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Posts posted by OtinPattaya

  1. 21 hours ago, Tug said:

    I know it doesent fit the fear mongering narrative trump pushes but the fact remains 93% of the blm protests are 100% peaceful with no damages whatsoever that leaves 7% were some damage was reported I’m sure it’s an even smaller percentage were major damage occurred btw before you get your undies in a knott all damage is bad as Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have stated 

    And I'm sure if these were right-wing protests you'd be at pains to emphasize that 93% of the protests were peaceful though 7% burned cities to the ground. I guess 30+ people dead in these peaceful protests are considered trivial property damage. Keep minimizing the carnage and when Trump is re-elected I will thank you and the other apologists personally. People like you will win it for Trump. 

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  2. Who cares about Qanon or how many Republicans believe in it? What difference does that make to actual human lives? Meanwhile on the Left we have a confederacy of dunces burning down cities without any regard as to who the victims are. We have professional academics who believe that 2+2=4 is inherently racist and sexist. Western civilization is by its very nature corrupt and racist. Qanon demonstrates that the Left doesn't have a monopoly on idiotic conspiracy theories. They only have a 99% monopoly in that.


    BTW, I like the title of the article, as Trump "dwells" on protests. A pejorative term "dwells" that implies lack of justifiable cause. Said it once, said it a million times, media cannot even manage an article title without infecting it with their political bias. 


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    2 hours ago, Tug said:

    Yup born and bred when I wasent sailing lots to be proud of 5 largest economy on the planet a tremendous bread basket feeding millions very progressive and democratic don’t forget the summer of love I was old enough to be involved all that beeing said were is that guy with the rake and that golden shower that could put some embers out lol

    I'm going to hazard a wild guess and suggest that the rest of the United States at this point is willing to sacrifice the tax dollars coming from California, if only you let the rest of the country be. Plenty of Americans who'd love to see Cali burn to the ground. 

  4. I can't for the life of me understand why Israel would side with Donald Trump, seeing as that the democratic party in America has been so pro-Israel of late. Very unfashionable to support Jews nowadays. Much more fashionable to sacrifice an entire national identity and economy to support a culture and religion that is explicitly hostile to every western value imaginable.

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  5. On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 9:26 AM, heybruce said:

    There are 435 members of the US House of Representatives.  It's to be expected that some of them won't always choose their words carefully.  There is only one President, and he is supposed to speak for the nation.  That is why responsible Presidents choose their words carefully.   Trump is not a responsible President.


    I don't recall defending Cortez, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump fans who want all Democrats to be civil while applauding Trump's childish rants.


    The definition of a concentration camp is a place where undesirables are locked up.  If Trump and ICE don't consider these immigrants undesirable, why are they locked up?

    Don't you think a bit extreme to liken the current situation to the 3rdreich.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Morch said:
    15 minutes ago, Morch said:
    21 minutes ago, Morch said:


    NATO seems to agree with the assessments - even if they don't like the outcome and the implications. You may want to check previous topics discussing this, as there were several informative articles linked on the issues (some very detailed).

    How do you mean "at this point"? The claim is that they've already breached the agreement, and got themselves an advantage on this front. I've no idea where or how you understood that Russia maintained strict compliance. The OP itself casts doubts on it, and there was quite a lot of detail regarding claims raised.


    18 minutes ago, Morch said:


    I doubt European governments share your nonsense views.

    I doubt European governments share your nonsense views.

    Europe and NATO need to reconcile themselves with the new America. The America that is isolationist, that is not going to spend billions of dollars and sacrifice our soldiers for foreign interests. The America that pares its fingernails. 

    • Haha 1
  7. War between China and America is inevitable. It's not necessarily going to be a militaristic conflict. China doesn't want a military conflict with America. They are quite content with their economic advantage, their ability to enact corporate espionage, with impunity, and endless slave labor amongst their own populace. Make no mistake, China doesn't need to go head-to-head with America in any militaristic fashion. Look at Cambodia. Look at Australia. Look at the money. 


    To use the words of T.S Eliot, this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whisper. With China it ain't gonna be a bang. 

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  8. As an American I didn't bother applying for a METV. Applying for a SETV was hard enough. Apparently I sent a Washington D.C application to the LA consulate--why? Because it was the de-facto immigration form. For some bizarre reason they contacted my emergency contact, who had no idea what the issue was, and so it was several days before I realized there was a problem. You cannot submit a Washington visa application to the LA consulate, or vise versa. Different forms. Why, I'd love to hear any logic as to why a Thai immigration form is fatally different between the Washington consulate and the LA consulate. God forbid I'd had the audacity to apply for a METV. I'm still waiting for my SETV with 2k in non-refundable air-fare and accommodations, the sale of my business, the renting of my house, and twenty other things--not to mention that the LA consulate is now holding my passport hostage. Not being paranoid, but the experience doesn't exactly inspire confidence. 

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