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Posts posted by james_goku

  1. Hello all!

    I was wondering if there are any suzuki dealers in thailand where i can buy the brand new gsxr 1000 2010 or 09. i dont want to buy 2ed hand. I keep going to the dealer at major/rachada and he tells me every year that they will get it and every time i go back he says they will get it next year. grrrrr :bah:

    if some one knows, could you please let me know how much it cost and where could i get it.

    ps, i live in bangkok and im selling a 2010 ninja 250 with mods for 120k bhat.

  2. Hello all,

    I will be buying a ninja 250R from a dealer..(2 year contract) soon. What should i know about far as....maintenance or things i should be buying for the bike after i take it off the dealer.

    Will it be hard to get this bike fixed if somthing goes wrong on it? i hear that ninja 250s are new here....so i dont know if many shops have exp working on them.

    any tips or anything for having a new bike in bangkok.

  3. My thai friends here in the states are telling me i should buy a iphone and and sell it in thailand when i get there.

    Is this hard? any risk? How much do they sell for?

    does it matter what iphone i buy, 3g or 8g or 16g

    Any info on this matter would help out alot.

  4. I just sold my ninja 250 and i will moving to thailand oct 26. I was wondering what bike would i enjoy the most?

    Im so bored of my 250 because it was lacking in power.( alot of my friends told me this would happen but i did not listen) the take off on that bike just is lacking, but still a fun bike.

    From what i have been reading...the cbr 150 is the top bike around here. If im geting bored with the 250 ninja..will i hate the cbr 150?

    I'm really trying to find a fast 400cc bike, but im only wanting to spend about 50k baht.

    Does Anybody know what bike i should try out?

  5. Hello

    im 24 years old. i live in knoxville,TN USA. i love muay thai and thailand. hangin out on the beach.( a reason im going to thailand :o ) going out and having a few drinks.

    Im planing to go back to thailand, but this time for good.

    I will get my tefl cert , the 120 hr course in thailand and also look for a job teaching english.

    I will find a apt or house to live in and ect, ect

    I would like to find some one to plan and do the things together.

    Well the goal of this post is to try to find some one else that is doing the same thing and is around my age and share the same interest. By doing that i would like to plan going to thailand at same time with that person for a number of reasons.

    THIS IS NOT FOR EVERY ONE!! so dont post back telling how this would not

    work for you, saying stuff like...i think traveing by my self is fine.

    If you must post and this is not for you...could you you please post some positive advice.

    1.Traveling by yourself SUCKS!!

    2. Going to a different country for the first time with some with you is alot better than going alone. (some one to Watch Your Back) (some one to talk to) (ect)

    3.Shareing expenses will help out alot when starting out in thailand. (food) (rent) (ect)

    4.Planing and helping each other in finding tefl school to attend and help study.

    5.shareing each others contacts and helping each other in common goal.

    I would like to do this for the first month or whatever untill one of us is ready to get there own apt and part ways.

    If this sounds like somthing you would be interested in, just send me PM or email.

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