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Everything posted by jackson2513

  1. Seems like most believe Biden will be in the grave shortly after his reelection. No real sure what makes one believe this and let me just ask; what would be wrong with a Harris presidency?
  2. Thanks for all the very useful information!
  3. I'm seeking information anyone might have whether there is a motorbike training/testing course offered in English in the Ratchaburi, Kanchanaburi, or Nakhon Pathom areas? I have a 5-year car/truck DL already but I want to get the motorbike endorsement to be 'legal' riding the motorbike around town. I living within a kilometer of the Ratchaburi Dept or Land Transport's licensing/testing center, however, they don't offer the required motorbike drivers safety course in English. Any help or guidance is appreciated.
  4. it's as if possessing a Thai PP magically immunes one from carrying or transmitting Covid?! A pile ????IMO.
  5. Yesterday I visited the Ratchaburi IMO to submit an annual ext. of stay application/re-entry permit. (DrJack54) To you point above "...The tm6 # etc will not be required by Thai immigration for such things as extensions etc. ..." it's worth noting that I was asked to provide the TM6 number and a copy of the TM6 form with my application packet. It did feel more like a box-checking exercise than anything else, but I gave the IMO what they asked for and I was in/out in about 20 mins with a new extension stamp and multi/reentry.... Thanks for everyone's comments...
  6. I'll be preparing my annual extension of stay application this week and wondered whether anyone in the forum has any experience submitting for their extension of stay using the E-Extension System shown on the Immigration Website? Thanks in advance.
  7. Seeking confirmation of a couple of points regarding the TM.6 Form and whether Immigration has reinstated its use as a matter of post Covid policy or is its use specific to (1) southern land border crossings at Betong and Sadao or (2) due to the recent crackdown on overstays? Context: I'm on a non-O based on Ret w/ a multiple entry and have (...since the country opened "post Covid") been in and out of Thailand and the TM.6 form wasn't used. This past weekend, I went on a bit of a road trip through southern Thailand and Malaysia exiting at the Betong crossing and reentry one day later at the Sadao crossing. I was part of a local group tour. The IMO at Sadao required that I fill out TM.6 as in the "pre Covid" days?! Is the TM.6 a thing again? Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks all for your comments and suggestions. The tour company informed my wife that I will not need a visa afterall!? It turns out the person whom made the statement about needing a visa, we in fact just being lazy and guessing what the requirements were. It was excused by the company as a young employee who had just started working for them....???? ????
  9. All, im considering going on a group tour with my wife, she’s Thai, to Malaysia next month. The tour company is saying (at this point, requiring) me to apply for a formal visa to enter Malaysia? As I read their website, it clearly states a visa-on-arrival (stamp) is granted for 3 months and ext,d for 2 months. Does anyone has experience traveling to Malaysia by land border where a formal visa was required? Thanks in advance.
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