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  1. The date of the attack. The date they were locked up. You have biasedly assumed that they were innocent. What if they were not innocent? If you support terrorists and terrorism or simply die-hard anti China, then no need to argue any further.
  2. I only stated facts. Of course both you and me didn't know for sure if they were involved or not. That's someone's job to find out. But by you deciding that they were surely innocent, that's you trying to BS to yourself too.
  3. And how do you know that they have nothing to do with the attack? You have interrogated them?
  4. Locked up since 2011 or 2014? https://thediplomat.com/2025/02/thai-court-opens-hearing-into-petition-to-free-detained-uyghurs/
  5. Don't you know where Kunming is located? Where do you think this group exited China?
  6. Yes, karma is a bitch. These Uyghurs should have thought of it before they supported the mass stabbing terrorists at Urumqi and Kunming. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kunming_attack
  7. It's a good form of deterrence, don't you think? You Uyghurs want to enter Thailand illegally we will send you to jail for years. And after we jail you for years we will chuck you back to China. See how many more Uyghurs dare to come in illegally anymore.
  8. Actually, the Taiwanese scammers targeted both Taiwan people and mainlanders. That's why both the mainland and Taiwanese governments wanted to arrest them. After the Taiwan authorities freed the scammers, they realized their mistake after Malaysia subsequently deported Taiwanese scammers to the mainland so eventually they jailed the freed scammers in the hope that future deportation goes to Taiwan instead of the mainland.
  9. Of course jailed there. Taiwanese scammers originally operated from Taiwan. After clampdowns by Taiwan authorities, the scammers moved to China. When mainland police cracked down on them, they moved to Southeast Asia. That's why you see Malaysian authorities caught so many Taiwanese scammers. https://topics.amcham.com.tw/2016/05/taiwans-scam-artists-go-global/
  10. Already shown you the news that originally Malaysia deported the Taiwanese scammers to Taiwan, but too bad the Taiwanese gov simply released them all. Of course Malaysia got angry and deported them to mainland China instead. The Taiwanese were involved in the scamming business earlier than the mainlanders. They were not all victims, although some of them were. They are still in the business. The mainlanders have learned the business from the Taiwanese scammers. https://topics.amcham.com.tw/2016/05/taiwans-scam-artists-go-global/
  11. The metro lines of Kuala Lumpur started off as privately owned. The 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis bankrupted the cronies of politicians that owned the lines and had to be bailed-out via nationalization. Subsequent lines were built by the state and so a single-payment method for all the lines, including buses, was easily implemented. And because all the lines and buses of Kuala Lumpur are owned by the state, a cheap, heavily subsidized, concessionary pass could be launched. The MY50 monthly pass as it is called, is very popular, with over 220,000 subscribers.
  12. Hey Bob, did you know that according to Buddhism, a womanizer, if reborn as a human again, will be reborn as a prostitute or ladyboy? Mild cases will be reborn just as a woman.
  13. Bangkok should implement something like in Kuala Lumpur - RM50 (around THB 380) for an unlimited use monthly pass for all lines, including buses.
  14. Cheaper to fly to Kuala Lumpur instead.
  15. The Taiwanese government freed the scammers, not kicked them to mainland China. https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/20-taiwanese-fraud-suspects-deported-from-malaysia-freed-116041600419_1.html That's why subsequently the Malaysian government deported the Taiwanese scammers to mainland China instead. The Taiwan government was not happy about it and protested. https://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/11/193100/taiwan-protests-against-malaysias-deportation-telco-fraud-suspects-china Taiwanese scammers are found in many parts of the world, such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Spain, Kenya, Armenia. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/28/indonesia-says-will-deport-103-taiwanese-suspected-of-cybercrimes-in-bali https://www.occrp.org/en/news/armenia-78-taiwanese-among-129-deported-to-china-for-fraud
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