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Everything posted by chessman

  1. According to news in New Zealand, the two are brothers and their parents are millionaires.
  2. Am going to use U-Tapao airport for first time. Have got re-entry permits at the main airports in Bangkok before - Anybody know if they offer this service at U-Tapao airport?
  3. It’s pretty sad to read nonsense like this again and again on an expat forum. Wherever you go in the world, you’ll find plenty of smart people and plenty of people acting stupidly too… and that includes Thailand and wherever you are from.
  4. I’m genuinely surprised that you consider this an over-reaction. The banning of flights and closing of borders has been extremely limited. The majority of countries have targeted specific locations while they work out the severity of the newly identified strain. This seems like common sense to me. There already seems some evidence that this strain is more transimissable and more resistant to vaccines. If this is confirmed and it is also found to cause more severe covid then this is going to be a huge problem.
  5. What measures do you think have been a complete overreaction? Sure, there have been a few dramatic headlines but I can’t see any any actual measures that would affect people in most countries.
  6. You’re misinformed here. Florida changed the way that it counted positive tests so they’re counted from the day of the test, not the day of the positive result. Presumably they did this so people are fooled (like you seem to be) when they look at the daily figures. Fine to disagree with Thailand’s Covid measures but anybody who doesn’t see the logic in them is either grandstanding or just dumb.
  7. Yes, I was trying to show the stupidity of the ‘but there are two valid sides’ argument. That there are plenty of things that significant numbers of people seem to believe that should be disqualifying if you want to be a teacher. As you point out, there are potentially grave practical consequences if schools and governments are not firm with this.
  8. If Aseannow readers are not sure of the situation, I don’t think the above 5 paragraphs will help the matter. If you’re going to be critical of others for poor communication, check your own work before you publish.
  9. a teacher who has weighed up the evidence on both sides and decided not to get vaccinated might also believe that evolution is a myth, the earth is flat and the word ‘dumb’ is spelled without a ‘b’. They shouldn’t be teaching.
  10. Yep… and a photo like that at the very least would show that her statement that she didn’t know him at all was false.
  11. I wouldn’t say this has no chance of happening at all but I do think you are piling worst case scenario on worst case scenario. I think schools will do very little testing… and it will become normal for people with mild symptoms to isolate at home… and private hospitals will not be forced upon teachers who clearly won’t be able to afford really high hospital bills. but maybe I am an optimist!
  12. What makes you think they will have extensive testing at schools? In Thailand the numbers tested are really low, I think that will continue. I think schools will expect teachers to be vaccinated but there will only be testing if there is a major confirmed outbreak at the school.
  13. The police may never be able to find out exactly what happened on that night. There is only one living witness and if his testimony is suspect then it will be difficult. The police may never find that money, it could be difficult trace a smallish amount of cash like that and there are many ways he could have spent it. The police should be able to establish if the wife knew the dead man better that her statement suggests. Unless they were exceptionally careful, there will be witnesses who saw them together and phone records. Once there is more information about that, the story will fall into place.
  14. To be fair, earlier in the pandemic the UK were changing the designation of countries in their traffic light system with just a few days notice. This led to people cutting short trips and the ludicrous situation of someone arriving back in the country at 11 pm being OK but those arriving at 1 am the next day having to quarantine. In my opinion, the English Thai news and this forum don’t do a good job of distinguishing between government proposals and government decisions. Opening in November seems to be a proposal.
  15. Surely by writing in such a rational manner about the complexity of the case you are in violation of the spirit of this forum? The ‘peanut gallery’ have two of their favourite targets in sight: the morality of Thai women and the incorruptibility and ability (or lack thereof) of the Thai police. Allow them their fun!
  16. As someone who often looks at Thai expat forums, I’ve read a lot of nonsensical gibberish but this one might be the most ridiculous. You should realise that just because you are (seemingly) often swayed by people using a word salad of relevant vocabulary in an utterly random way, people with a modicum of understanding of the topic can usually see right through the BS.
  17. What do you truly know about the process of testing vaccines? Do you know how many stages the testing process has and why? Do you know how many people were involved in each stage? Have you looked at the results? Have you carried out a detailed comparison with vaccines developed previously? almost certainly not, you are just repeating buzzwords that you’ve heard. the word ‘experimental’ is utterly meaningless in the way you use it.
  18. In March and April 2020 you posted endlessly about how Covid was just ‘flu’ and about the disastrous response of your home country (New Zealand). Now we have 4.7 million dead around the world but very few of those in New Zealand and the party that took those strong measures won re-election in a landslide. And here you are posting anti-vaccine nonsense. Do you never take stock and question your own judgement?
  19. Is this even classed as a conspiracy theory? Is is clear that these companies are gathering data about their users. My favourite conspiracy theory is that the CIA wrote the song ‘wings of change’ and gave it to the German rock band Scorpion in order to provide an anthem to encourage a move away from communism in Russia.
  20. But being part of society has always meant some restrictions on personal freedom. We enjoy the benefits of that society but we also have responsibilities.
  21. Would you prefer quotes from the leading doctors, epidemiologists and researchers from just about every university and health service in the world? because you couldn’t have missed those but you still seem unconvinced.
  22. It’s been answered many many times here. but here you go again. The vaccines significantly reduce your chance of catching Covid, getting seriously ill and death but do not eliminate those things. If many people are unvaccinated then there will be greater spread, more cases and thus the risk for all is greater.
  23. Here’s an interesting article about the campaign in one American state against seat belt laws in the mid 1980s. A lot of the same arguments were used then that people use now who are against any government legislation about masks or vaccines. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/627500/massachusetts-radio-host-opposed-seat-belt-law The two main metrics for judging road deaths are fatalities per 100 million VMT (vehicle miles travelled) and fatalities per 100,000 people. In 1984 when the first state (New York) mandated seat belt use the numbers were 2.57 deaths per 100 Million VMT and 18.77 fatalities per 100,000 people. In 2018 these numbers were much lower: 1.13 deaths per 100 Million VMT and 11.18 fatalities per 100,000 people.
  24. I hear Thaksin is also being investigated for possible military mismanagement in 1766-1767 and thus allowing the Burmese to sack Ayutthaya.
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