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Thomas Lodi

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Posts posted by Thomas Lodi

  1. 3 hours ago, fullcave said:

    Hmm  How does a Pakistani get Thai nationality? 

    They're very easy to purchase. However, they cost about 500,000 baht. So it's odd that someone that has the money to afford to buy Thai citizenship would be squabbling over such a meager amount of money: 357,000 baht. Jesus, what crumbs these people are fighting and killing each other over. Thailand is the least competitive country I've ever lived in which makes it the easiest place to make money that I've ever lived in. And I don't have Thai citizenship. You have 10 million wealthy Chinese tourists that are dropping $50k USD on stem cell ( per treatment ). And that's just the Chinese. The Saudis like to spend even more in Thailand. If you don't know how to make money from the very amazing dynamic that is in Thailand ( a super cheap country with absurdly rich tourists ) ... then I'm not sure what to say. People just give you buckets of money in this country for being white, it's crazy.

    • Confused 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    This, and contact the Thai FDA. They are responsible for ensuring only legal medications are brought into the country by licensed people. http://www.fda.moph.go.th/sites/fda_en/SitePages/ContactUs.aspx

    May take a while to find the right people to talk to there though.


    Taxes is  nonstarter, it is not like in the US.

    Ok, thank you for the advice friend. Much appreciated.

  3. Just now, yogi100 said:

    Jesus, I bet you were a bundle of laughs as a boy.

    Common friend, you don't know me, I'm a very nice guy and a lot of fun. The man killed my friend with his quack medicine. I don't get it, why is this difficult to understand? Why must you guys insult me when you don't even know me. This is not fair. I would never want to report someone but this is a truly bad individual. I'm asking for your help, not to be ridiculed. Can anyone empathize here?

  4. 3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    Thomas it's best if you keep your nose out of affairs that do not concern you.


    There was an Englishman in Pattaya that made it his business to inform on falangs that were running businesses without work permits and other legal paperwork. In the small hours of the morning that he was due to go home two Thai men attacked him and he wound up in hospital instead of on a plane going back to the UK.


    The falangs carried on with their businesses unhindered and the identity of his two attackers remained a mystery.


    And you are not and never will be a citizen of Thailand. Like this doctor you are referring to you are just another paying guest. Mind your own business.

    Not possible to do as he literally killed my friend with his quack medicine. I have to do something. It is my duty. I'm sorry that you cannot understand.

  5. 1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Why are you asking for the tax man if he is bringing in illegal item?  Just call the police, they will then also call the tax man if that is appropriate to the case.

    ok thank you. I was just wondering if there was a form to report tax fraud as there is in the US. I have called the police but they don't seem too interested in helping. Better to get the tax people involved as there is a financial incentive for them to go after this charlatan.

  6. 1 minute ago, BestB said:

    How on earth do you know how much he earns ? How much tax he pays and how many kilos he brings and what he brings?


    people like you should be locked up and never allowed not only out but access to internet or any interactions with another human being

    Wait what? I'm doing a good thing here. I know how much he earns for reasons that do not concern you. Why should I be locked up? The guy is bringing 100 kilos of steroids, marijuana, and medicine that is not approved by the Thai FDA. I'm doing my duty as a citizen.

  7.  There is an extremely unethical doctor operating in Thailand. He is bringing illegal medicine into Thailand in his luggage. Over 100 kilos at a time. Somehow, he makes it through immigration every time without an elite visa or bribing anyone. I guess they don't check white people? Where do you suggest I report this doctor so that he is stopped by the Thai authorities at customs. This is one bad dude, a total scam artist that lost his license in the US as a result of cocaine abuse and medical malpractice. Any help would be much appreciated in bringing justice to this unethical charlatan that is both harming and profiting off the great people of Thailand. He is also engaging in massive tax fraud, netting over 30 million baht profit here in Thailand and not paying a single tax dollar. I've already reported him to the American IRS here: <removed> Wondering if they have something like this in Thailand. Any help would be much appreciated in bringing justice to this criminal of the highest order. Cheers guys.

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