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  1. Makes you wonder how this is even a thing; I've heard of it before, so I know it does happen. I think the last one I heard of was also a Chinese student. When I was 21 if you called me and gave me some BS story about being the police I just would have laughed and hung up.
  2. I replaced my passport last year also because it had a small 4 mm tear in the photo page. Never had an issue as i don't think it was ever noticed but all it takes is one person to see it and then the show kicks off, it bothered me as I have heard of passports being denied because of tears. The airline staff did as there instructed, if IndiGo allowed her on the flight and India immigration denied entry the cost is on the airline to return her to Thailand. Also if an airline gets to many rejections of passengers due to paperwork that shouldn't have been allowed, then they get fined. So, as cold as it may seem she has to either get a new passport or book a direct flight, or book on another airline and try again and hope they don't notice. Its not polite to talk about people's finances but it seems she doesn't even have an emergency fund even though she has traveled to several countries, not really the best plan. And for the sister to open a gofund me for such a small amount? It seems the whole fam that has bad financial planning if that's what is needed to help her.
  3. Since she is wearing an immigration jacket and the way she is sitting to the side rather facing forward like most perps I would assume she is working with Thai immigration as a translator. Like any country the authorities are going to have several translators on their list to call during interrogations. If you want as valid information as possible, you're going to want someone that speaks it fluently. I would guess counterfeit money investigation would be such a case.
  4. Can anyone recommend a English speaking doctor or clinic in That Phanom or Nakhon Phanom? Thanks
  5. The Chinese will definitely love this.
  6. "The companies were formed as per the rules by all accounts" Thats only half of it, you actually have to have a legit running and operating business to go with that business registration, what they were doing was registering a business that was on paper only. It's easy enough to do it legally, open a noodle shop or some other small enterprise, it doesn't even need to be profitable just as long as it breaks even, you're legitimately running a business. Guaranteed there was not 270 businesses up and running that this Thai lady had her name on.
  7. Its easy enough to do it the legal way, open a legit noodle shop or whatever. It doesn't need to be profitable just as long as it breaks even and you're a legitimate business owner. What these people were doing was registering a company on paper only, and foolishly using this same Thai lady that already had her name on hundreds of nonexistent businesses.
  8. Don't understand the fit to fly requirement. Book a ticket and go, even if needing a wheelchair the airlines/airport supplies that on request. Unless she is clearly in medical distress nobody asks for a fit to fly letter at check in.
  9. Probably best to leave it alone and move on, since its on video and there's witnesses that say he assaulted first even if the authorities do press charges against the head kicker so can they file charges against the Brit for assault.
  10. I would gather that most expats that have incomes outside of Thailand are not working for a company that's going to report the income to the Thai taxing authority and if your earning wages outside of Thailand then you would very likely have a non-Thai bank account. The only income the Thai authorities would know about is what's in your local bank account that you show on visa renewal.
  11. I've heard that said many times that its only a tourist thing, but I don't know where that idea comes from. I've been in Nakhon Phanom for 8 years and as far back as I can remember the locals especially the teen ladies wear them here. Just seen a young lady last week in our village wearing them.
  12. Could be the crypto currency since they mentioned it was around $600K worth of crypto in the article. Since they knew the money was transferred through 3 different accounts she knows where it is, just can't access it without the account codes. Unlike a bank account that the authorities can freeze and access, crypto accounts can be a bit more challenging to access even if you know the account. Thats one reason many involved in shady deals like crypto over cash and banks.
  13. She hit him twice first, being assaulted is not "Being a tad upset". I as most detest men hitting woman but if a woman is going to throw down and attack someone then expect equal in return.
  14. Tipped off "by a remorseful member of the gang" more likely he wasn't being paid enough and switched sides for a handsome payout. Now, you never know which side to believe but it seems she was smuggled into the country "and explained her failure to report her entry into Thailand was due to safety concerns" So her credibility is shot.
  15. They evict her from her room but let her crash in the lobby? Thats strange, at least to me. Typically, your removed from the property altogether, would seem she doesn't have any friends to come take her.
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