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Posts posted by Weetoze

  1. Want a laugh... we have Eurosport here in the UK, only its not Eurosport... Its called Eurosport UK.... Eurosport, as it is, broadcasts to ... errrr... europe, but due to the same silly broadcasting laws you people seem to be enduring, we get a slightly different feed from that our counterparts receive across the English Channel and North Sea...

    Alas, is it really Eurosport... or just another English subscribtion rip off....

    I'm peeved that you guys cant listen to the English audio feeds... on the BBC.. perhaps you might want to search the google for the Independent Television coverage..

    (ITV).... just an idea... and anyway, not all the England games are on thee BBC live either..

    I will post the live BBC/ITV games later..

    Anyway, I'm off to sleep, its, 3.15am here.. night world cup friends...


  2. Hi fellow World Cup Fans, just an idea.... I'm just playing with a digital cam, and producing small minutes of web coverage for my local cricket club... I call myself Weetoze, and my partner in crime :D is Squires.. anyway, we form the duo act that "broadcasts" under the banner - Wheatley World Wide Communications... hey.. but we have to start somewhere...

    Check us out at http://ibstocktown.hitscricket.com/home , first of all can you get to the site, secondly if you go to the video highlights section...

    Now :D , can we , errrr expand, big time... charge .. £1.00 perhaps... and broadcast.. the world cup.... :o

    Ok, but lets just drop the £1.00 and do it anyway..

    Seriously, it would be good to watch a live game on a Saturday at 3.00pm here in the uk.. but we cant, perhaps I should hop on a plane to another country..

    Hope we enjoy the World Cup... and if anyone has an idea for my new venture, although not proffesional, mind i'm sure we could do a better job of the Thi com... well, depends the amount of beers we have... and if us English are still in the competition... They think its all over... it just might be....

    Bloody TV companies... subscribe to this, subscribe to that, TV licence for this, cant even watch the test cricket on the BBC now... :D

    Enjoy the world cup... and please drop in for our coverage, does anyone have msn.... just another idea... :D

    Catch you later,

    Craig, (WWWC) - "you have to start somewhere" :D

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