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law ling

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Everything posted by law ling

  1. 1. Maybe scared of rumors of bad reactions to the vax. 2. It's not always easy to get vaxed - on a recent up-country trip, I took two Thais to their appointment for the second jab ... in all, it took 4.5 hours - OK, the last half-hour was the jab plus "observation" period - after having queued outside the hospital for four hours.
  2. Indeed - if that's him in the OP photo, he's not in jail-house-garb.
  3. Well, we'll just have to take their word for it ... since we don't have details of the plans or timetables. ... but the budgets are approved, so those in the money-loop should do well ...
  4. 1. Well done to the police for finding him. 2. Ugly days ahead if bag-snatching becomes popular - including the danger of being dragged along the road. 3. I wonder if his excuse: "I was drunk" carries any weight around here.
  5. 1. What a sad story (the story behind the story) - a son missing for 20 years. What burdens some people have to carry! 2. Sometimes, just sometimes, Thai superstitions may work in our favor:
  6. 1. Wow, is the corruption court that busy that they have to work over-time? 2. They should also be dealing with the doctor(s)/hospital staff who (initally) played along with the cover-up.
  7. "Thai tea" is a bit too vague for me to understand what this is all about. It's certainly not easy to find a local, black, leaf tea here that's acceptable (to me).
  8. A public education campaign might get better results.
  9. Too often here I've had it served burnt on the edges and still cold in the middle - so I just don't try anymore ... too finicky to make at home, I just make do with cooking my own spagetti bolongese - which is good enough (for me). Yes, in a restaurant you can send cold or under-cooked food back to the kitchen ... but it should never have been served that way - same thing with "steaks" of chicken or pork being served raw in the middle (and even bigger shrimp). There should be a verb to describe the act of "half doing your job in the expectation that the customer will then clearly tell you what's wrong with it, so you can then tell the cook exactly what to do". End of rant.
  10. Too complicated for me ... but, yes, why borrow big money for this project. As for people-moving: Assuming that the airline industry one day returns to the good old days, flights are cheap, easy and frequent. As for cargo: If they want to send Thai turnips (or whatever it is they grow here), slow trains to Nong Kai already exist, and some cheap Burmese labourers can be employed to re-load the turnips onto the fast train for delivery to China. As always Thailand: Don't make simple, easy things so complicated.
  11. I think the point is: there is not much value in merely repeating overseas' studies (when the original research was properly conducted, peer-reviewed, etc) ... so how about they do something novel and add to the world's knowledge, and maybe even discover something new and useful.
  12. I thought it was to be B500 from Jan 1st? ... then B300 from April 1st, now pushed back again ... if they stumble at small, easy things like this, what does it say about the government's overall competence?
  13. Hmm ... the death and theft were close in time? I wonder if the nurse helped one thing along to make it easier to get away with the other thing?
  14. Another shocking dog-attack story. Anyway, three cheers to the "boy who intervened with a stick to stop the worst of it".
  15. So, you need a passport to enter Thailand - but it appears there's no system in place to cross-check if the passport has been cancelled (or stolen)? (Reminds me of the missing MH370 flight: two passengers were found to be using stolen passports - as Malaysia did not subscribe to Interpol's service to check passport validity at check-in.)
  16. Interesting ... it looks like the PM is between a rock and a hard place - frustrated by the quorum rules, but without any rules to compel attendence. The PM must really need to get his two "organic laws" through, but can't ... wow, could it be that the end for him is near?
  17. Interesting: if a business joins the scheme: it thereby also makes its existence know to the authorities - and the tax man will then come knocking at your door with their hand out. A catch-22 situation.
  18. Good luck to them ... but like all these great announcements, everything is always "a month or two away"
  19. Was reported in BP that the new subs are "delayed" because Germany won't supply the engines for them.
  20. I don't see that one (or a few) legal casinos (no doubt with lots of rules, dress-codes and restrictions) would put any sort of dent in the illegal "casinos" here - some Thais I've seen just love to sit cross-legged on the floor - for hours and hours - slapping down cards with B20 bets.
  21. So, what is the sausage-maker? ... a trader just trying to make a buck by cutting a few cornors? (not uncommon here) ... or a mass-murderess? Doubt they'll throw the book at her ... she and her tasty sausages will be back soon ... I just hope she's been shamed enough to clean her machinery before making her next batch. You almost have to admire her audacity - earlier reports said she also had " halal approved" stickers.
  22. Well said. Perhaps domestic travellers are not strictly vetted ... it's hard to imagine an international traveller getting entry without a test result.
  23. The 2018 Phuket boat tragedy (nearly 50 Chinese killed?) is so quickly forgotten.
  24. An interesting threat: pass these laws if you want an election. And if not passed ... then what? If they say the last election was valid, surely they could have another election without the new laws. It's a pity I cannot say more, as I don't really know the effective thrust of the two "organic bills."
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