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  1. So your brother-in-law more important than your daughter. Got your message now. You know, whatever you can do you should do right now. The longer you wait the harder it will be to get something done.
  2. I'm not a troll. You are just weak and need others from a forum to help you on something this serious. What message are you sending to your daughter now? Daddy is scared and is waiting for other adults to step in. Typical Westerner behavior.
  3. Sorry but kind of parents are you? You using your "special influence" for a useless brother in-law who can defend himself as an adult but won't do anything for your daughter who was SEXUALLY assaulted and is scarred for life? What if someone attacks your family in front of you? Will go to AN and ask for advise or wait for lawyers or even the RTP to help you? In my eyes you are not a man.
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