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Posts posted by Aroundnabout

  1. Hello everyone, 


    I am in a bit of a sticky situation and was hoping some people might have knowledge with this.


    I have been studying in a university in Bangkok, I have registered for my last semester, paid half of it, but didn’t have enough for the whole semester and didn’t actually study that semester. Recently I contacted university asking for my transcript, but they said they can’t issue one till the debt will not be paid.


    I don’t have any money to pay while in Thailand and actually been saving and doing online freelance just to get the money for the ticket. I will clear my debt with the university but am only able to do so when I will be back in my country. 


    So my question is, can university somehow contact immigration and tell them about my debt? Will I have any problems leaving Thailand?


    Thank you in advance for your help.

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