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Everything posted by Swimfan

  1. It was a Honda Dream not a Wave.
  2. Why not just take them out yourself
  3. If you say so almighty
  4. Flown multiple airlines and have never been questioned
  5. Not correct. Flown in many times with a return over 30 days but less than 60 if they ask i just tell them I'm getting an extension.
  6. I would investigate further if that is actually the case. My understanding is the increase becomes permanent and portable after 6 months
  7. In order to receive full Age Pension payments, your assets will need to be below the following limits (assuming you are being assessed under the Assets Test and not the Income Test). If you are a member of a couple, your combined assets are assessed against the relevant limits: Homeowner Non-Homeowner Single $280,000 $504,500
  8. Or living well by educating themselves and making some prudent financial decisions rather than just hoping it will all work out.
  9. The market has never been solid. It always goes up and down. the returns are an average over a period usually 7-10 years. nothing on the horizon to suggest pending catastrophe. If you plan well you will have a buffer to see you through the downturns.
  10. Hostplus and Aware are some of the top rating funds. Given current market conditions you may need to take a higher risk option to get those returns. It all really depends on how much risk you are willing to accept.
  11. A good superfund balanced option should give you that.
  12. Quite possibly. If he invests it well he should be able to get a return of about 9% PA. giving him an income of around 45K AUD a year or about 20000B a week. Should be doable.
  13. Your first step would be to contact your strata committee as there will be noise limits on the external compressor this will likely guide your choice of unit.
  14. Phuket will end up being a concrete jungle devoid of any natural beauty.
  15. Actually what he said is completely true. Only those dead at the scene are counted as official road death statistics. you should do some research before attacking someone’s post.
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