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Posts posted by ECclae

  1. Hi,

    I have Filipine girlfriend who is currently working in Bangkok.

    She worked with an agency in Bangkok to get non immigrant B visum.

    On february 20 , she got the non B visa in Laos embassy and agency started the process for work permit.

    However, she now got notice from agency that work permit is denied because of not correct employer on the permit request.


    Agency tells her now to do following

    go to cambodia before may 20 (expire date of non B visa) and have the non B visa cancelled there .

    go back into Thailand on tourist visa

    Start the process again with agent for new non B visa and work permit with correct employer on it. For the new non B visum, she needs to go to Laos again to apply there three weeks after having the previous one cancelled in Cambodia.


    does this sound a correct approach ?


    can she also go earlier to get the non B cancelled in order to start process for new one faster ?


    thank you for the advice, not so familiar with rules

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