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Gerald Smith

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Posts posted by Gerald Smith

  1. 1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

    Don't waste you hard-earned dosh. Pull it yourself.



    Don't use pliers or anything metal. If they slip when the tooth is halfway out it could hurt, or even rip your tongue or lip. And forget stuff to deaden pain. It's going to be all over in two seconds.

    My method is to get some really strong twine, (don't use fishing line: too much stretch). Double it up and wrap it real tight around the base of the tooth. Now this is the secret they don't tell you about. (They wouldn't want to be put out of their lucrative business). Don't try to pull it our; no! Wrap it around a piece of wood, like a cricket stump, or a sturdy bamboo stick.


    Next, decide whether you are going to twist the wood inward or outward; don't want to change your mind half way!


    Hold the wood above your head, place the hands about half-metre apart (or what is comfortable), make sure the twine doesn't slip, open your mouth wide, tilt the head back a little, take up the slack and start twisting. Once you hear that first satisfying 'crack' sound you are in business. Give a really good twist and Bob's yer uncle.


    800 baht saved for a nice treat for the good lady.

    As a retired dentist, I can say the other guy nailed it and you are insane. Some anterior teeth affected by gum disease are removed in seconds but try taking out middle (premolars) or back teeth (molars) with string and it ain’t gonna work. Possibly snap the crown off and then you are really up a creek. See a real dentist. And dental students are good for cleanings, but knowing what I know, I wouldn’t have any work other than cleanings done at the university. You want a student that is just learning how to numb work on your teeth? Go ahead. I have better knowledge of what takes place and yes deeper pockets but just offering advice.  A dental student is very limited in their skills going thru school.

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  2. On 4/6/2019 at 1:17 AM, Anagami said:

    Do they really think that people come to Pattaya for their 'beautiful' beach? ????

    If all the pussy got washed out to the sea, that would be a real problem for the city.

    Hey guys, I don’t post much. But this post is the best ever I’ve read on this forum. Got to show this to mom (she’s 90). That is some funny and truthful shit there.

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