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Doctor Martin

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  1. I filed the online TM47 on the 19th October which was due on 1st November. On the 6th November, 18 days later I got rejected. Now overdue and had to pay 2,000 THB fine. How comes ? Any chance to file a complaint about this process and if so where would I send that complaint ? Thanks folks and have a great week. Dr. M
  2. Sorry guys, I was asking for a residence certificate for a friend who is on a tourist visa. His embassy doesn't issue this document. He wants to open a bank account and need the residence certificate for this. He has the TM and rental contract but he has no 90 days report since he is not required to file that. My question is, if we go to Whattana immigration will they issue the certificate without a 90 days report ?
  3. Hi folks, a friend wants to open a bank account and need a residence visa for this. What kind of documents are required to get that from immigration. Thanks in advance and Happy Songkran :-)
  4. Hello folks, a friend of mine is an accountant and works online for companies oversea. How can he apply for this digital Nomad visa nd what are the requirements ? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  5. as far as I know the holder of the Elite visa don't need to do the 90 days reporting ?
  6. I was asking about the documents I need from my landlord. I know about the 90 days report.
  7. Hi folks, for the renewal of my driving license I need this certificate. Question: Is a rental contract for a condo enough as prove or do I need anything else from my landlord ? Thanks ind advance and a great day. Doc Martin

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