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Posts posted by oxysong

  1. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I see you struggled with the question, here it is again:


    If you don’t trust what you refer to as the ‘MSM’, who then do you trust for your news?

    I would say the police investigating the muslim rape gangs,the crown prosecution,who did eventually have to prosecute,the juries who found the lot guilty,even those muslim jury members who were thwarted by majority verdicts of having their kith and kin found guilty ,the judge who banged them up for prolonged sentences ,and yes deportation now awaits them,  good eh!...yes I trust all the immediate above...the BBC are dragging their feet,eventually have to speed up

  2. Long before Robinson came to prominence,there were others voicing concern,latterly there are some likened to the Muslm MP Naz Shah advising underage victims to "keep their mouths shut to stop dividing races"  attempting to silence the victims   how foul can muslim  UK politicians be?

       It was that Hindu MoL member,that baroness who persistently questioned their motives,she was so so right,far ahead of her peers,anyone voicing concern accused of racism(lol)

      They are now being exposed as never before,work practices too ,to get welfare they have to work,which they had every excuse not to,.good on Universal Credit,pity not introduced decades before,

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The real eyeopener is none of your off topic diversionary post has anything to do with the topic under discussion. 

    Absolutely nothing in this thread explains why these vile rapists were allowed to commit their crimes for so long.

    Nobody anywhere is this thread has excused the vile rapists of responsibility for their heinous crimes. 


    Myself and others are delighted that the judge in the trial of the vile rapists acted swiftly to prevent Yaxley Lennon's illegal actions collapsing the trial. 


    I despise Yaxley Lennon, he's done nothing to uncover any child rapists, he's done nothing to bring any child rapist to justice, he deliberately and knowingly committed contempt of court, even referring to the laws he was breaking as he did so. His actions gave grounds for the defence lawyers of the vile rapists to ask the judge to dismiss the jury and we should all consider it good luck that their attempt failed. 

    Like Yaxley Lennon, these vile rapists have a right to appeal - do not be at all surprised if they do appeal and do not be in the least bit surprised if they do so on the basis of Yaxley Lennon's behaviour. 


    I'm pleased not to be defending a criminal who has demonstrably put the trial and verdict against these vile rapists at risk. 


    This is exactly right,but somehow the snowflake tribe attempt to undermine the longstanding and I may add the understandable frustrations that are aimed at the muslim quarter.   Never thought the BBC would take on the mantle,but they did,10 years apart the widening drift of "us" and "them    go view it all, not hard to find,an hours worth of truth,..if it hurts?  well for snowflakes it surely will


      I have put this up before,the Great Satan,the yardstick that divides in the UK is Universal Credit,Pension Credit too,that frustrates them. Yes fought hard  pointing at dress sense/language/religious duties that put them at permanent disadvantage to white population,thought they might be excused at one point,but mass objections to that attempt ,sorta stopped it

    • Confused 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    I was responding to your assertion, "rubbish, thailand is flat on its back,if it does not change there will be civil unrest,no jobs,no money"  



    Jesus ,you again,just cannot help yourself.  Reading and digesting Bangkok Posts editorial,now more up-to the minute information there than ever will in your responses,now please go away  try and annoy someone else   Thank you

  5. 52 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    OK. Lets talk slowly .

    It was the BNP who first voiced their concerns about the Muslim rape gangs about 15-20 years ago , as I recall .

    Those claims were dismissed as being baseless racist claims .

    Tommy joined the BNP and the BNP continued to make the claims .

    Comprende vous ?

    There were other voices too,but yes they were most prominent,did a good expose too.  Baroness Trumpington  member House of Lords ,a Hindu,exposed the Muslim workings too,87% of them on welfare she published years ago,in FoI request,now cannot be assessed,all mention eradicated.   Universal Credit is the great Satan now,they knew about it years before inception and potential ,fought against it tooth and nail,to no avail

  6. On 7/5/2019 at 12:36 PM, Janner1 said:

                                      Entirely without prejudice 


    It has nothing to do with Brexiteers, It has everything to do with Powerful Remainers. Ask the Bank of England it was knocking the pound down the second the vote was in and for no reason other than punishment for voting the right way.

    Those same powerful remainers are continuing to hold up and screw up Brexit thereby denying democracy.


    You think you have it bad! Try living in this god forsaken country where food prices have deliberately gone through the roof, council tax is another mortgage, and we are having our ass taxed off us at every turn on top of which having worked hard for 47 long years saved all we could after tax in order to try to enjoy a few luxuries in retirement but instead now having to spend those savings to support a disgracefully low pension because the said savings attract 0% interest.

    Do yourself a favour come back for a month and see just how far your money will go, and then just maybe you will stop bitching about something you appear to know very little about.

    And that goes for the rest of the Oh woe is me brigade


    Yes 38 baht is a far cry from 55 just a short time ago and it is making life difficult, but brexiteers did not cause it. Currency manipulation by the banks is doing it. Why is the baht so strong and the £ so weak? It is because it is politically expedient to carry out an illegal action and ignore it’s illegality.


    Why is the Australian dollar, and many other currencies so weak? Is that also because of Brexit? Or does it have something to do with bankers and politics???

    Come on I know the coffee is total c—-p in Thailand but if you wake up and sniff hard enough some of you might just smell it

    GDP plus foreign reserves are high ,along with Japan makes it one of two strongest currencies in Asia,along with stable political govt.  cough ,cough    the way the Bangkok Post is stirring the pot,that will not last long

  7. 12 hours ago, marcusarelus said:



    Check the past 20 years above.  ????


    1.  It they could manipulate the baht they would have brought it down long ago.  Sorry it's the nutters in the UK that are bringing the pound down nothing to do with Thailand.  

    Nothing to do with "nutters" nor your continued observation of Wiki inspired comments.  The baht is manipulated,not downwards but upwards. You need further educating by reading and mainly the English language Thai newspapers.

       you keep suggesting the GBP against the Baht,but how do your sensibilities measure up to other currencies?  or is that a step far too far? ,historical events concering currency are nonsensical when junta intervention takes hold,one moment there,next moment not there

    • Thanks 1
  8. Methinks a get rich quick stunt.Known for Chinese not to pay maintenance fees or any other fees when owning property.

     Pattaya Posh supposedly 80% Chinese owned,bought with 18 month maintenance fees paid up front .     not hard to see where that building ends up 2 to 3 years down the road. The developers will have had their money,not interested after that selling pitch that got rid of them at one fell swoop   Same for the other proposed buildings, building a soon to be slum

    • Haha 1
  9. Miss you Mobi,like a long lost friend. Times I went to that bar of yours to meet you,and failed.

        Life now is as you take it,same age approx. not much in store,but do try and keep as fit as I can,the switch you made was just in time


      Many people here remember you,it was guys like you that gave this place an edge,someone to be admired


     All the Best Mobi

    • Like 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, THAIJAMES said:

    I will look into it I will be there for about 3 weeks I could stay longer if required.

    Right now I'm just trying to avoid having a biopsy and trying to get an MRI first to see if I need a biopsy.

    Must weigh heavy the not knowing, probably in the same boat as you if I

    live long enough.  

      if you have a day or so off just go to Delhi,counted 14 at least 3t machines,some with wide bore,cheap about 3 to 4 thousand Rps.  When I have MRIs done there always a resident doctor to interpret results,fact is the machine picks up and highlights the problem.   AS a foreigner they probably will attempt to jack up the price,just do a walk in with printed price off the net 


    if biopsy needed,more than probably there and then

  11. 1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

    2001-63. 2002-64.  67,73,73,69,69,61,53,48,48,49,48,53,52,47,43, 2018-43




    The above is the pound going down against the baht for 20 years.  A few years out of 20 going up does not a 20 year trend make.  

    So what? thrashing this thread to death to see you have the last word obviously.  It is the here and now that matters,of course the immediate future,but not looking so bright for Thailand,UK and other countries will recover..Thailand heading for another junta pact

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