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Sticky Wicket

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Posts posted by Sticky Wicket

  1. 23 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Where I live, Nong Han in Chiang Mai, there is a horrendous dog problem. An elderly neighbour next door has 5 dogs. Virtually every Thai house on the street has four or more dogs. Most of them do not have a fence and do not put the dog on a chain. The net result is that you have dogs coming at you when you walk the street, often in packs of 5 or more. Not to mention the dogs tearing open rubbish bags and urinating all over the bin, fence, everywhere.


    I only go for walks carrying a big stick. But thanks to reading the above article I will now get gun that fires blanks on Lazada, as it appears the noise is more effective than any stick. Also ordered Spyderco knife just in case. The situation is that bad here.

    How about moving? Sounds like a miserable existence, especially with the air problems in CM too

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  2. 1 hour ago, Beggar said:

    Many of the sold face mask will not protect against the virus. Here a lot of information work needs to be done and shops should be stopped to sell such useless masks. 

    All masks serve some kind of purpose, why should shops stop selling them?

    It's up to the individual to make purchases using information at their disposal.


    I could understand your point if shops were advertising certain masks as some kind of panacea, but I've not seen that yet

  3. 7 hours ago, shy coconut said:

    Deary me, if you are so superior and paranoid, perhaps you should learn the Thai word

    for disenfectant instead of making yourself look a numpty repeating a word to a guy

    whose job is to check that you are allowed to enter the country.


    Did you have some kind of drone or CCTV to be able to see into all of the booths

    from behind the lines?

    But but but, the ultimate apologist is out in force

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  4. 52 minutes ago, visarunner said:

    the screening is useless as patients can carry and spread virus in the incubation period, which is 14 days. Close the borders for Chinese. Mask are useless too. 

    How can you say the masks are useless??

    If nothing else, they stop you from touching your nose and mouth.

    The average person touches their face 4/5 times per minute.

    You can argue forever about the size of the virus and how it can bypass the filters but they can be helpful in preventing the spread of the virus

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, rwill said:

    Plus he shot more people than just the ones that died.


    It is great he was caught.  Now the big question is like other things that happen here will the story just quietly go away.

    Hopefully there will be real justice.  This is an evil person no matter what.

    The way he shot those two customers at the gold stand on the cctv is enough to show he is a complete danger to society. Should never ever allowed to be in the public domain again

  6. 6 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    If the other two people were shot in cold blood, and I think they were, then you can assume that because the child was killed as part of his rampage, he was also killed in cold blood. He was indiscriminate, he didn't care who he shot.

    Yeh I agree, the only difference was that he didn't aim for the kid. 

    It was just a note, I wasn't trying to absolve him one iota of his heinous crime

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