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Posts posted by jgfjuhg

  1. 9 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    No one has done anything to stop it because no one can!


    I do not think that the "whole planet will disappear", I did not say that it would, precisely the opposite; it's the ignorant climate-change proponents that wrongly claim that the planet is in danger of disappearing due to climate!

    Not true at all. These so called ‘ignorant climate-change proponents’ are trying to make the world we live in a healthy and proper environment for the future generations to live in. How would you like to live in a place where you have to wear masks just to be able to breathe normally? I bet you’re one of those Trump-supporters whom believe global warming is fake.

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  2. On 3/16/2019 at 8:51 AM, Nyezhov said:

    Oh how childish and silly. Tell us how the baby boomer generation has destroyed the world then? Oh and I assume you don't contribute to global warming.


    Bet snookems calls me a denier soon. Ouch.

    EVERYONE contributes to it. But these people are actually trying to do something about it and break the habits that we humans have as part of our day-to-day basis. What have you done ?

  3. 2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    I'm glad I won't be around to witness the non-action of ignorant climate change proponents who think that they can change something that's been happening for millions of years. And the planet's still here.

    Point is, it HAS been happening for millions of years, and no one has done anything to stop it. Finally, people actually decide to take action and you call them ‘ignorant’. The planet is still here, you think a whole planet will suddenly disappear ? The earth is billions of years old, and humans have only been on it for a short period of time compared to it. Yet they have already destroyed so much of its landscape. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    So why not just go out clean your filthy country up 

    Signs don't help action does 

    exactly, which is why around 50 students can’t go and just clean up the whole of Thailand. these students are there to inform the public and speak to the government so actual change can happen. rude online comments dont help either, ACTION DOES. 

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