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Posts posted by PoorMeMuppets

  1. 37 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

    He’ll be pregnant with triplets before I would ever donate.


    I have lived here 14 yrs by the rules........no one ever helped me.


    Sick of these Go Fund Me campaigns.

    But still so many on here only want to try to twist it that he's - somehow - 'just another hard done to farang', despite his flagrant flouting of Thai laws!!! Ridiculous!!!

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    As i have said many times ,i have nothing at all against bar girls , many are very nice , but ,at the end of the day ,would most marry a hooker back home without knowing and accepting what she was? i actually know a guy who has been happily married to an ex bar girl for ,must be 30 years now , but if you come here for a two week holiday and fall for the first girl you meet in a bar ,well up to you . just as long as you dont be stupid about it .

    But if you 'fall for the first girl you meet in a bar' you surely ARE being stupid about it, no?

    • Thanks 1
  3. Cause its the very human need for the fantasy to be REAL isn't it? That all will be just as I wish it to be BECAUSE I - so very desperately! - wish it to be.. Like believing you're going to some all too humanistically relatable green and sunny and ever pleasant place called 'Heaven' when you 'pass from' this Earth, and that 'god' is a friendly old guy with a white beard, immense wisdom, and magic powers!!! I believe, I'm afraid, that most of these - often aging unhappily - guys coming to Thailand to start their lives afresh, are doing so because they've already failed, at least to some extent, in their first go at ultimate happiness - sorry if this sounds like some of YOU, but hey-ho, if the cap fits, whatever.. not really (sorry!) - but think that - now perhaps that they have some significant savings and sunny climes to head for - it can all work out second time round. Now, I'm all for extending the fun and games, whatever.. even keeping on till you finally drop!.. but whatever happened to generally growing old with at least some grace and aforethought?.. hardly to mention realistically, and having learned from your mistakes???

    • Sad 1
  4. The only way I personally could see it - as in if it were me with said business, having said 'social chats' within that business, and whatever - as you've already pointed out in the context of 'My girlfriend and I recently opened a small restaurant'.. plus 'My job is..' then, surely, even in that context of YOUR OWN DEFINITION of how things are, you'd have to see yourself as pretty much 'working' there, and so anyone 'looking in' is going to see, think, the same, no? Sorry, just saying.

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  5. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    So, for 5 minutes of adrenalin rush he will spend 50 years in prison, was it worth it? in his warped sick minds, it probably was...

    Pretty sure that if some worthless piece of crap is not capable of even considering the consequences of such actions in the first place, never mind the total 'immorality'/ outright evilness involved - like the consequences just don't exist, and I don't mean some serious bad-asses 'F it' philosophy! - then actually weighing up, post-capture, whether what they did was WORTH getting locked up for it, I reckon would also have to be equally an 'unponderable'!!! Hence no lessons are EVER learned by such 'people'.. Jail? Its usually all there is. Hope they get raped themselves and die there!!! Fair's fair, karma and all that.. right? Even hanging would be too good for them. And just a waste of rope (unless it was left, 'conveniently', in their cells!). There are no obvious answers to the very existence of these blindly evil people and their THOUGHTLESS crimes. If any 'god' existed no such things would even be happening - 'HIS hand in everything..' they say!! -  So, 'eternal damnation' aside as the crap it is.. On the spot executions for those 'caught in the act', anyone???

    • Confused 1
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