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Posts posted by elmrfudd

  1. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    A source that provides lots of evidence.

    Whereas the Murdoch media empire is contradicting the experts by way overplaying the role of arson and lying about the supposed cutbacks in controlled burning  whereas in fact the opposite is the case..


    Bristol, you can't call one side a valid source of evidence just because you agree with it. 


    You do this constantly. As do most of the leftists. You only believe the NY times and the wapo when it is convenient. 


    Climate change has nothing to do with this. 


    Calm down. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Yes, perhaps just "rightwing" would have been a better choice.

    How Rupert Murdoch Is Influencing Australia’s Bushfire Debate


    Wait, you quoted a left wing source for blaming it on a right wing source.... Can this be any sillier? 


    Droughts happen, lightning happens. Arson happens. Climate change has nothing to do with it. 


    Stop making stuff up. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    He didn’t come across as a credible and honest man in the press conference. Give him credit for resurrecting Nissan fortune but he seem to think he is indispensable and he can do anything he want. 

    I found him to provide clear information and he clearly had demonstrated that the Japanese system is woefully corrupt. 


    The xenophobic history of the country is well known for making sure that outsiders are treated as such. 

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  4. 20 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

     "a system where the conviction rate is 99.4 pct and I believe the number is far higher for foreigners," he said"


    It makes me think of another Asian country that I will not name ????

    ... but maybe many will have guessed ????

    The us govt has 93 percent. If they want to prosecute you, regardless of actual guilt, they will be successful. Perhaps we should be questioning whether the systems of all federal governments are actually fair, or are designed to be successful. 



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  5. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    How about bit of self reflection on how US destabilized the region and how about US intervention to help Shah dictatorial absolute rule over Iran and suppressed demand for democracy.     

    OK, agreed that the past administrations have been disastrously inept. Now a president wants to get out and you still want to moan and deride every single move to feed your ideology. 


    What is your solution since you are the obvious anointed one that has the answers 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Not sure your comment meant for humor but it’s seem amorphous. Congress authorize dispensation of aids not individuals even for Trump. Read the Logan Act and try understand the criminology regarding unauthorized persons negotiating with foreign powers. 

    Like talking to the Iranians that was done before Obama took office or when Kerry was advising them after he was out of office? Like those examples you mean? Or when Ted Kennedy was going to the Russians to try and make Reagan lose the election. 


    Do you mean like these examples that were never prosecuted and ignored by the media? 


    There wouldn't be a double standard in your world would there be? 

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  7. 5 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    She is typical Yank, wants everything her way. He should never have been allowed to marry her. She has dragged down the Royal family and is now taking away a decent bloke to be her lap dog. Let them go and never come back.  I would love to know what Prince Phillip thinks of her !

    He's not a decent bloke. He's a typical spoiled brat progressive stooge. She is a sjw woke joke. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    They were official members of the Iraqi government. How much more legitimate could they be?

    The pmf is not a legitimate government office. If they want to associate with designated terrorists, perhaps take a separate vehicle next time. I can't find the official list of casualties that list these Iraqi officials, do you have it? 

    • Sad 1
  9. 2 hours ago, androokery said:

    In my experience, the people calling for “common sense”’ to prevail in order to simplify complex problems, are usually seriously lacking both common sense and the expertise needed to solve the problems. The fact that you don’t understand the reasons for the process or sympathise with its intentions doesn’t mean it’s pointless. It just means you don’t understand. 

    In your experience? What would that be precisely? 


    It is exactly your arrogant condescending tone that turns people away from the "only my theory can be right" attitude of the climate nazi cult. 

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