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Everything posted by LoveThai94

  1. If they are favorable with the market it will go up if not they will say its already baked in on their next earnings watch and see.
  2. You don't know anything about stocks, maybe in 1999 you did. Different times now, you didn't go there, while i am doing my scans for the day. Banks have been laggard, look at the charts and get out of the news cycle. Mad money last night below for you. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/20/jim-cramer-says-these-are-his-favorite-bank-stocks-in-2022.html
  3. Higher interest rate means i can get a better deal with less risk making stocks less attractive! Banks stocks are actually getting crushed, you not paying attention.
  4. Do i have to give you examples? or is it for the forum? I would assume you did your homework.
  5. Why would you sell Amazon? You know why?, you are paying attention but you paint the picture that this is a good investment buying this company. If you don't pay attention in any investment you either have low gain or lose money.
  6. The Wright brothers was the big joke of 1903, it will never fly! Elon Musk was the joke of 2003, we tried that already and it didn't work! Elon Musk, funny i brought him up, yep a owner of crypto. Tim Cook, Apple CEO have so much money we wanted to throw some away and bought crypto. You take risk when you take out a mortgage, and the lender a bigger risk. What happen to the guy that leaves his job to start his own business? Nike and Walmart going into the meta verse, What?
  7. The financial market is been rapidly changing, how did we end up with transfer wise and sofi? Blockchain and defi is the way to go. Ask Visa, MasterCard and all these big banks of the world.
  8. Apple and Amazon are a few companies in the stock market that is making a profit. Multiply the stock price of these two great companies with their outstanding shares and compare that with their earnings, doesn't quite add up right?, maybe it will in 2025.
  9. Speculation is speculation no matter what we are speculating about, same for stocks and any other assets. Company stock price is based on what someone is willing to pay for it! If stock price was based off fundamentals only the marking would not be falling as interest rate is increasing.
  10. Almost every investment is speculative, read the fine prints on any managed fund.
  11. You missed the point with the smart contract using crypto or you are trying to go around it. There is a big difference with using crypto versus owning or trading it, I am pretty sure you know that you use crypto to buy and sell things. I am not a crypto fanatics but the swimming pool could also be used to referenced the stock market. Crypto is changing the financial markets as we speak. Does selling rotten food makes food bad? or the rotten food and the person selling it?
  12. If you think Eth has a lot of potential then why are you saying crypto is a ponzi scheme? Maybe you just like challenging me, i like the competitive spirit. Make no mistake there are a lot of trash coins out there and you know there are also a lot of trash stocks out there. Why throw the baby out with the bath water? The post is still about Siam bank moving into cyrpto, in my view this is a good move. I am for block chain, i am for smart contracts, i don't want to have to keep exchange money everywhere i go and lose on the conversion, I don't want to be stuck with anymore currency that i can't use. I am not saying all cryptos are good, most of them i just read the first line and stop, this is the same for stocks. On your last point i am going to say most people don't understand investments period! They don't want to put in the time. Everyone wants to get into the next Apple, Amazon or the next great thing that will make them rich.
  13. I figured it out! Most people saying crypto is a scam have no idea what cryptos are. Imagine the US regulatory bodies allowing this ponzi scheme to still operate, on top of that the IRS will tax your profits from this ponzi scheme. Well order flow is legal in the US and that is why stocks are not a ponzi scheme 555.
  14. Research Eth, Sol and matic you will get a better picture of what some cryptos are about. After you are done with that research how many billionaires and companies own cryptos, all these idiots with money!
  15. I know the definition of a ponzi scheme. cryptos are not linked together so it is not a scheme. You could try to argue that a particular coin is a ponzi scheme or an exchange but crypto is just an asset class.
  16. The same thing goes for stock but it still get shorted, yes a few guys were squeezed out recently. You can leverage 200x on stocks and Forex. Bitcoin is shorted everyday and have a ton of bitcoin Bears. Who short without stops anyways? and if you get hit with a gap up then you just have to cough it up. Shorting is not for weak hearts.
  17. How can crypto be a ponzi scheme?, am i missing the meaning of a ponzi scheme? Are you saying block chain is a ponzi scheme? Cryptos are individually created by different developers so where is the scheme? For the record i am not telling anyone to get into crypto.
  18. Anyone who thinks crypto is going to zero put your money where your mouth is and take a short position! Bitcoin is about $42,700 short a couple of coins, this should be easy money, you could buy it back at say $20,000 if you don't want to be greedy.
  19. I agree some coins will not be around but some will stand. 99% of pink sheet stocks goes to nothing and maybe up to 99% of day traders lose money. People making or losing money is the nature of investments. For Siam bank going into crypto is a smart move, up or down brokers and banks makes money.
  20. I understand your point, yes as you get older you move around your assets to reduce risk, prior to crypto they warn you about this with stocks. I wouldn't put more than 2% of my assets into crypto as it stands, with regulation i would say this number could be up to 15% in something like stable coins. Buying high flying stocks are just as risky with over 50 times their forward earnings, this i think is crazy.
  21. I am not disputing that many are sick in America. The poster said people in the US shows up to the hospitals for minor issues and not necessarily sick. To prevent this many hospital are not just allowing you to walk in. I have seen this in Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois and New York.
  22. No risk no reward. I am a stock guy but understand the underlying value of crypto. Blockchain however does change the landscape in such a way that bigger countries don't like it but they understand where it will play a role. This will level the playing field and not many like this. Jerome Powell gave his statement on crypto and digital assets this week, this is promising for the crypto world. Technology will prevail in one form or another. Crypto is not limited to bitcoin, Siam bank is moving into crypto so this post is going sideways.
  23. Electrician went to a meat plant to wire high voltage to a metal platform, he asked if they were sure because it made no sense!
  24. This is nothing news. Go on websites like make me heal and read the horror stories from these procedures. That is why they have you sign the paper so you can't slander or come after them. Nice laugh looking on her face tho.
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