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Everything posted by LarryB

  1. I think that a lot of people getting all excited are forgetting that we are in cold and 'flu season, so there will naturally be more cases of all of them. Get jabbed, don't get jabbed, it's all a personal choice. Just do whatever you did to keep yourself healthy before all this panic started and you'll be fine. When did everything become a reason to divide people?
  2. Ranking the British on their Thai proficiency seems rather pointless, since Thai is not a language used in international business, as English is. Also, the article you linked to says that 770000 PEOPLE in England aren't able to speak English properly. Nowhere does it say that they are Brits. Comprehension is an important part of reading in any language.
  3. The PM getting chummy with Sleepy Joe has shown Xi where Thailand's allegiances lie. Bad move.
  4. Are they still looking for a puppet administration in SEA?
  5. I LOVE the "if not for the jab he would have been dead" knee-jerk reaction. My account is 100% accurate and truthful. But you carry on believing what you're told to believe. I'll believe my own eyes and experience.
  6. Thanks for another fun and informative column. As usual, I agree with some of your opinions, and disagree with others. But isn't that just one of the many things that keep life interesting? Keep up the good work.
  7. The headquarters may still be in the UK, but the brand is owned by SAIC, making it Chinese.
  8. I've been to immigration offices and various banks in Chiang Mai without a mask and nobody even raised an eyebrow.
  9. Time to rebrand the LOS as the Land Of Masks because the Thai people will wear them forever. Or until the government instructs them not to.
  10. I am 52 years old, and beyond morbidly obese. I have had NO mRNA cocktails, and while having my mild covid diagnosis confirmed in hospital I watched a man half my age and weight being urgently admitted with "extreme" COVID symptoms. He'd had FIVE of the shots. Make of that what you will.
  11. The answer would depend on whether you speak American or British. The Merriam Webster dictionary has been known to modify the definitions of words, while the Cambridge dictionary will give you the original meaning.
  12. The article states that the fee will be collected from ALL foreigners entering by air. Apparently the airlines will just include the fee in their ticket price, so they can't make allowances for expats.
  13. Clearly Ukraine and Monkey Pox didn't capture the imagination of the peons like they were supposed to, so they'll keep flogging their covid horse.
  14. Staff getting repeatedly jabbed every 4-6 months???? If I worked at any point of entry I'd be looking for a new job to save my life.
  15. The mind control is still strong in this country. Every Thai I speak to is terrified to let go of the face rag.
  16. All I want to know is how many years they're going to add to their mask mandate because of this.
  17. When are they going to replace the "Land of Smiles" branding with "Land of Masks"?
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