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Posts posted by bamboocore

  1. On 4/12/2019 at 9:15 PM, ballpoint said:

    This is another question on which I fall back to Douglas Adams:  "In the beginning, there was nothing.  Which exploded". 


    Well, it actually expanded at a very, very fast rate, rather than exploded, but what it looked like originally, and why it chose to do so, are the ultimate questions.  The Big Bang theory perfectly describes everything back to 10-36 seconds after the beginning of the universe, at which point large scale space time erupted from quantum whatever it was before then.  According to quantum theory, things can, and do, randomly pop into existence for no particular reason.  Quantum field fluctuations come and go in empty space, including that within atoms, and, as this video shows, not only do the fields bubble about, but the actual quarks that make up protons and neutrons 'choose' the best places to be (the redder colours), so they themselves dance about, with the implication being that one is in a certain place and then disappears only to instantaneously reappear elsewhere.  There is some speculation that this sort of process began the universe - leading to the question of why wouldn't it happen again in our own universe?  And the scarier question of what would happen if it chose to do so in the empty space within your own body? 


    There is the multiverse theory, which states that there definitely should be other universes, as if each were a bubble in a sea of foam.  There's even speculation about what would happen when they collide, which seems inevitable if the theory is true.  Some say they'd change shape to fit around each other, others say they'd assimilate into each other - as long as they have the same physical laws.  If they didn't have the same laws, and didn't change shape to fit, then they'd annihilate one another.  Great, another thing to worry about.  As if a new universe potentially bursting out of my chest wasn't enough.  And, let's not forget the possibility of the Higgs field dropping to a lower energy state, thus instantaneously removing all mass from the universe.


    This is something I try to get my head around too.  Surely, if the universe began from a point and expanded, then that original point is now spread around the surface of the 'edge', like the rubber of a small balloon being blown into a large one?  Then it would follow that some things inside the balloon are closer to the edge than others?  I've never seen or read any definite explanation for why this isn't true, and if anyone has then please post a link to it, as I firmly believe that exercising the brain is just as, if not more, important than exercising the body.  The best theory I can piece together is the 'surface of the sphere' one.  Just as there is no centre point, and no edge, on the surface of the Earth, which is a 2D surface on a 3D object, there would be no centre point, or edge, within the 3D "surface" of a 4D sphere - known as a 3 Sphere or glome.  And that's without even thinking about how a universe that expanded from a single point over a finite time could now be an infinite size.  It could be practically infinite, as in my earlier post about it expanding faster than anything could reach the edge, but in my (dazed and confused) mind that's still finite in reality.

    I can answer some of these questions. 


    1) the most important one - are we irrelevant. We are not important. Everything we do is going to be erased from the Universe on way or another. 


    Whether our Universe keeps on expanding, and thus experiencing death by cooldown or our Universe decides to collapse back to it's origin, whatever we do, do not matter. 

    Do enjoy your life.


    2) We can have silly funny quantum fluctuation theories, which can pop-up material from another dimensions to our realm. That's bullshit until proven right. Some physicist are keen to make their own theories, which are simply stupid. 


    3) Multiverse belong to the previous category. Desperate mathematicians and some stupid physicians fell for the easy trap, as they didn't understand to avoid it. Stupid, almost religious type idea. 


    4) There was no Big Bang. There was a Big Rip. One spot started the flood of changes, which created the Universe. I think both theories are bullshit. We don't have any idea what really happened, and why.

    Obnote: Our little planet of Earth belongs to insignificant star called by us Sun or Aurinko. 

  2. 1 hour ago, wilcopops said:

    People usually pay a fee to join a club because they want the benefits of being in that club.

    Just looking at the fees is facile, look at why we joined....

    The UK benefits in trillions in trade commerce and I.dustry by being in the EU.

    Don't be blinkered, look at the whole picture.



    I have created my own 18-hole golf course, where I can claim sovereignty a my very own course! I feel like a king, for a while. Then the stupid maintenance and watering bills comes and I no longer feel so great. 


    For 40 years I found good friends, who shared my maintenance and watering bills. This was good for me, but I secretly always though they were to steal my golf course from me!


    I decided to be a brave man and say, 'Fruck you all. I no longer wish your company. I'm a brave man'.


    I had them before, but then I behaved in really bad way and pissed them all. Now they are no longer eager to play with me and share the costs . What the heck is wrong with these stupid people?




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  3. On 4/11/2019 at 5:08 AM, leeneeds said:

    I will be long dead when they figure out where the inside of the black hole goes, a worm hole to another universe would be incomprehensible to my small mind, 

    still to be alive for the moon landing and hopefully the near future Mars landing,

    truly amazing what humans can figure out in the cosmos, 

    Thank you science.

    It's quite funny how easily people talk about Moon and Mars landings. 


    Moon landings were technically and physically difficult tasks. Doable, no doubt about it. 


    But the trip back from Moon to Earth was, way, way, way more difficult task than to simply land to the Moon. I could add couple of way, way, way's more to the complexity. 


    We often talk about how difficult was it to land to the Moon. It was indeed a great challenge. Still baby steps in the larger picture. 


    To get the people, who walked on the Moon, back to their Moon orbiting spacecraft was one quite impossible task. Make a one second mistake and you are 10 km away from the orbiting spacecraft. Make a 4 second mistake and you are 40 km away from it. How far do you see a 10 metre object in space?

    (Sorry, I didn't do the math of calculating orbital velocity of the said objects in Moon).


    The way back was multiple times more complex, than the Moon landing. 


    The modules, which went down to the Moon, to get back to Moon's orbit used fuels, which ignited by mixing elements together. Those fuels could not be stopped or slowed down. Once ignited, they gave full power. No control of the power. Connecting with a rocket, which circles around the Moon constantly. 


    To meet that one rocket in 3-dimensional space, circling around the Moon is pretty darn incredible task to manage. When all the parts are moving really fast to their own directions. There is only limited amount of fuel on that module, which came back from the Moon.


    Then there is the journey back to the Earth. 


    To give this same spacecraft enough speed to overcome Moon's gravity and meanwhile use Moon's gravity pull to head directly towards the Earth, was another, very, very demanding task. 


    Our scientific youngsters can enjoy to calculate the distance to the Moon by the reflectors left behind the men, who went there by using laser beams feedback.


    Perhaps some day we'll also respect the people who went to the Moon and never came back. I don't know if that's the truth. It just feels more likely projection given that it was part of the cold war competition. 



  4. 1 minute ago, nontabury said:


     The difference is those unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels proposes legislation. While our civil servants are supposed to implement the instructions of our elected politicians. The exception is :- 

    You mean to say that in your way of life, there is only one person in the 66 million people country, who can propose new legislations? 


    That sounds fair.. not. Not at all. That sounds really bad way to have a well run society. 


    But hey, each of us in our own ways. If Britain is run by a rule that there is only one person, out of 66 million, who is even allowed to propose new legislations, we'll call that the British way. 


    The rest of us have been using far advanced and better methods for democracy for decades. Our tradition is to hear the views of the people. Wide variety of views actually. 


    But yeah, keep on telling us how democratic system you have. How well do you listen the ordinary people's needs. We have seen the evidence already. 



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  5. 6 minutes ago, nontabury said:


     If you do think it was only the older people who voted for Brexit, you could be right. However you are completely wrong.

     I could also point out to you that perhaps, all those E.u citizens who have since 2016 obtained British citizenship, are more liable to vote for remain.

     As Nigel Farage said “We want our country back”


    Funny thing is that his country's people voted for him. Just like UK's people voted for Mr. Farage to be a MEP.


    Your country was not part of this elections. Your country can be part of the Eurovision song contest, but that's not really the same thing, is it?


    We all have elected our own member of the European parliament, for decades. Brexit has woken, even the people in Britain and also in Russia, that these EU elections do actually matter. 


    Funny thing that its. Wouldn't you want to be one of us? Behave well, so you don't have to feel been left alone. We'd love to invite St. Petersbourg as our close partner, when the time is right. Not yet. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, nontabury said:



    Now please tell tell us the future plans of the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels, for the future of this so called Onion.


    Do you refer unelected bureaucrats in Brussels in similar way as the unelected bureaucrats in Whitehall? 


    Or do you call people in Whitehall as British civil servants? Should you call the people of Brussels in similar way, British and other European countries civil servants?



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  7. Our EU is a good deal for all of us Europeans. We can pay a bit to the common good so that we all can have common fair rules for all of us to follow. 


    EU is not for any one specific country's needs. EU is formed to be and protect all of our needs. 


    We, as EU members do understand that we can't behave like silly kids demanding only what we want right now. We know, as adults, that we do compromises with our peers. We know that's the way our way of living goes forward. 


    Russian monoideology presenters are against this. Too bad for them, they are on the loosing side. 

  8. On 4/11/2019 at 5:08 AM, leeneeds said:

    I will be long dead when they figure out where the inside of the black hole goes, a worm hole to another universe would be incomprehensible to my small mind, 

    That's a good question. Who knows?


    In all reality the spacetime is pretty much as it is and what we see it being. Therefore there are no such things as wormholes, unless our wildest dreams of creating new physics by huge gravity would do so. Unlikely scenario.


    The mass of blackhole simply concentrates to ever smaller point of spacetime. 


    I talk of spacetime, which means practically space, but which can be affected by gravity and probably other forces, which can alter it's time of information as we know it. What is time? Time is the ability to transform information from one place to another. Now we understand time as speed of light, that might not be the case in the future. 


    Anyway, there are no wormholes, unless we go to further than 3-4 dimensional space ideology, which are purely mathematical models. String theory.. is, well having sex with math, nothing more. 



  9. 6 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

    Think of it like this. The EU is a human body, and the UK is a leg. The body does not want to lose a leg, it will be uncomfortable and it will not be capable of everything it could do before. It will make adjustments, though, and will be able to survive. As for the leg on its own......

    Let's be honest. Of course EU is going to miss UK as one of our respected member. There is no doubt about it. 


    We, in the EU, would love to keep our UK friends as our long standing partners. We also don't wish to see our UK partner to fly either to the USA's Putin's side or Russia's Putin's side. We'd prefer to keep you folks together with us. Together we are stronger anyway.



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