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Jimbo 12345

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Everything posted by Jimbo 12345

  1. Some very nasty sick answers about this accident, people have lost their lives, and you joke about it, shame on you, you should be ashamed of yourselves, karma is waiting for you. Sickos
  2. You don't want to live to that age, ???? 77, ??? OMG, so if you are a healthy 76 year old, you wa t to die very soon, how pathetic
  3. OMG, have you never heard of or saying, in the wrong place No one said he was wrong, have you never heard the saying, in the wrong place at the wrong time??? If he had been 5 minutes earlier or 5 minutes later, he would still be alive, hence the phrase, in the wrong place at the wrong time,
  4. Tragic accident, no one to blame, driver behind pipped his horn, lights were on green, not his fault, ambulance can and always will go through red lights, it could have been a emergency, though it should have had sirens blaring, the cyclist was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but this is Thailand, always proceed with caution, RIP. Tragic.
  5. So a lady is not allowed on the street at 4am ??? <deleted> , hang the guys, cowards. Hope they rot in prison
  6. I would have reduced her sentence to 133 years, we don't need scum like her coming to Thailand.
  7. Why use chemical, when bolt cutters are so cheap???
  8. Well done to the thai police for taking out a peedo.
  9. He would have got a 1000bt fine in Thailand, welcome to the UK mate, you are going to make a wonderful boyfriend when the British meet you , 555555
  10. OMG, so sad, so very very sad, RIP little angel.
  11. Ive said it 100s of times, 1000000 dogs dead is better than losing 1 human life, poison every soi dog, get them off our streets, they are like rats, <deleted>in vermin.
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