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Posts posted by RobMuir

  1. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    My (former) western misses not only denied me sex, but monitored me carefully to make sure I wasn't doing a DIY. She actually said, "Now I'm not having sex with you, you will never have sex again" and really meant it.


    Ever seen 'American Beauty', his wife could have been my wife!

    If she was denying you she was probably getting plenty on the side herself.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 21 hours ago, JamieM said:

    British variant" ? Interesting that the Thai media has never, ever before mentioned the origins of coronavirus (China) in fact if you ask a Thai in the street where it came originally throughout this pandemic a vast majority of them haven't a clue.



    21 hours ago, JamieM said:


    Finally looks like Thailand has found what it has wanted all along which is a western country to point the finger at...




    The whole world is calling it the UK strain. Because it is from the UK.

    Do you think the Thais should call it something else?

  3. 3 hours ago, rumak said:

    Forums are meant (imo) to allow different views to be presented.


    Tvf gives a very narrow view of Thailand. I assume all the staff are older males from the UK and the USA.


    That is why Trump and Brexit topics were so popular, and much of the news that is important to Thais in Thailand isn't even reported here.


    Biggest Thai story of today is not to be found here. 


    This results in a mainly older UK and USA male readership. 

    As far as I can see there isn't a single Thai on this forum, or Indian or Chinese person. There are not any females under 60.


    Some of the questions people put forward would be much better answered by a Thai person rather than an old foreigner just guessing and stating as fact something he heard on the beer bar stool.


    With the predominantly older, white male content and readership, racism and sexism seems to be accepted which would discourage younger people from different countries who are more open minded to contribute.


    I would be much more interested to hear a view and experiences, for example, from a young Chinese woman living and working in Thailand than the endless comments from old English retirees who don't really do much here, who have married a bargirl and live in some isolated village.


    They really should employ some young staff in the news section and also have a Thai moderator to crack down on the endless Thaibashing that is boring and useless.



    • Confused 1
  4. On 3/21/2021 at 6:26 AM, Kerryd said:

    And you can be sure it happens just as much in Hua Hin as it does in Pattaya or anywhere else in the country (aside perhaps from some tiny villages where there isn't a lot of choice)


    Not quite as much, you can't walk down any soi in Pattaya without seeing an obvious bargirl walking hand in hand with her customer, but in HH they are older. 


    Comparing it to Jerry Hall, sounds like denial, she isn't a Pattaya bargirl who are chosen by the customer, l am sure she chose to be with Rupert.


    Pattaya streets are filled with bargirls and their customers. Most places have prostitues but you don't see them walking around in public with their customers like you see in Pattaya.


    • Haha 2
  5. 16 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Shouldn't that Headline say that : Son in law got shot after having sex with Mother in law? 

    The way Read the headline was that the son got shot after he had sex with his Own wife  ,Not his Mother in law.    Right?     ????

    The headline on the link makes no mention of "Thai man"

    But the English headline seems to think that is an important detail. I suppose it fits in with the anti Thai male narrative of this forum and many of the readers.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    I would trust the UK's MRHA over all other heath care Regulators, including the FDA.  

    With 125 000 dead and 4.5 million infected I think your blind faith might be a little misguided.

    They haven't just done an average job, they have the worst death rate in the world for countries with a population of over 12 million. 

    Despite that your PM talks it up as if he has done a great job! Now other countries are rejecting this rushed vaccine as I will be.

  7. 8 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Please feel free to post any suggestions for improvements and notify any issues you may encounter.


    I wouldn't take any of the criticisms personally. I read that you all work for free?

    The only improvement I can suggest is to discourage the constant negativity that plagues this forum. it is very off-putting, boring and so monotonous and seems to appear in every topic.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, faraday said:

    What level is your Thai at then, Robert?

    Speaking fairly much nailed it. I can always manage to ask for what I need or say what I want to say.

    Reading, can read conversations, comments on forums, but still struggle reading news without referring to google translate often. Reading signs helps a lot.

    Listening, fairly good keeping up with conversations, struggle if they talk too quickly or use a lot of slang.

    Writing, can converse on LINE app etc, and just look up words I don't know.

    It certainly makes life a lot more interesting and pleasant for myself and the locals. Gives me a lot of independence. I try to put in at least an hour per day.

    How about you?

    • Like 1
  9. On 3/11/2021 at 12:27 PM, colinneil said:

    So you pity me? Can i ask why?

    Sadly i do not have better things to do with my life, i only wish i had.

    Next time before ridiculing others, stop, think, try asking yourself why that cranky old sod ( colinneil) spends so many hours on here.

    Yes it is a shame that i am stuck in a bloody wheelchair, unable to walk/ move.

    Have you considered learning the Thai language with all your spare time?

    It would be more beneficial to your happiness and help you feel less socially isolated IMO. It would enable you to communicate with people in real life and give you a lot more out of life with real life relationships, something you won't get from social media/internet "friends"

    Good luck

    • Like 1
  10. 49 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Well for rob muirs information, several Thai visa members have been here, some quite a few times.

    3 OF THEM HAVE BEEN VERY GOOD FRIENDS OF MINE FOR MORE THAN 13 YEARS, any member who has read some of my posts will know their user names, 1 Thai visa member visits me every wednesday, many on here know his user name, another member Possum has visited me twice, in fact just a few weeks ago

    I look forward to hearing from them.

    i hope you have a change of luck soon.

  11. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    She just started to work in a bar because her older step-sister decided that what she should do.

    She decided to stay with me far away from the sister and the bar.

    And all that happened a long time ago because this thread is about couples which are together since a long time. We are still together.

    Like a beer bar? With bar fines? 

    How old did you say you were?

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Another pathetic Thai male ego.

    Another thai woman fooling around. It is quite common. I have one chasing me currently.

    It often causes these situations. Old husband and father of her children locked up, and the new fella is now dead.


    And isn’t unique to Thai males as you have imagined. Thai women do it too and it happens in every country in the world.

    • Confused 1
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