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Jimbo 12345

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Everything posted by Jimbo 12345

  1. British slut marries thai guy to help stay in Thailand , trying to claim money 55555, refused hospital treatment because she probably not insured, and can't afford the treatment, probably p@ssed up, security guard should press charges.
  2. People are dying, and you all think it's a f@kin joke, shame on all of you, pathetic the lot of you
  3. I'm getting fed up of commenting on some of these idiots, the weather made him vere off course, yes of course it did mate, didums, no one else by the way, only him, what a total loser.
  4. Give the waster 10 years in prison, it'll make the other wasters think twice, I might see him on BANGED UP ABROAD, love that program, hope he finds some beautiful boyfriends inside, 555555 tosser.
  5. If I have to pay tax on my pension every month ,which I send from the UK every month, its Cambodia for me, plain and simple, Thailand is getting absolutely diabolical to live in these days, tax here, tax there, visa here, visa there, and you watch how many followers they will be.
  6. I'm still finding it hard to believe that he wasn't Russian,
  7. Yet another coward yellow chicken war Dodger causing havoc in little Moscow, I absolutely detest these pieces of scum, send ( IT ) back to ( ITS) country and fight like a man you pathetic piece of sh@#$t
  8. 500 bt fine, thai authority's should be ashamed of themselves and hang their heads in shame. £12 FINE. Absolutely nothing to a farang, jail the b@tch for a month, what a fxcki joke
  9. So what if the cop asked for money????? You know fine well what happens in Thailand, take the chance, or get a license, don't speed, wear a helmet, dont drink and drive, these 2 wasters were speeding, no helmets, don't know if they have a license, don't know if they had a beer, it's all immaterial, they didn't stop, tough sh@t boys, you going down, I for 1 hope you get 10 years in prison.
  10. 100,000 bt fine is nothing to a farang, absolutely nothing, they need to go to prison, then banned for life from Thailand, they should have stopped, simple. 2 arrogant b$#%@#ds.
  11. Should have stopped simple, to many QUINCY'S on this site, think you all know it all, you know FA, all guessing, he did this he did that, I know this for sure, thai lady took the video, if you understand thai, she's shouting to let the cop go. 15 years each,
  12. Stop the comments because we don't know what happened ????? 5555555555, you just explained the whole story, not speeding etc etc etc, cops want money etc., extortion etc., FFS, who do you think you are???? F#@NG QUINCY
  13. Do NOT f@$ck with cops in Thailand, especially tourists, big big big mistake, especially holding a cops gun, GOODBYE KIWIS, you just earned yourself a extra long stay in Thailand, extra 15 years each, but the good news is..... you don't need to do your 90 days online report.
  14. What a boring topic, and every answer I read was a joke, absolutely pathetic jokes by the way. Bet you're a right laugh having a beer. ZZZZZZZZZZZ
  15. People brag about how their pit bull never attacked anyone , are you proud of that, be patient, theres always time. Don't you owners understand why these killing machines are banned in other countries, really???? Or are you just stupid??????
  16. Is that some kind of record, 10 years, where you waiting for it to attack someone?? Sounds like you are proud it never attacked anyone in 10 years, ?????? . Good doggie
  17. Brilliant ending if they both have the same girlfriend OR ladyboy friend. They won't be friends for long, what are the chances tho. 5555555
  18. Is anyone really interested in a alleged UK citizen, with a name like £$/@_$(^€'c. Coming to Thailand to live ???? REALLY ????? I honestly don't give a flying f@#k
  19. Why, because she had a bit of cannabis, or she was in workout gear, ?
  20. Hope he needs to see a doctor real soon, rich pr#ck.
  21. Yes, absolutely, very very special, thanks
  22. Been here 20 years + ive yet to see a Russian band playing in bars, know one interested except the Russians, who I said earlier, don't go to bars, all cheap Charlies chickens escaping the war living off mummy and daddy money,
  23. Tik tok guy, get a life, pay him up, cheap Charlie, $3 WTF.
  24. Russian band in Thailand lol, they must have gone down well in Thailand, 1st.... only Russians like Russian music, 2nd..... Russians never go in bars, all cheap Charlies , Russian men with their Russian partners, and finally take the rest of your Russian comrades back to where you belong, it certainly isn't Thailand. Farewell amigos 5555555
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