted by MH123

  1. Currently I have a one year multiple entry non immigrant O visa. I need to do a border run for 90 days. I want to leave the country go to Langkawi and turn it in a mini vacation. Will I need to get a reentry permit before I go? If I just do a border bounce to Sadeo walk over turn around and come back, no reentry permit required.

  2. If it would not be one thing it would be another. About the same thing happened to me with the bank deal During the course of one year I had put one million baht in a Thai bank. ($83,000) baht a month. She said no good, $65,000 every month. I had to go out and come back. Start the whole process over. They changed the visa requirements. I asked why 10 years of being here already doesn't count for something. Now the big boss is backpedaling and saying the people at the Immigration Offices should not be enforcing requirements so stringent. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is not appeal process for extension of stay applications.

    There is only these two options in police order 327/2557.

    "4. In case where an applying alien does not meet the full qualification stipulated by the criteria herein, the alien must be notified of the non-permission order and must depart from the Kingdom within seven days from the date on which the permitted period has lapsed.
    5. In the case where an alien applicant does not meet the full qualifications stipulated by the criteria herein or in other cases not specified in this Order but a competent officer equivalent to or higher than inspector is of the opinion that the alien has legitimate reason for staying in the Kingdom of Thailand, the application shall be forwarded to the Commander of the Royal Thai Police or an authorized competent officer for further consideration of the alien's application."



  4. 20 hours ago, samsensam said:


    after venturing into various branches of my bank i eventually found one with a member of staff who could not only understand english but also apply a certain amount of logic an common sense to resolving issues and problems. but... when she wants to look at my accounts on her computer screen she has to call the manager out of her office to type in a password, it's bizarre. i dont know how the manager can get any work done being disturbed every few minutes to type in passwords...

    It is amazing how inefficient the system is.

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  5. I had this conservation with my mother years ago. I said "I don't think I have ever been happy." She said "I don't think you have either." I do believe it is a chemical imbalance in the brain caused by the trauma we experience while growing up. Growing up in poverty, alolchic parents, physical injuries, the list is long. I seem to always have a low grade depression. I have tried some meds but I would rather feel depressed other than nothing. I operate the best when I keep up the gym, bicycle, skiing, anything physical. All my life I have had money worries. During the times when I was flush with money I did feel much better. Not that money is a cure all but it sure makes it easier. A couple of quotes I like. 

    “There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.”

     Willa Cather, O Pioneers!

    “The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about the two "hungers". There is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning...
    There is ultimately only one thing that makes human beings deeply and profoundly bitter, and that is to have thrust upon them a life without meaning.
    There is nothing wrong in searching for happiness. But of far more comfort to the soul is something greater than happiness or unhappiness, and that is meaning. Because meaning transfigures all. Once what you are doing has for you meaning, it is irrelevant whether you're happy or unhappy. You are content - you are not alone in your Spirit - you belong.”

    Laurens van der Post

  6. Lost Bob, Do not pay any attention to most of these responses. They sound like the typical 8 am barroom discussions from expats.

    You are not alone, I understand completely what you are saying. I have tried to involve myself in conversations with my wife and her friends. Sometimes I say I am trying to speak would you please listen. They all look at me, and continue their conversation.

    The Thai people have no idea how to drive a car or motorbike and are obvious to where and how they park. The electrical wiring is beyond belief. The plastic trash pollution defies common sense. 

    I go into a store and ask for something. The first thing they say is "No have," I am very familiar with hardware stores so when they tell me that, I walk past them and start looking because I know what hardware stores have. Of course they follow me for fear the farang may steal something. Their smile gets bigger and bigger the longer it takes for me to find what I want. As soon as I find what I want and I say see you do have it. All the air leaves them, they feel defeated and deflated. Such weak egos they have. Now they scatter when I come in but soon I have a tail looking to make sure I do not steal something.

    They put in new asphalt or cement roads. Then decide they need to work on the ditch. They then take a steel track cat and proceed to rip the road up because they cannot figure out to put old tires or plywood down to protect the surface. I am a retired Merchant Seaman. Before we let them load cat's on board they had to put plywood down so they did not tear up the deck paint. 

    The lying to save face Yep. Every complaint you have, I have and more. 

    I sobered up 30 years ago so that is not a problem for me. 

    My advice is to you being so young. Pack your bags drop everything and get out of here. I am considering doing the same. I am 68 in a bit of a different situation but am not happy or impressed with the Thai people one bit. For now I just don't even look at them but that is not how I want to live my life. I have been here on Koh Samui for 9 years.

    I can already predict what the beer drinking no brain expat will have to say to me.

    You are not alone man. A favorite author of mine Carolyn Myess  says "You know what you know," don't let anyone try to tell you different.

    Whatever decision you make will not be easy. The more drinking you do the more you give away your power. If nothing else take what you need, bare essentials, tell your girlfriend you are going home for a bit. My guess is once you remove yourself, your mind will clear up and you will say I am never going back.

    Hope this helps.


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