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  1. Sounds like a you problem. You expect her to reciprocate something she doesn't view as important. She probably grew up in an environment where gift giving was not common, so as an adult she doesn't even think about it. Consider yourself lucky: my ex-gf not only never gave me any gifts, she went as far as organizing a birthday party for me and invited 10 of her friends and 1 of mine - and all of this *I* had to pay for. Needless to say next year there was no party. Of course on her birthday she wanted to party, again with like 6 friends. Yours is at least not a gold digger and sounds like she's with you for you, not your money - that is a lot more than most farang-Thai relationships.
  2. 15 minutes of fame? people do make up untrue **** all the time. He told reporters that he hired a lawyer, but I doubt anyone verified if that's actually true. Would you hire a lawyer over 15,000 and pay a lot more than that on top of what you already lost?? There isn't even a photo of his injuries so we don't even know if that part is true either.
  3. The sky is falling? It's a 25% tax. My home country imposes 100%, Thailand imposes 300%. My home country doesn't manufacture cars, but isn't the situation a bit unfair to the US? It obviously affects buying choices - even personally when looking for a car I didn't bother with an American one due to pricing - despite actually liking American cars. But regardless - my guess is this is a chess move by Trump - he wants to put some cards on the table before he negotiates with other countries to reduce tariffs on US products. Eventually what will happen is countries including Thailand will agree to lower tariffs on US goods in exchange for being relieved of the new US ones.
  4. The only thing different now is that there are more troublemaker tourists around than in the past, and they quickly find out that if you mess with Thais they'll mess you up. They really need to reduce visa waiver back to 30 days and cancel or limit the DTV - easy visa attract low quality tourists and troublemakers.
  5. We can only hope! There are too many tourists as it is, which is causing problems. Vaping in your face with no regard for anybody else is just one of them. Uhhhhh why bother? If they really wanted to enforce the law they could raid any nightlife establishment and they'll come up with a significant amount of vapes/vapers. But one can only dream... I don't care if you want to vape in your home or in a smoking room - but vaping near other people in a room designated non-smoking should be enforced. It's a shame that venues allow it (in non-smoking rooms).
  6. Just deport. Thailand doesn't need trash like this. Really wish they tighten visa rules to get rid of all the tiktok "stars", "influencers", and other broke losers who really should be home looking for a job rather than pinching pennies and eating street food to live on a budget.
  7. Why does it hurt you that people enjoy themselves? If they want to sit on their barstool all day and drink let them - as long as they're not hurting anybody they're actually providing value to the economy. But regardless- if you really want to drink on those days there are places open, just not public facing. If it's happening anyway then why not make it legal and official instead of those venues handing out brown envelopes? oh wait...
  8. Imported alcohol already has 300-400% taxes on it and is significantly more expensive than in countries that don't tax the hell out of it. Raising prices/taxes will not deter your favorite Benidorm crew, and will just harm ALL tourists. The only way to deter low budget tourists is to make everyone get a visa and prove financial viability - but that's unlikely to happen.
  9. Two completely separate issues. Short term rentals are it's own problem, but groups of Africans renting condo units long term and using them as base of operations has been growing exponentially. In my condo and a couple of other condos nearby there are many Africans now. Mostly sex workers, pimps, and drug dealers. Immigration would have a field day here if they just bothered to look into it. This is a recent thing - back when I lived here before Covid I barely saw any Africans in the building. To be clear - the problem is not that they're African - the problem is that they're prostitutes/pimps/drug dealers and taking over otherwise very nice condos.
  10. Isn't it already? Just look at the Chinese buying condos. What middle class? There's a simple solution: make it illegal for Thais to enter the casinos, allow only foreigners. Show your passport at the door or don't enter.
  11. Just putting it here: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/worlds-first-study-reveals-truth-34719574 We really don't know the full long term effects yet. It takes even cigarettes decades to kill, but they eventually do. 15 years is not that long, let's see in another 15 years. But all of this is irrelevant to me - I choke and cough uncontrollably when exposed to that crap, and get lung, throat, and nose irritation for a day or two if exposed to a lot of it. Smoke is a lot worse of course, but with smoke you can at least escape it usually. I'm sure I'm not the ony one - many of my friends cough a lot after a night out - they just don't realize it's because of what they've been second-hand breathing.
  12. Exacty my thinking. One blow with a concrete block is self-defense. Three is intent to harm or even murder. Hopefully for him the guy survives and he gets a slap on the wrist, but if he dies he's probably going to jail.
  13. I had a Hatari one for a while, tossed it out eventually because it only had a crappy filter without carbon, so it didn't filter out smoke, odors, etc. Got a Breeva instead and it does a much better job.
  14. Vaping has only become massively popular in the last few years. Give it time, it won't disappoint.
  15. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2240583146-s7643678166.html
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