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Posts posted by Alex80

  1. 1 hour ago, Cabradelmar said:

    You don't know me, or what I've been through and seen. And I've seen plenty. You think prostitution is such a great job, you do it. Coward. And you thinking an Asian (on the lookout for customers) that you meet in some go-go bar is going to spill the honest ugly truth of their life to YOU 😂... GTFOH. You truly are a fool.


    You don't know me either, yet you didn't spare your supreme judgment. You're a hypocrite bigot.

    You aren't worth the bits you're consuming, nor the air you're breathing. That kind of entitlement  is something... special.

    Let's make an honest pact, ok? Since it's not possible to block people here, I'll leave you alone and you leave me alone. It would be a relief for you, since you despise me, and it is a relief for me for sure.

    Hookie dookie?

  2. On 5/6/2024 at 11:35 AM, Cabradelmar said:

    Stop it. You have never been so limited in your life choices to where you would have had to make anywhere near the difficult choices most prostitutes have had and do make. Your comments show a profound lack of compassion, empathy and sympathy. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sport'o. But what you abibe, is on you (#fact). And yes, YOU personally NEED more perspective, you need to see your mother, sister, daughter as a prostitute. And then, if you abide, than you are a failed excuse for a decent human being (and a typical whore mongering expat). Truth always hurts. That's your life, sobeit. Customers of prostitutes always lack the ability to see the real and ugly truths of the profession. But it's ok because you pay and they take your money. So that makes it fair and equitable in your small mind. Because hey, could be worse, and no one died, and everyone got what they expected... lol (#dolt)


    Ohhh... "stop it". LOL. Can't handle the truth?

    You just keep saying the same thing, which is, guess what, wrong. It's evident you don't talk with those poor prostitutes and you don't understand them. It's just about your so called moral superiority. Please, spare us, and live a bit in the real world. I don't go with prostitutes, but I like spending time in bars when I want to relax, and I talk with them. When it's clear what money they're going to get from you, they start telling you the truth and not the bs they think men want to hear. It's quite an interesting experience listen to their perspective on the job, their motivations, their plans for the future. It's appalling that you are so passionate on the topic and you never talked sincerely with a single one of them. You can't lower yourself to talk to a whore right, can you?

    • Like 1
  3. On 5/4/2024 at 12:12 PM, Cabradelmar said:


    The vast majority of people, unless emotionally or psychologically damaged, don't "happily and willingly" choose a career as a sex worker (specifically, those that engage in the exchange of sexual services through direct physical contact), and just because they do it "for the money" or to "pay the bills" (which ostensibly means to survive their chosen lifestyle) doesn't make it any more emotionally healthy or desirable. I dare you to ask any of them, what they really really want, and I assure you (if they are being completely honest, and are not embarrassed -- which if you are a customer you will only get their lies), most will say "not this life."  Your own generalizations only validate your opinions (and like so many others, it makes you feel better about yourself and what you abide, and that's on you). I've said it once and I will say it again... No decent human being who has ever had a daughter would ever want this life for their own daughter, so why would you want it for someone else's daughter. Please, have just a little empathy and compassion.

    Sure, ME TOO!!!

    If I can have my chosen lifestyle with a less stressful job, I will do something else. And this is valid for every single human being on this planet.

    SO WHAT?

    You are just perpetrating the stigma that prostitution is inherently bad, therefore people who do it must have problems. Why someone would choose to <deleted> a stranger twice a week when s/he could be happy working in a factory 40 hours a week for 1/4 of the revenue?

    " No decent human being who has ever had a daughter would ever want this life for their own daughter, so why would you want it for someone else's daughter. Please, have just a little empathy and compassion."

    This is the best bit. No one wants, and who wants (and there are plenty, specially in Thailand) isn't decent. 

    You are just judging from a moral point of view. 

    TBH, I've seen far worse things than prostuiion in the Thai culture.

  4. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    If they could MAKE AS MUCH MONEY not renting their bodies they would.

    You forget one bit: with as little effort as it is now.

    And I can grant you that if anyone living in thailand would be interested in making 100k++ bath/month working a few hours a day.

    You know, you CAN earn that much money. But you have to work your ass off since you are young. And it's valid in every country. 

    Last time I dated a girl, she was a graduated at college, she was working full time as a teacher in a private school and she owned a couple of coffee boots. No kids. And yet, guess what she was doing for some extra cash

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Cabradelmar said:

    Thailand has built up an entire industry around sex workers. It's the reason tourism is what it is today (otherwise tourist numbers wouldn't be anywhere near 30-40m per year). Is it good? Not really, not for the women that have no other choices or better opportunities. Few of them want to do it as a living, if at all (stop kidding yourselves). They'd do something else almost immediately, if they could make a living at it. They do it to survive. And that's an unfortunate predicament. But it is the world's oldest profession. And for a reason. Sex always sells. And the business leaders and government officials of Thailand are okay that THA has such a large per capita share of sex workers. In fact, they disrespect the sex workers when they pretend they don't have, want or need sex workers.


    This is simply not true. For Thais sex isn't a taboo and they grew up with an obsession for money. There are plenty of women who don't have any necessity but do it to buy extra goodies.

    • Agree 1
  6. 16 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    Germany has 60% more sex workers than Thailand? Yea right. Sorry I can't take this report seriously.


    I'd read more about it but unfortunately the OP didn't link to the actual report.

    Since in Germany it's legal and managed, the figures are close to reality.

    For most countries the figures are based on estimations and should be picked with a grain of salt.

  7. 3 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    The foreigner was charged with assault, and I think that's the right charge...EVEN IF THE TUK-TUK DRIVE DID CHEAT HIM! Just because someone cheats you doesn't give you the right to assault him.

    true, but if you go around scamming people sooner or later this kind of things are going to happen. Since he has a dashcam, I wonder why the part when he receives the money wasn't released.

  8. 1 minute ago, bob smith said:

    Because I used to live in Pooket and have witnessed first hand the thuggery and scumbaggery of these red van louts!


    They are the dregs of society.



    I have to agree, same experience in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket e Hua Hin.

    Nowadays I always take grab cars and bikes, it cost a little more but it's scam free.

    • Like 1
  9. Well, the first time I went in Pattaya I took a tuk tuk. We agreed for a price, he took more than an hour taking the wrong way despite I showed him the destination on google maps (100 m from walking street) and he refused go give me the change because "he lost too much time" over the doubling the fare. If you go around playing your game like this, sooner than later you are going to <deleted> with the wrong person.

    Once a driver charged me 200 for a 500mt ride because "my luggage was to heavy". And he freaking didn't even help me putting it in the trunk.

    A month ago I took a bike in beach road ang agree for 30 bath to walking street (it was a 5 minute walk, but I had a bag and was really hot). Once arrived he wanted 100 bath.

    In general I've been scammed from drivers in Thailand so many times that I'm surprised this kind of incidents are so rare. Mind me, nothing justifies violence, but if you scam the wrong person this is what is going to happen, or even worse.

  10. On 4/3/2024 at 9:35 PM, ericthai said:

    I never had an issue getting a work permit and many of my expat friends never had an issue getting a work permit. Sure the process of getting a B visa has gotten harder over the years, but still not that difficult.   


    Medieval? Ask a Thai how difficult it is for a work visa for the USA.

    Lucky you. If you were a freelancer like me you'd know it's impossible to get a B Visa.

    I'm not aware of the US rules about VISAs (a country, btw, that I'm not a huge fan of), nor I'm interested on the topic, which isn't the one in discussion.

    Have a nice day 

  11. On 4/3/2024 at 9:29 PM, Gottfrid said:

    For you they might be, but they are the rules and laws in the country the people in question have chosen to reside in. Medieval or not, if they break them, they will have to pay for it one way or another. That is also something the ones who break the rules are very aware about.

    Still, I'm generally more concerned about what is right (at least in my opinion) than what is lawful in a strict sense.
    Actually, I never said that those who don't abide the law shouldn't be held accountable. But since I think that a minor administrative infraction isn't a fact of the broad interested for the community, I suppose it's more useful to debate a bit about the rules that regulate life in Thailand for us foreigner.

    I also think that a strict talk about laws in a country with a corruption index of 36/100 (the lower the worst) it's a bit pretentious. We all know how the law is bent or ignored on a daily basis, specially for minor infractions, at the point that is far more interesting discussing about the reasons when it's applied.

    Have a nice day. 

  12. Hello,

    I need an helping hand for a fatigue job in Bkk at a congruent tarif. Unskilled task under supervision. Any of you know someone I may call or can point me out in my research?

    Thank you

  13. Hello,

    my mobile (xiaomi) has stopped recharging and I'm looking for a reliable place to get it fixed quickly for a reasonable price (I live close to Sukhumvit - Phra Khanong). Does anyone have suggestions?

    Thank you

  14. 19 hours ago, Olmate said:

    Patong one works well.next to Hardrock.

    Well, I stayed in Patong at an hotel next to Hooters I walked by it every day.

    That one was very well placed, from there people can get the live music from the hardrock cafe and there are no other places nearby to sit down.

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  15. 4 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

    Probably very low, but unless you live in Thailand its immaterial?

    English is the most widely spoken language in the world and certainly if you are Thai and want to get a job, or live outside of Thailand, speaking English would be a necessity?

    it's not only about job... it's about reading any scientific document, international news, culture products from books to movies. I'm not a native speaker but english is really important in my life

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