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Always curious

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Posts posted by Always curious

  1. Pattaya Immigration......."  A farang went there in March, told to do so by his corrupt hush-hush first-name-only "Agent", whom the farang had paid 20,000 baht to, in advance.  The farang was told to go to Pattaya Immigration on a certain day between certain hours and go to "Window X" where Immigration agent "X" agent would be waiting for him.  The corrupt "Immigration Agent" told the farang to leave his bank book and passport and corrupt Immigration"X" then told the farang to wait outside until later when he would be called back in.  A corrupt lackey of the corrupt Immigration Agent "X" took the farang's bank book to a bank, came back and gave it to corrupt Immigration "X", who told the farang  to come back in, not to try and withdraw any of the 'new' fake, 800,000 baht "deposit".  He then fraudulently stamped a 2010 Retirement Visa renewal stamp in the farang's passport and said, 'that was it', he could leave.  The farang left Immigration, very satisfied, got outside, looked at his bank book which had a newly-stamped bank's 800,000 baht fake deposit stamp in it and looked at his passport which had been fraudulently stamped with a new 1-year renewal date good until sometime in 2020.  Everyone......the original first-name-only "Agent", the corrupt Immigration "Agent X", the corrupt lackey and someone corrupt at the bank would then supposedly 'share the aforementioned 20,000 baht.  It's an ongoing 'business'', folks and everyone is satisfied so, again, find one of many "Agents" (who even advertise) pay a first-name-only "Agent", and it will all be done for you in the space of hours and you are good to go.  Is that why "Big Joke" was demoted?  Was he was trying to do a proper job of rooting out corrupt participants and those corrupt participants were unhappy because their corrupt funds were being cut off?


    Always curious.

  2. Isn't it ironic that big portly men, many in too-tight uniforms,sitting in big fat offices, being given big fat amounts of baht can, on a moment's notice, immediately affect the lives of ex-pats and others here.  Extremely short notice (in December) was given to ex-pats by authorities (in January) saying that Embassy letters regarding  monthly income would suddenly no longer be accepted for Retirement Visa extensions.  This very short notice caused, and is causing, consequential consternation for many.  Now, with only days' notice, I.D.must be shown at BTS stations in order to 'top up' fare cards used by so many thousands.  Queues and inconvenience?  These short notice consequences were obviously not thought about, nor cared about, by the originators of these regulations.  Who thinks up these off-the-top-of-their-head draconian tactics without giving humane notice for enactment?  Meanwhile, why do flagrant abuses like 'watches', 'expensive cars', 'poaching', 'popular drink hit and run' and 'certain fugitives', freely prancing about hither and yon, get swept under the carpet?  I wonder and I am........


    Just curious.

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