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Posts posted by timba

  1. hi BlackJack,

    as Kevin said, no regulation on noise here.

    Lucky you, at least noise starts at around 6pm.

    They are building a new condo next to my low-rise appartment, and pneumatic drills are still working often much later than 10pm

    Be happy to be in a land of freedom, buy lots of earplugs and smile... or move to a quieter place :o

  2. I plan to move over the weekend from silom to sukhumvit.

    I have only suitcases, a few carton boxes/plastic bags and small appliances (scan/print/fax/fan). An utility car/pick up car would be more than enough.

    My question is, how to find this car + driver willing to help to carry my stuff from my old place to my new one? And what would be a fair price for the service? (my new place is located less than 2km from the current one).

    Thanks a lot.

  3. I am of those who applied for a B, non-immigrant visa from a travel agent.

    The visa stamp reports it was made in Houston, but the 'officer' who put the date was mistaken and reported the wrong date, as if you look at my passport I was in Singapore the day the visa was made in Houston...

    Anyway, i do not think that the officers at the immigration counters even bother to wonder whether my visa could be authentic or not.

    I flight in and out the country very often (1, 2 or 3 times monthly) last time I left the country, the officer spend 15 minutes reading my passport and checking where i was during the visa procedure. He did not tell anything though, and I did not have problem entering the country again mid october.

    My question is, is it very risky for me to keep on entering and leaving the country with this visa? I could buy a one-way ticket out of thailand whenever i go overseas to enter on 1-month tourist visa the next times. Howver my visa is in first page so the officer would wonder why i am not using it.

    Meantime, I am trying to get a new passport but I cannot have one in Asia, and as I am not registered anymore in France, I cannot apply for a new one for the time being even if I 'lose' it .

    (I am taking some actions but it will take a while).

    Any advise would be much appreciated.


  4. "do any of you girls have had experience with those type of Thai guys ? if so, how much was it ? did you enjoy it ? would you do it again ?"

    For those who have "regular" Thai boyfriends, what is their "rent" money for the month ? or how much have they "borrowed" from you ? are they really better in bed than farang men ?

    Butterfly, your topic is interesting, controversial... fairly indiscreet - and definitely not introduced in a tactful way B) if i judge by your direct questions

    Men usually enjoy developping (and somewhat 'enhancing' too B) ) their intimate relations in the more lustious details with their male peers... maybe all the more when it s with girls who are not their regular girlfriends.

    when it comes to women, i guess we prefer to keep it private and avoid relating the things on a forum, even anonymous one (provided you don t post here under your real name - isn t it right, 'Miss Nick'  ::o: ).  Is there any woman with common sense and enough pride (and claiming to be respectable) who would consider explaining her bargaining skills to hire the service of a charming thai male prostitute?  ???  

    I guess no.

    It would be funny - and instructive  :D  - though.

    You girls above who had the gut to share your NORMAL relation with local gentlemen, thanks a bunch! Wish you all the happiness you deserve.

  5. Mackerel,

    I bet he had plastic surgery on his eyes too :o  not so long ago , and wait for proper healing before removing the sunglasses :cool: .

    I have seen many girls in thailand wearing sunglasses all the time, including indoors and in all cases it was because they had eyelid surgery to make their eyes bigger :D .

    With Bud's (highly exposed!) past of plastic surgery, I think we don t have to search too far...   :laugh:

  6. ... or could it well that any time we log on and ask for a chat, farang males just object they want to chat with THAI GIRLS ONLY :o ??

    (and no need to add that those cutie thai ladies won t even bother and reply to a farang girl)


    or maybe i m just unlucky



  7. Bud, are you for real or what? I have seldom read so much bullsh*t from a single man  :o .

    Weird mix of vanity, self-importance, shamelessness and somewhat stupidity... why such a urge to spread the details of your private life on this expat woman forum?

    The more you justify yourself in an attempt to restore some credibility on this forum, the more ridiculous you get.

    I wish you find what you are searching for in Thailand... maybe some parts of the scene are your best bet for naive people like you, where look and intelligence are not as important as 'good heart' (actual meaning: gullible and generous with cash). Even if you are not so much packed with $$$, with your reconstructed face (by judging the results, i prefer not to imagine how it looked like before you go under the knife) of big white man, i am confident some girls will take for granted you are a potential big honey ???

  8. When she refers "Thailand's notoriously spicy foods", I just think about traditional recipes then... but I cannot imagine those thai dishes would suddenly experience a significant increase in salt addition???

    Anyway... "Water retention leading to obesity"... Interesting comment. Yes, sure... everyone knows it: the 'junk food generation' got nothing (no one?) to blame, except this sodium in carbohydrate drinks and french fries. The high sugar/fat content of those fast food is certainly for nothing. The lack of exercise is certainly for nothing too.

    I am pretty amazed to see the gathering of people at Lumphini Park for a run/weight training / aerobics.

    But do not see much of the new generation joining a sports game or exercising. Much more busy with on-line gaming, mobile phoning or window shopping,splurging in snacks, ice-creams or colas right after school.

  9. She will most likely steal your heart and money - read the posts.  However, we all keep hoping...

    Watch this movie - http://www.couldthisbelove.endoftheinternet.org

    I may be very naive, but can't a 'respectable' Thai lady entertain a cyber-friendship (Pitdog doesn t mention anything else than 'good friendship' - though here I may be naive too on the meaning too)?

    Or can she only be a gold-digger as per your insinuation? This movie is about Courtesans...

    Coming back to the post, yes, I am also one of those who believe that you can definitely develop good friendship on internet.

    Like Girlfrombar, I found many penfriends on chatroom/discussion boards. Most of them did not last, but some of them keep going through the years and we email each other almost daily. We have never met, not even exchanged pictures, but we have shared our innest thoughts and revealed our biggest secrets.

    For love (or so) relations, well... it really depends on individual.

    In my conception, Love will require chemistry to flourish, and I believe you cannot tell if you have it through the computer screen or the phone receiver...

    Besides, Internet is anonymous and undirect. Many people are truly genuine. Some are considerably less, and it is actually pretty easy to lure or fool anybody.

    I wouldn t say that Internet relations are more risky... but when you express yourself with anonymity, you may tend to feel more secure, gain more confidence/trust in your correspondant and you will most likely get more involved than you would do IRL.

    There are many success stories on 'finding love on Internet'. But far more failed attempts, because when we have not met the person yet, we always tend to paint her/him in our own ideal. The more we know the person in Internet before meeting, the more different she/he may be from what we had thought. But as long as you keep in mind that things may well be different from your feelings, and have realistic expectations, then you can take the best on Internet relations.

    However... when it applies for the 'common' situation involving the good-looking-gold-digger and the rich-one-searching-for-good-looks (all genders apply), then, sure... Internet is the way to meet and go (no afterthoughts, no false hope, no hurt feelings).

  10. I went to Cambodia only by plane and I got your visa upon arrival: USD20,00.

    I know that coming overland from Thailand you had to get a visa in Bangkok as you cannot get one at Poipet.

    The situation may have changed, you better check with the Cambodian Embassy first (254-6630).

    From Surin you can take the train till Aranya Prathet (mainy trains daily), and then take a tuk-tuk to Poipet.

    At Poipet there is no departure tax but you will probably ask for some money by the guards.

  11. Maybe add a special topic were all the deleted posts would be forwarded...

    like 'nonsense posts' or something in the idea.

    ok those posts are not 'acceptable' on this forum and should not have been sent in first instance... but keeping them as an extra topic may allow people who 'have missed' it to get updated and know what have been said/argued by some posters here.

    It could also be seen as a way to 'denounce' some bad behaviours... (hoping this may help to moderate some people... 'look, he 's still in the 'nonsense' topic!').

    And membes/guests wanting to consult them could do so... at their very own discretion.

  12. There must be at least 35-40 bar-girls in your beer bar according to male sources.

    Bang Bang, seems that you did not attend the event personnaly. However, I trust that we Girls (Farang or not) would be most interested if you could develop your thoughts a little bit more...

    Thanks Boo for your explanations, it sounds like I missed some 'interesting', controversial posts. This makes me still more curious to go and see on my own too...

    At least to witness the association in its early stage...

    Maybe indeed they found it as a 'marketing tool' to rent the company of some ladies to attract the male community

    (no barfine system yet for The Office Bar & Grill ?:o ).

    At least I would expect they ll do the same for the expat female attendants... Introducing a handful (or more!) of good looking men to entertain us if we are bored of being robbed the attention by the local birds.:laugh:

    But at the end, unhappy people just have the choice not to attend the events if they dont find them to their taste.

    Got to go, try and decide on our own without get blurred by evasive post   ???

  13. Hmmm... BangBang has just joined ThaiVisa but sounds a little bitter and aggressive for a newbie... To my taste, though.

    (Cannot think that any competitive Club could ever put itself in a such down position so let s consider it is 'genuine' and just ignore this comment).

    As Boo commented, I also felt this was a male-dominated event, but your invitation eased my worries. Will try to pass-by on Wednesday evening (if I manage to find my way in Sukhumvit  :o )

    Cheers anyway.

  14. Last I heard, 1 year visas is going to be ancient history.  As to when, that is still on the table.  Government working on the details now.  

    wow, what substitute will they possibly offer to business people making frequent trips in/out of Thailand then?

    Hmmm... not sure the hassle of getting a new visa whenever you enter the Kingdom for biz will really benefit to Thailand economy.


  15. I agree, Chin House is a good bet. I stayed there something like 3 weeks, before I moved to a place... next to it.

    Very good location (in my opinion), helpful staff, nice rooms, very nice appartment with kitchenette and despite the rise in price lately, it should fit into your budget (and i trust you can still negociate the price).

  16. Are customs clearance fees always very high when you receive items sent by courier or does it only concern a few range of items?

    I was sent my old laptop by courier service from Singapore (6 year-old one, without any upgrade or so) and was charged something like THB 7,000 for customs clearance only (and it took 10 days to clear it). I just cannot imagine how much I would have paid for brand-new electronics.

    I was sent some accessories (bathroom accessories samples for my work) by DHL, and everything was opened and re-pack in such a mess. But luckily no fee this time.

    What would happen if i intend to buy on-line or receive from overseas stuff like medicine, cosmetics, fabrics,etc? Is there any import duty too?

    And what is the best/safest way to receive them? Courier service?

    Many thanks.

  17. Just arrived in Bangkok and in an attempt to find ways to socialise here, I have browsed on Internet the main associations/clubs of women in bkk.

    It looks like to join you must have a specific nationality, alternatively those groups seems to gather only non-working expat women who meet during the day for some activities.

    I am working here so could not join them and i bet that they spend the evening with their families.

    Do anyone knows if there is a group of professional women in bkk who meet sometimes in the evening for a drink or so?

    I am not 'expat female' resticted at all, would love to meet Thai nationals speaking English too (my Thai language is only at its very first beginning). Any place where to go just to socialise after work?

    Any advice would be much appreciated

    :laugh: Thanks!

  18. Hi there,

    I am a working expat female, single, currently staying in Th. Saladaeng and paying 20,000THB a month for a 1bedroom appartment.

    My lease will stop end August and may want to consider renting another place, possibly in the same area or at least conveniently located near skytrain.

    I may always like to rent a studio only (but with kitchenette), possibly cheaper than what i am paying currently.

    Has anyone heard about places to rent in this area or beyond?

    Many thanks.

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