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  1. Hello Guys. <snip> I am wanting to quit smoking for my self and to give my family a better chance at life as smoking is costing $100 a week and i know i can put that money towards giving them and myself a better life but i am struggling again i have done 6 days of cutting back from 10 - 6 smokes a day but i want to quit really quickly and i find that if my partner isnt around i tend to hide half smokes and go back for them when he isnt home ( my partner and i are quitting together) and he takes all the smokes and i keep the papers as we smokes rollies and i want to save money to be able to get our selfs our own house and give our kids a better future ( i am currently pregnant) and i dont want to use patches or gum or anything that contains nicotin as i have a very addictive attitude towards things so i was wondering if there is any one on here besides my doctor that can help my try and quit. Thank you.
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